COMMUNICATION Communication Skills of a Professional Communication is

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Communication Skills of a Professional ◦ Communication is an important skills for people!!!!! ◦

Communication Skills of a Professional ◦ Communication is an important skills for people!!!!! ◦ Professionals communicate by speaking and writing ◦ Natural speakers and writers are NOT very common ◦ We all need to practice our speaking and writing skills ◦ Use your fieldwork experience to improve your speaking and writing skills ◦ When communicating with clients avoid technical terms ex: Form 5843 needs your compliance ex: Your signature is needed on the permission form ◦ You can use technical terms when communicating with colleagues

Public Speaking ◦ Public speaking is identified as the leading phobia among adults in

Public Speaking ◦ Public speaking is identified as the leading phobia among adults in U. S. ◦ How do you feel about public speaking? ◦ You might be asked to speak in front of others at your fieldwork site a. conduct a parenting class b. introduce your self at a staff meeting/orientation c. conduct a workshop ◦ Quiet people may speak in pubic for professional reasons ◦ Your personality does not have to change in order for you to be an effective communicator

Professional Communication Skills These skills are separate from public speaking skills ◦ Maintain interest

Professional Communication Skills These skills are separate from public speaking skills ◦ Maintain interest in other people’s words ◦ Asking appropriate questions at the appropriate time ◦ Making self introduction ◦ Introducing other people ◦ Determining the appropriateness of a handshake ◦ Welcoming newcomers

Self-Presentation ◦ Are you aware of how you present yourself when you are communicating?

Self-Presentation ◦ Are you aware of how you present yourself when you are communicating? ◦ We send intentional and unintentional messages ◦ Self-monitoring: conscious evaluation of one’s own communication and language, including body language ◦ Observation is an important skill in self-monitoring ◦ Observe: yourself, other people, other person’s response to you ◦ What are some examples of self-monitoring in the workplace? 1. Avoid correcting supervisor’s error 2. Maintain the appearance of being interested during a long/uninteresting meeting/event 3. Not calling attention to people who arrive late

Self-Introduction ◦ You may be called to introduce yourself without prior warning ◦ Elevator

Self-Introduction ◦ You may be called to introduce yourself without prior warning ◦ Elevator speech: short speech that lasts 30 seconds- 3 minutes to introduce yourself/program ◦ Let's Watch ◦ A lot of information can be communicated ◦ Introduce yourself ◦ Explain your program ◦ Practice makes perfect ◦ You can deliver your “elevator speech” in any setting

Handshake and Touch ◦ Should you shake hands with everybody? ◦ Observe the setting

Handshake and Touch ◦ Should you shake hands with everybody? ◦ Observe the setting and culture ◦ Health concerns ◦ Wash ands before/after shaking hands ◦ Avoid touching your face until you wash your hands ◦ People who work with children model appropriate behavior ex: using a tissue for sneezing ex: sneezing into the crook of arms instead of your hands ex: offer a foot shake instead of touching an infant ◦ Should you hug children/teens/adults? ◦ Protect yourself from misinterpretations

Clothes Make the Professional ◦ Your attire will make a statement ◦ What kinds

Clothes Make the Professional ◦ Your attire will make a statement ◦ What kinds of clothing should you avoid? ◦ First impressions are important and made in 3 seconds ◦ How should you dress for “Casual Fridays”? ◦ Dress appropriately and look well put together even if it is casual ◦ You are communicating your personal brand to others ◦ You are also a role model for others ◦ Make up ◦ Hair style ◦ Perfume/lotion/sprays

Language and Demographic Sensitivity ◦ Get to know the community you are working in

Language and Demographic Sensitivity ◦ Get to know the community you are working in ◦ No cursing, sexist humor, unkind humor ◦ Use inclusive words: police officer ◦ Ethnic descriptors: Mexican American or Hispanic ◦ Ecumenical: representing many different faith ◦ Ask: Do you wish to be referred to as Latino or Hispanic? ◦ Provide an interpreter and do not expect family members(children) to interpret ◦ Ask about language of preference. Do not assume based on physical appearance or last name ◦ In some cultures there is one person who speaks for the entire family

Avoid these terms ◦ Review page 157 Table 5 -6 Average family Broken family

Avoid these terms ◦ Review page 157 Table 5 -6 Average family Broken family Deviant family Dysfunctional family Good family Normal family Standard family

Restraint and Response ◦ A professional asks many questions to gather information about the

Restraint and Response ◦ A professional asks many questions to gather information about the client ◦ You have to also practice restraint so that you do not offend clients ◦ Ask questions that will help you provide appropriate services ◦ Will your questions make the person feel cared for, acknowledged? ◦ Will your question cause discomfort/self-consciousness? ◦ Will your question irritate the person? ◦ Aren’t you hot in that? ◦ Are you wearing make up today? ◦ What do you do when you hear sensitive information? ex: ”I’m sorry to hear that. ” ◦ Let the client bring it up at a later meeting

Confidentiality ◦ Confidentiality: Protection of personal information and identity ◦ Keep private information to

Confidentiality ◦ Confidentiality: Protection of personal information and identity ◦ Keep private information to yourself ◦ If you have to consult with a supervisor, keep identity of the person private ◦ If you are sharing an example in class, keep identity of the person private ◦ Do not discuss clients with family, friends, at work