Colonizing the World I Colonial Rule in India

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Colonizing the World

Colonizing the World

I. Colonial Rule in India A. 1763: British took control – British East India

I. Colonial Rule in India A. 1763: British took control – British East India Company B. 1857: Sepoy Mutiny – native soldiers rebelled against Brit. C. 1858: India became part of British Empire D. Benefits of British rule 1. Set up education system, brought new technology, built roads and hospitals E. Cost of British rule 1. Only wealthy were educated 2. Brought economic hardship a. Had to buy from and pay taxes to British 3. Forced many farmers to grow cotton a. Not enough food b. Famines – 30 million Indians starved to death between 1800 -1900 4. Indians treated as racially inferior

F. Indian Independence movement 1. Early nationalists were wealthy and educated a. preferred reform

F. Indian Independence movement 1. Early nationalists were wealthy and educated a. preferred reform over revolution 2. Mohandas Gandhi – led independence a. used non-violent resistance - don’t fight back against violence b. wanted aid for poor and independence from Britain

II. Colonial Takeover in Africa A. “Dark Continent” – unknown to outside world B.

II. Colonial Takeover in Africa A. “Dark Continent” – unknown to outside world B. Suez Canal created shorter trade route 1. British, French, Ottoman Empire controlled 2. 1875: Britain paid to increase control of Suez Canal 3. 1882: Britain created “protectorate” over Egypt C. The Congo - Europeans increased control 1. Belgian exploration increased interest 2. 1884: Berlin Conference - European powers divided control of Africa a. led to “Scramble for Africa” 1878 – 1914

III. China A. Restricted foreigners to small trading areas along coast B. British had

III. China A. Restricted foreigners to small trading areas along coast B. British had trade deficit with China – led to Opium War 1839 – 1842 C. 1842: Treaty of Nanking 1. Five seaports opened to Britain 2. Island of Hong Kong given to Britain 3. Started strong Western influence D. 1870 – 1914: China carved into spheres of influence for trading rights E. 1899: US promoted Open Door Policy – equal trading rights + respect China’s territorial control F. Sun Yat-Sen proclaimed a republic

IV. Colonial Takeover in Southeast Asia A. Most of region ruled by France by

IV. Colonial Takeover in Southeast Asia A. Most of region ruled by France by 1900 B. United States defeated Spanish and took control of islands in Pacific Ocean

V. Japan A. 1853: Commodore Matthew Perry led expedition 1. “convinced” shogun to open

V. Japan A. 1853: Commodore Matthew Perry led expedition 1. “convinced” shogun to open ports for trade with U. S. B. 1867: Meiji Restoration – more power to emperor 1. goal to strengthen against Western threat a. built up military and industrialized C. Japan won both Sino-Japanese War (1894 -95) and Russo. Japanese War (1904 -05)