CHAPTER 4 The Professionalization of Teaching By Kimberly

CHAPTER 4 The Professionalization of Teaching By: Kimberly Jean Yu Sildo

Objectives Compare PD 1006 and RA 7836, laws that professionalized teaching. Explain how the amendments in RA 9293 support the teaching profession. Have developed deeper appreciation for the PROFESSIONALIZATION OF TEACHING and the TEACHING PROFESSION itself. Have felt the impact of the PROFESSIONALIZATION OF TEACHING on your future life as full – pledged professional teacher.

Lesson 1 Basic Laws on the Professionalization of Teaching

Presidential Decree 1006 January 1, 1997 “Providing for the Professionalization of Teachers, Regulating Their Practice in the Philippines” Also known as “Decree Professionalizing Teaching”

PD 1006 was premised on the ff: 1. “Teachers whose direct and continuing interaction with the young people and the children make them potent forces for the development of proper attitudes among the citizenry; 2. The tremendous growth of the teaching population 3. To insure that in the immediacy and urgency of the teacher recruitments are not overlooked,

PD 1006 was premised on the ff: 4. Teachers requires a number of years of collegiate study, 5. In recognition of the vital role of the teachers in nation – building and as an incentive to raise the morale of teachers, it is imperative that they be considered as professionals and teaching be recognized as a profession” (PD 1006)

PD 1006 Declared a policy that teacher education be of the highest quality and strongly oriented to Philippine conditions and to the needs and aspirations of the Filipino people. The Civil Service Commission and the Department of Education and Culture jointly gave examination for teachers. Passers who were qualified were given Professional Teacher Certificate.

PD 1006 It made teacher’s license a requirement for teaching. “Three years after the effectivity of this Decree, no person shall engage in teaching and/or act as a teacher as Defined in this Decree, whether in public or private elementary or secondary school, unless he is holder of Professional Teacher Certificate or considered as Professional Teacher under this Decree”

PD 1006 1991 Congressional Commission affirmed the continuously deteriorating quality of education in our country. The Congressional Commission to Review and Assess Philippine Education (EDCOM) came out with the finding that the “quality of Philippine Education is declining” and the teachers are “at the heart of the problem”

The EDCOM found: Teachers are poorly trained; There is low quality of students enrolled in teacher training; and Teaching is perceived as a poorly esteemed profession.

Republic Act No. 7836 1994 another law on teacher’s professionalization namely RA No. 7836 Known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994” was enacted. The Act created by the Board for Professional Teachers. Professional Regulation Commission gives Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)

QUALITY “to get the BEST and the BRIGHTEST”

Republic Act No. 9293 It is in support move to hire the most cosmpetent teachers in the classroom.

Presidential Decree 1006 Providing for the Professionalization of Teachers, Regulating Their Practice in the Philippines

Republic Act No. 7836 Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

Republic Act No. 9293 An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act No. 7836 otherwise known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994”

Thank You Po!
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