College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of

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College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Wright State

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Wright State University Regular Class Aircraft SAE Aero Design East Competition “Raiders” Team Number 020 Andrew Fleming Gregory Palm Rebekah Puterbaugh Team Advisor: Dr. Scott Thomas Team Pilot: Eddie Noble April 16, 2004

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Project Goals

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Project Goals n n n Design with high-lift criteria in mind Meet all design competition requirements Built so pilot can easily control the plane Minimize weight wherever possible Have working plane with multiple test flights prior to the competition

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Airfoil Selection

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Airfoil Selection n n High-lift airfoil required Three designs singled out – Selig 1223 – Selig 1210 – NACA 6412 n XFOIL used to determine airfoil performance – – n Angle of attack = 0 degrees Re = 310000 Mach =. 0221 Flap deflection = 0 degrees Selected Airfoil – Selig 1223 cl cm cd S 1223 2. 0249 -0. 259 0. 02464 S 1210 1. 8810 -0. 230 0. 01884 NACA 6412 1. 5036 -0. 139 0. 01557

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Engine Test

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Engine Test Stand n n n Designed by Wright State Aero Design Team 2003 Initially for engine “break-in” Primarily for static thrust measurements using various propellers Propeller RPM Thrust Produced (lbs. ) 10 x 8 Zinger 14500 4. 75 11 x 7 Masterscrew 13290 6. 00 13 x 5 Zinger 10740 7. 90 13 x 6 APC 10690 8. 70 14 x 6 Zinger 8280 7. 75 15 x 6 APC 7000 6. 50

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Calculations Lift

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Calculations Lift Rolling Drag Net Thrust/Acceleration Wing Drag Effective Weight Instantaneous Velocity Fuselage Drag Total Distance n n Simultaneous equations with time as driving variable Chord length and density referenced for instant updates From initial time to liftoff From goal weight and required takeoff distance, determined chord length

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Construction Methods

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Construction Methods n Fuselage – Foam laminated with balsa on one side n Nose – Balsa build-up n Wings – Balsa build-up n Tail – Foam laminated with balsa sheeting on both sides

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Taxi Test:

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Taxi Test: March 27, 2004 n n n Plane taxied in the parking lot of Russ Engineering Center Lift-off with a small payload Design Improvements – Lightening process n n n Lightening holes located in tail and rear fuselage Lighter rear landing gear Net weight loss: . 91 lbs. – New nose gear – Cross members located closer to wing

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Takeoff Test

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Takeoff Test 1: April 7, 2004 n Several parameters adjusted – Propeller – Payload – Flap Deflection n Top Result – 13 x 6 APC Propeller – 40% Flap deflection – Approximately 180 feet for takeoff n Design Improvements – – Taller gear set Adjustment of payload base Small rear drag wheel Fixed elevator servo

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Takeoff Test

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Takeoff Test 2: April 10, 2004 n Failures – Nose gear – Rear landing gear n Design Improvements – Improved soldering on nose gear extension – Reinforced rear landing gear mount

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Budget n

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Budget n Estimated total plane costs: $1, 354. 12 n Major Cost Breakdown

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Project Timeline

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Project Timeline

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Lessons Learned

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Lessons Learned n R/C Aircraft Building Skills – – n Phases of the project take longer than anticipated Optimizing aircraft for top performance Basic R/C model building skills Engine testing and fine tuning Team Building Skills – Project phase planning – Optimizing work time for each team member – Solving design conflicts

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Flight Test

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Flight Test Video

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Questions?

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Questions?

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Questions?

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Questions?

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page #1

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page #2

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page #3

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page #4

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page

College of Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Design Page #5