China Shang Zhou Dynasty CHAPTER 3 4 Shang

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Shang & Zhou Dynasty CHAPTER 3. 4

Shang & Zhou Dynasty CHAPTER 3. 4

Shang Dynasty � 1766 -1122 BCE �Developed in northern China �Large palaces and walled

Shang Dynasty � 1766 -1122 BCE �Developed in northern China �Large palaces and walled cities have been discovered �King ruled a small portion �Princes and Nobles governed most of the land �Noblewomen may have had some status during this time period

Shang Dynasty �Social Structure Royal Family & Noble Warriors � Warriors chariots used leather

Shang Dynasty �Social Structure Royal Family & Noble Warriors � Warriors chariots used leather armor, bronze weapons, and horse-drawn Artisans and Merchants � Artisans provided goods for nobles � Merchants exchanged Chinese goods for those not found in China Peasants � Majority of people � Farmed � All members of the family worked in the field � Men had to fight alongside noblemen if war broke out between noble families

Zhou Dynasty � 1122 -256 BCE New Dynasty �Dynastic Cycle �Claimed the Mandate of

Zhou Dynasty � 1122 -256 BCE New Dynasty �Dynastic Cycle �Claimed the Mandate of Heaven to justify rebellion �Crash Course New group claims the mandate of Heaven Revolt Corruption Loses mandate of Heaven

Zhou Feudalism �Feudalism- A system of government in which local lords governed their own

Zhou Feudalism �Feudalism- A system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other forms of support to the ruler �Supporters were given chunks of land then distributed it to peasants to farm �Feudal lords gained more power than the Zhou kings during the 800 s BCE

Zhou Growth �Ironworking knowledge reached China in the 600 s BCE �Farmers produced more

Zhou Growth �Ironworking knowledge reached China in the 600 s BCE �Farmers produced more food due to improvements �Began using copper coins �New roads and canals �Increase in population �Nobles expanded territory

Zhou Decline � 256 BCE China was a large, wealthy, and highly developed civilization

Zhou Decline � 256 BCE China was a large, wealthy, and highly developed civilization �Zhou rulers were too weak to control the feudal lords who constantly fought over land (Warring States Period) �One strong warrior imposed political unity and started the Qin Dynasty in 221 BCE