Collison Road Mayo Community Cadle Creek Rhode River

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Collison Road - Mayo Community Cadle Creek – Rhode River Watershed Bob Smith

Collison Road - Mayo Community Cadle Creek – Rhode River Watershed Bob Smith

Social Assessment • Who lives, works and plays in your community? Single family homes,

Social Assessment • Who lives, works and plays in your community? Single family homes, 12 homes on the street. 3 families, 3 retires and the rest are couples. Somewhat social – 4 times a year there are get-togethers. About ½ the homes have dogs. Not transient- people move in and stay! No formal communication among neighbors – we talk to each other on the street. • Where do people hang out or spend their time? Kids play on the street. Owners work on homes and yards. 5 have direct water access for boating. • What issues are most important to your community? People have awareness about the creek and their impacts. Only 1 house uses fertilizer. People like the peace and quiet on the side street. Some neighbors are impacted by the noise of Central Ave. We have a very high water table and clay soils so drainage is a concern.

Environmental Assessment • Minor pollution sources: pet waste • Positive Aspects Quiet dead end

Environmental Assessment • Minor pollution sources: pet waste • Positive Aspects Quiet dead end street with good relationships among neighbors Lots of older trees Well maintained landscapes Interest in use/health of Rhode River Everyone recycles

Environmental Assessment Rain. Scaping Techniques Rain barrels with adjacent conservation landscapes Wet location plantings

Environmental Assessment Rain. Scaping Techniques Rain barrels with adjacent conservation landscapes Wet location plantings in swales

The larger community – Triton Beach Park • Install a proper Buffer

The larger community – Triton Beach Park • Install a proper Buffer

Community Vision To have more residents implement BMPs that improve water quality, and increase

Community Vision To have more residents implement BMPs that improve water quality, and increase wildlife habitat for all to enjoy.