Chapter 4 Rules and Regulations for Safe Driving

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Chapter 4 Rules and Regulations for Safe Driving

1. What is a common cause of fatal accidents and other types of accidents? Exceeding the speed limit

2. 2. New Jersey law sets top speed limits for any given road, street, highway, or freeway. New Jersey speed limits (unless otherwise posted) are? • 25 mph- business or residential districts, school zones (C) • 35 mph- suburban business and residential areas (D) • 50 mph- all other roadways (B) • 55 mph- certain state highways (as posted) (A) • 65 mph- certain interstate highways (as posted) (E)

3. Never drive faster than: Weather, road or other conditions safely allow, regardless of the posted speed limit.

4. It is important to slow down: Ø On narrow or winding roads Ø At intersections or railroad crossings Ø On hills Ø On sharp or blind curves Ø Where there are pedestrians or driving hazards Ø When the road is wet or slippery

5. Passing is prohibited: If the centerlines are both solid.

6. Passing is allowed: If the centerline is dashed on the drivers right side.

7. You may pass on the right only on roads with more than one lane going in the same direction if: a. Vehicles on the roadway are moving in two or more substantially continuous lines, b. Or if the driver ahead is making a left turn.

8. New Jersey law prohibits passing: On the right shoulder of the roadway.

9. Do not pass: • on a hill or a curve, or at any time you cannot see far enough ahead; • at a street crossing or intersection; • at a railroad crossing; • on narrow bridges, or in underpasses, or tunnels; • when a sign tells you not to pass or there is a solid yellow line on your side of the center line marking; • when a vehicle in front of you has stopped to let a pedestrian cross.

Except when passing 10. The laws of New Jersey require you to keep to the right,

11. You must yield to: police ambulance fire trucks

12. An intersection is controlled if: There are traffic lights or signs in any direction

13. An intersection is uncontrolled when: 2 or more roads join and there is no traffic signal or regulatory device.

14. You should keep what in mind when entering a highway, parkway or turnpike. • Speed up to the flow of traffic when leaving the acceleration lane • Try to avoid coming to a complete stop in the acceleration lane • Yield to traffic and enter the right-hand lane when safe

15. You should keep what in mind when leaving a highway, parkway or turnpike. • Start slowing down when entering a deceleration lane to exit • Obey the posted advisory speed limit of the deceleration lane • When the exit is on the left of the roadway, watch for signs directing motorist to the proper lane for turnoff

After a full stop unless there is a No Turn On Red Sign 16. New Jersey law permits a right turn on a red light:

17. To make a right turn: Drive to the intersection as closely to the right as possible, keeping near to the curb or parked cars.

18. When two vehicles converge at an intersection and both have signaled to turn left: • Extra caution must be applied. • When it is safe, each driver should turn to the left of the center of the intersection.

19. When must you STOP? § at an intersection with a stop sign; § where there is a red light; * § where there is a flashing red light; § when a traffic officer orders you to stop; ** § when there is a yield sign and traffic on the through road is too close; § when a school bus is picking up or letting off children and/or the red lights are flashing; § when coming from an alley, private driveway, or building; § at a bridge span which is about to open for boat traffic; § for a blind pedestrian using a white or metallic colored walking cane, or a trained guide dog, or a guide dog instructor engaged in instructing a guide dog; § at a railroad crossing; § for a pedestrian in a crosswalk or at an intersection.

20. Motorist must stop at least how many feet from railroad crossings when there are flashing lights, bells or flag signals? • 15 FEET

21. If you are approaching or overtaking a school bus and it shows a flashing red light, signaling a stop, you must: • Stop at least 25 feet away. • This is required by law if you are on a two-lane road, or on a multi lane highway where lanes are only separated by lines, or on a privatelymaintained road. • Slow down to 10 miles per hour on a dual highway, if you are on the other side of a safety island or raised median.

• • Police cars Fire Trucks Ambulances Private vehicles operated by volunteer fire and rescue squad members responding to an emergency call using BLUE lights. 22. Pull over and stop for what emergency vehicles?

23. It’s the law in New Jersey to turn your headlights on: • Whenever windshield wipers are in use.

24. What two sets of light beams does your car have? • Motorists may switch between: • BRIGHT (High) and • DIM ( Low) beams by using a switch or button located on or near the dashboard of the vehicle. • For deep fog, LOW BEAMS are better for visibility.

25. DO NOT PARK: • on a crosswalk or sidewalk; • between a safety zone for pedestrians and the adjacent curb, or 20 feet of the end of the safety zone; • near properly marked street construction; • on an interstate highway; • within 25 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection or side line of a street or intersection highway, except at alleys; • within 50 feet of a railroad crossing; • within 50 feet of a stop sign; • within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station. Within 75 feet on the street opposite a fire station entrance; • in a bus stop zone; • on any bridge, elevated roadway or in any tunnel; • in front of a public or private driveway; • next to another vehicle parked at the curb (double parking); • within an intersection; • an area where parking is prohibited by municipal ordinance • within 10 feet of a fire hydrant;

26. State law prohibits the use of cellular devices, however may be used for emergency situations such as: • • Fire Accident Emergencies Reporting Road Hazards

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