“And I heard the number of the sealed, 144, 000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel” (Rev 7: 4) 144, 000 People of Israel
Revelation 7: 5 -8 12, 000 from the tribe of Judah 12, 000 from tribe of Reuben 12, 000 …Gad …Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin
“Israel” Those who trust in God’s Promise of Salvation (cf. Rom 9 -11; esp 11: 25 -26)
“ 144, 000” • Figure of Speech • Description *How does John know that there are 144, 000 Christian soldiers on earth?
“ 10” “Perfection” 10 x 10 “Trinity of Perfection”
“ 12” “Wholeness” “Completeness”
12 x 1000 = ? “Wholeness” x “Completeness” Each Individual Group or Tribe is: Complete, Whole, and Sealed* by God
12 x 12, 000 = ? 144, 000 of God’s People ON EARTH aka: the complete “Church Militant” *How does John know that there are 144, 000 Christian soldiers on earth?
Church Triumphant How many? How does John know? How did they get there? Where did they come from?
Church in Heaven "Church Triumphant" _________ Church on Earth “Church Militant”
"One Holy, Christian, Apostolic Church… the communion of saints. . . " Ref. Ezek 43: 1 -5