Chapter 3 Experimental Error 3 1 Significant Figures

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Chapter 3 Experimental Error 3 -1 Significant Figures The number of significant figures is

Chapter 3 Experimental Error 3 -1 Significant Figures The number of significant figures is the minimum number of digits needed to write a given value in scientific notation without loss of precision 9. 25 × 104 9. 2500 × 104 3 significant figures

3 -2 Significant Figures in Arithmetic We now consider how many digits to retain

3 -2 Significant Figures in Arithmetic We now consider how many digits to retain in the answer After you have performed arithmetic operations with your data - Addition and Subtraction 1. 362 × 10 -4 + 3. 111 × 10 -4 4. 473 × 10 -4 5. 345 + 6. 728 12. 073 7. 26 × 10 14 -6. 69 × 10 14 0. 57 × 10 14 18. 9984032 (F) + 18. 9984032 (F) + 83. 789 (Kr) 121. 794 8064 1. 632 × 105 +4. 107 × 103 +0. 984 × 106 1. 632 × +0. 04107 × +9. 84 × 11. 51 × 105 105

- Multiplication and Division In multiplication and division, we are normally limited to the

- Multiplication and Division In multiplication and division, we are normally limited to the Number of digits contained in the number with the fewest significant figures: 3. 26 × 10 -5 × 1. 78 5. 80 × 10 -5 4. 3179 × 1012 × 3. 6 × 10 -19 1. 6 × 10 -6 34. 60 ÷ 2. 46287 14. 05 - Logarithms and antilogarithms IF n = 10 a, than we say that a is the base logarithm of n :

A logarithm is composed of a characteristic and a mantissa. The characteristic is the

A logarithm is composed of a characteristic and a mantissa. The characteristic is the integer part and the mantissa is the decimal part log 339=2. 530 log 3. 39× 10 -5= -4. 470 Characteristic Mantissa Characteristic Mantissa = 2 =0. 530 =-4 =0. 470 10 2. 531 =340(339. 6) 10 2. 530 =339(338. 8) 10 2. 529 =338(338. 1) antilog (-3. 42) = 10 -3. 42 = 3. 8 × 10 -4 log 0. 001237= -2. 9076 antilog 4. 37=2. 3 × 10 4 Log 1. 237= 3. 0924 10 4. 37=2. 3 × 10 4 Log 3. 2=0. 51 10 -2. 600=2. 51 × 10 -3

3 -3 Types of Error SYSTEMATIC ERROR Systematic error , also called determinate error

3 -3 Types of Error SYSTEMATIC ERROR Systematic error , also called determinate error arises from a flaw In equipment or the design of experiment.

Random error, also called indeterminate error arises from uncontrolled (and maybe uncontrollable) Precision and

Random error, also called indeterminate error arises from uncontrolled (and maybe uncontrollable) Precision and accuracy Precision describes the reproducibility of a result, if you measure A quantity several time and the values agree closely with on another your measurement is precise. Accrue describes how close a measured value is to the “true” value If a known stands is available , accuracy hoe close your value is to the known value Absolute and relative uncertainty Absolute uncertainty expresses the margin of uncertainty associated With a measurement. Relative uncertainty compares the size of the absolute uncertainty With the size of its associated measuremen

3 -4 Propagation of Uncertainty from Random Error 2 We can usually estimate or

3 -4 Propagation of Uncertainty from Random Error 2 We can usually estimate or measure the random error associated with measurement, Such as the length of an object or the temperature of a solution - Addition and Subtraction 1. 76 (± 0. 03) + 1. 89 (± 0. 02) -0. 59(± 0. 02) 3. 06(±e 4) e 1 e 2 e 3 Percent relative uncertainty=0. 041 × 100=1. 3% 3. 06

- Multiplication and Division

- Multiplication and Division

Uncertainty in molecular mass

Uncertainty in molecular mass

◉ Significant Figure Convention convention → (the digits known with centainty) + (the first

◉ Significant Figure Convention convention → (the digits known with centainty) + (the first uncertain one) ex) 61. 60, 61. 46, 61. 55, 61. 61의 평균 61. 555 �� 61. 555(± 0. 069) 61. 6 ± 0. 1 ���� > 소수 2째자리 수 → 불확실 하므로 61. 55⑤ → 반올림 5일 경우 가장 가까운 자리수가 짝수가 되도록 한다. 즉, 61. 56 → 61. 56(± 0. 07)

 Errors in Chemical Analyses ▶오차의 종류와 오차의 검출방법

Errors in Chemical Analyses ▶오차의 종류와 오차의 검출방법

■ absolute error, E * xt : accepted value xi : observed value ⇒

■ absolute error, E * xt : accepted value xi : observed value ⇒ 부호 (+/-) 있음: 측정값이 작으면 “ – “ 측정값이 크면 “ + “ E 계산 ex) 그림 5 -1, xt = 20. 00 ppm 19. 80 ppm의 absolute error = -0. 2 ppm 20. 10 ppm의 absolute error = +0. 1 ppm

Absolute errors in the micro-Kjeldahl determination (질소 함량 결정) Analyst 1 : relatively high

Absolute errors in the micro-Kjeldahl determination (질소 함량 결정) Analyst 1 : relatively high precision relatively high accuracy Analyst 3 : precision is excellent significant error exists Analyst 2 : poor precision good accuracy Analyst 4 : poor precision poor accuracy

Sources of systematic errors Three types of systematic errors 1) instrumental errors 2) method

Sources of systematic errors Three types of systematic errors 1) instrumental errors 2) method errors 3) personal errors

Detection of systematic instrumental & personal errors ⇒ Instrumental error • can be founded

Detection of systematic instrumental & personal errors ⇒ Instrumental error • can be founded and corrected by calibration • 주기적 검정이 필요 • 분석물의 반응에 영향을 주는 interference 가 시료에 존재하여 기기오차가 발생하는 경우 → 단순한 검정으로 영향제거 불가능 → 8 C-1 에서 제거방법 설명 ⇒ Personal error • 주의, 훈련에 의해 최소화 할 수 있음 • Check instrument reading, notebook entries & calculations • 실험자의 한계로 인한 error는 분석방법을 잘 선택하여 피함

http: //www. nist. gov/

http: //www. nist. gov/

http: //ts. nist. gov/measurementservices/referencematerials/index. cfm

http: //ts. nist. gov/measurementservices/referencematerials/index. cfm

105. 4 Toxic Substances in Urine (powder form) SRMs 2670 a, 2671 a and

105. 4 Toxic Substances in Urine (powder form) SRMs 2670 a, 2671 a and 2672 a are for determining toxic substances in human urine. They consist of freeze-dried urine and are provided in sets of four 30 m. L bottles -- two each at low and elevated levels. NOTE: The values listed for these SRMs apply only to reconstituted urine.

- Absolute and Relative Uncertainty

- Absolute and Relative Uncertainty

6 C-1 Standard Deviation of a Sum or Difference Absolute standard deviation The variance

6 C-1 Standard Deviation of a Sum or Difference Absolute standard deviation The variance of y (sy 2) The standard deviation of the result (sy) ∴

6 C-2 Standard Deviation of a Product or Quotient Relative standard deviation Absolute standard

6 C-2 Standard Deviation of a Product or Quotient Relative standard deviation Absolute standard deviation ∴ 0. 0104 (± 0. 0003)

6 C Standard Deviation of Calculated Results

6 C Standard Deviation of Calculated Results

6 D Reporting Computed Data ⇒ Data의 quality를 알 수 없는 결과는 가치가 없음

6 D Reporting Computed Data ⇒ Data의 quality를 알 수 없는 결과는 가치가 없음 ⇒ 항상 data의 신뢰도를 나타내어야 함 ⇒ 신뢰도를 나타내는 가장 좋은 방법중의 하나는 90% 또는 95% confidence level 에서 confidence interval을 제시 ⇒ 또 다른 방법으로 data의 absolute standard deviation 또는 coefficient of variation을 보고 → data의 수도 같이 표기 ⇒ 덜 만족스럽지만 data quality를 나타내는 좀더 일반적인 것은 significant figure convention 임

6 D-2 Significant Figure in Numerical Computations 산술 계산시 → 적절한 유효숫자의 수를 결정

6 D-2 Significant Figure in Numerical Computations 산술 계산시 → 적절한 유효숫자의 수를 결정 하도록 함 Sums and Differences 3. 4 + 0. 020 + 7. 31 = 10. 730 (round to 10. 7)

Products and Quotients 반올림 = 1. 1 = 1. 08 Relative uncertainty in the

Products and Quotients 반올림 = 1. 1 = 1. 08 Relative uncertainty in the result 반올림 = 0. 96 Relative uncertainty in the result

Logarithms and Antilogarithms

Logarithms and Antilogarithms

6 D-3 Rounding Data 예) 61. 06, 61. 46, 61. 55, 61. 61 →

6 D-3 Rounding Data 예) 61. 06, 61. 46, 61. 55, 61. 61 → → the result as 61. 6 ± 0. 1 = 61. 555, s = 0. 069 x