Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

- Slides: 51

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 1 pt

This allowed Congress to establish a Federal Court System? 1 -5

Judiciary Act of 1789 3

George Washington did this, while England France were at war with each other in Europe. 1 -10

Declared Neutrality 5

What is a Precedent? 1 -15 6

A tradition set for others to follow. 7

George Washington is still considered a great president because he created many ____ still followed today 1 -20 8

Precedents 9

What did the Excise Tax cause? 1 -25 10

Whiskey Rebellion 11

Which political party favored state banks? 2 -5 12

Democratic. Republicans 13

Which political party believed in a strong National Government? 2 -10

Federalist 15

The group of advisors that help the President make decisions is called ____? 2 -15

The Cabinet 17

A 100$ bond costs _____? 2 -20

$50 19

The first ten amendments added to the constitution is called the? 2 -25

Bill of Rights 21

The _______ is the amount of money a nations government owes. 3 -5

National Debt 23

This court has the final say on any laws in the United States? 3 -10

The United States Supreme Court 25

George Washington believed these would divide the nation 3 -15

Political Parties 27

Which political party favored the British and a National Bank? 3 -20

The Federalists 29

Whose financial plan called to pay off state’s debt and put excise taxes on whiskey? 3 -25

Alexander Hamilton’s 31

This law gave the president power to deport aliens? 4 -5

Alien Act 33

This law made it a crime to speak criticisms about the government? 4 -10

Sedition Act 35

In this event Adam refused to contribute even 1 cent for tribute? 4 -15

XYZ affair 37

The Sedition Act violated which Amendment? 4 -20

Freedom of Speech 39

This would give states the right to nullify federal laws? 4 -25

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions 41

This act puts many republicans in jail and causes Adams to become very unpopular? 5 -5

The Sedition Acts 43

Hamilton’s desire for war with France causes which party to split? 5 -10

The Federalists party (Hamilton vs. Adams) 45

This president left office in the middle of the night believing he was unsuccessful? 5 -15

John Adams 47

When Adams is President and Jefferson is Vice President why do they dislike each other? 5 -20

They belonged to different parties with opposite ideals 49

Who was the leader of the Democratic. Republicans? 5 -25

Thomas Jefferson 51
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