Chat class Chat extends Comet Actor with Comet Slides: 11 Download presentation Chat コンポーネントの定義 class Chat extends Comet. Actor with Comet. Listener { private var msgs: List[String] = Nil def register. With = Chat. Server override def low. Priority = { case m: List[String] => msgs = m; re. Render(false) } import scala. xml. Node. Seq def render = bind("chat", // バインディングのための名前空間 "line" -> lines _, // 関数 lines をバインド "input" -> SHtml. text("", s => Chat. Server ! s)) private def lines(xml: Node. Seq): Node. Seq = msgs. reverse. flat. Map(m => bind("chat", xml, "msg" -> m)) } 解説は次ページ Index. htmlの中身 <lift: surround with="default" at="content"> <lift: comet type="Chat"> <ul> <chat: line> <li><chat: msg/></li> </chat: line> </ul> <lift: form> <chat: input/> <input type="submit" value="chat"/> </lift: form> </lift: comet> </lift: surround> Extends testcaseIn greenfoot, you can cast an actor class to a world class?Extends jframe implements actionlistenerClass nthread extends threadClass manager extends employeeưu trươngComet class ibewExtends and implements differenceBap coverage extends to mobile equipment as long as it isArytenoid cartilageWhat is polymorphismIncludes vs extends use case