Climate Change What is climate change Climate change

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Climate Change

Climate Change

What is climate change ? • Climate change occurs when changes in Earth's climate

What is climate change ? • Climate change occurs when changes in Earth's climate system result in new weather patterns that last for at least a few decades, and maybe for millions of years. The climate system is comprised of five interacting parts, the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), cryosphere (ice and permafrost), and lithosphere (earth's crust and upper mantle).

Causes of climate change • Humans are the first cause of climate change by

Causes of climate change • Humans are the first cause of climate change by • Farming livestock • Burning fossil fuels • Cutting down the trees and raindrops

 • Greenhouse gases • Some gases on the earth , s atmosphere act

• Greenhouse gases • Some gases on the earth , s atmosphere act a bit like the glass in the green house by trapping the sun¨s heat and stopping it from leaking back into space • Many of them are naturally like • Co 2 / methane /nitrous oxide /flurated gases

Solutions of climate change • We must change what we eat and how we

Solutions of climate change • We must change what we eat and how we produce it to keep climate change below 2 degrees • Rationalize the use of fuels in transportation by choosing the means of tranport that dont need fuel such as cycling or walking • Planting trees because they absorb carbon dioxide through phto synthesis –one tree can absorb one tonne of carbon dioxide-

 • Rationalization of hot water consumption by purchasing water flow reduction parts •

• Rationalization of hot water consumption by purchasing water flow reduction parts • Rationalization of electricity consumption by turning off the lights when leaving the room and turn off the electrical appliances whilev not using them • Reduce non-recyclable waste