Chapter 28 UML Activity Diagrams and Modeling If

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Chapter 28 UML Activity Diagrams and Modeling “ If it wasn’t backed-up, then it wasn’t important. ” - The Sysadmin Motto Objectives • Introduce UML activity diagram notation, with examples, and various modeling applications. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Introduction • A UML activity diagram shows sequential and parallel activities in a process. • They are useful for modeling business processes, workflows, data flows, and complex algorithms as well as use cases. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 2

Fig 28. 1 Basic UML activity diagram notation. • • Once an action is finished, there is an automatic outgoing transition. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 3 The diagram can show both control flow and data flow.

Business Process Modeling • “A picture worth a thousand words. ” • Use activity diagrams when necessary to understand complex business processes by visualizing them. – See multiple parties and parallel actions involved at once. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week. DFD 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 Fig 28. 2 Classic notation. 4

Data Flow Modeling • In the 1970 s, Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) became a popular way to visualize the major steps and data involved in softwarea system processes. • DFDs were useful to document the major data flows or to explore a new high-level design in terms of data flow. • UML activity diagrams can be used for data flow modeling, replacing traditional DFD notation. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 5

Fig. 28. 3 Applying activity diagram notation to show a data flow model. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 6

Fig. 28. 4 An activity will be expanded in another diagram. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Fig. 28. 5 The expansion of an activity. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Fig. 28. 6 Signals. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Guidelines • Activity modeling proves most valuable for complex processes, usually involving many parties. Use-case text suffices for simple processes. • If modeling a business process, take advantage of the “rake” notation and sub-activity diagrams. – On the first overview “level 0” diagram, keep all the actions at a very high level of abstraction, so that the diagram is short and sweet. – Expand the detains in subdiagrams at “level 1” and so on. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 10

Fig. 28. 7 Modeling the Process Sale use case with an activity diagram. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Process: Activity Diagrams in the UP • One of the UP disciplines is Business Modeling; its purpose is to understand communicate “the structure and dynamics of the organization in which a system is deployed. ” • A key artifact of the Business Modeling discipline is the Business Object Model, a superset of the UP Domain Model – visualizes how a business works, using UML class, sequence, and activity diagrams. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 12

Chapter 29 UML State Machine Diagrams and Modeling “ No, no you’re not thinking, you are just being logical. ” - Niels Bohr Objectives • Introduce UML state machine diagram notation, with examples, and various modeling applications. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Introduction • As with activity diagrams, UML sate diagrams show a dynamic view. – İllustrates the events and states of things – transactions, use cases, people, and so forth. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 14

Fig. 29. 1 State machine diagram for a telephone. • Illustrates the interesting events and states of an object, and the behavior of an object in reaction to an event. • A state machine diagram shows the lifecycle of an object: what events it experiences, its transitions, and the states it is in between these events. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 15

Events, States and Transactions • Event – is an occurrence that triggered the state. – A telephone receiver is taken off the hook. • State – is the condition of a object at a specific time. – A telephone is on “idle” state until it is taken from the hook. • Transition – involves going from one state to the other when an event occurs. Transitions are label in form: Event [Guard] / Action. – When the event “off hook” occurs, transition the telephone from the “idle” state to the “active” state. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 16

Types of Events • External Event – Events caused by an outside actor, outside of the system’s boundary. • Internal Event – Events caused by an internal action, inside the system’s boundary. • Temporal Event – Events caused by a determined date or time clock. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 17

State-Independent and State-Dependent Objects • If an object always responds the same way to an event, then it is considered state-independent (or modeless) wrt that event. • By contrast, state-dependent objects react differently to events depending on their state or mode. • Guideline: Consider state machines for statedependent objects with complex behavior, not for state-independent objects. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 18

Modeling State-Dependent Objects – Physical Devices controlled by Software • Microwave oven, Radio – Transactions - The way transaction respond to events • Cancel a sale – Role Mutators, i. e. , Objects that change their role. • Full-time vs. half-time worker – Communication Protocols – UI Page/Window Flow or Navigation – UI Flow Controllers or Stateful Sessions • Server-side software objects – Use Case System Operations • For Process Sale: make. New. Sale, enter. Item, etc. – Indivitual UI Window Event Handling • Window’s action “Edit-Copy” Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 19

Fig. 29. 2 Transaction and guard notation. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 20

Fig. 29. 3 Nested states. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 21

Fig. 29. 4 Applying a state machine to Web page navigation modeling. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 22

Fig. 29. 5 A sample state machine for legal sequence of use case operations. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 23

Process: State Machine Diagrams in the UP • There is not one model in the UP called the “state model. ” • Any element in any model (Design Model, Domain Model, Business Object Model, etc. ) may have a state machine to better understand or communicate its dynamic behavior in response to events. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 24

Chapter 30 Relating Use Cases “ Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmass mixed up? Because OCT(31) = DEC(25). ” Objectives • Relate use cases with include and extend associations, in both text and diagram formats. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Introduction • Use cases can be related to each other. For example, a subfunction use case such as Handle Credit Payment may be part of several use cases, such as Process Sale or Process Rental. – Organizing use cases into relationships has no impact on the bahavior or requirements of the system. – Rather, it is simply an organization machanigm to (ideally) improve communication and comprehension of the use cases, reduce duplication of text, and improve management of the use case documents. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 26

Guideline • Avoid agonizing over use case relationships – Do not spend unproductive time on debating how to relate use cases in a use case diagram, rather do the important work: writing text. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 27

The include Relationship • This is the most common and important relationship. • It is common to have some partial behavior that is common across several use cases. Rather than duplicate this text, it is desirable to separate it into its own subfunction use case, and indicate its inclusion. • Guideline: Use include when you are repeating yourself in two or more separate use cases and you want to avoid repetition. • Guideline: Decompose an overwhelmingly long use case into subunits to improve comprehension. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 28

Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Using include with Asynchronous Event Handling • Use include to describe the handling of an asynchronous event, such as when a user is able to, at any time, select or branch to a particular window, function, or Web page, or within a range of steps. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 30

Concrete, Abstract, Base and Addition Use Cases • A concrete use case is initiated by an actor and performs the entire behavior desired by the actor. There are the elementary business process use cases. – Ex. Process Sale • An abstract use case is never instantiated by itself; it is a subfunction use case that is part of another use case. – Ex. Handle Credit Payment • A use case that includes another use case, or that is extended or specialized by another use case is called a base use ease. – Ex. Process Sale wrt Handle Credit Payment • The use case that is an inclusion, extension, or specialization is called an addition use case. – Ex. Handle Credit Payment in the include relationship to Process Sale. • Addition use cases are usually abstract. Base use cases are usually concrete. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 31

The extend Relationship • Suppose a use case’s text should not be modified for some reason, perhaps it is baselined as a stable artifact, and can’t be touched. • How to append to the use case without modifying its original text? – The extend relationship provides an answer. The idea is to create an extending or addition use case, and within it, describe where and under what condition it extends the behavior of some base use case. • Some use case guidelines recommend using extending use cases and the extend relationships to model conditional or optional behavior inserted into the base use case. – Guideline: Prefer to use the Extensions section when possible to avoid further complication. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 32

2. Cashier enters gift certificate ID. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Fig. 30. 1 Use case include relationship in the Use-Case Model. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Fig. 30. 2 The extend relationship. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Chapter 20 Mapping Designs to Code “ Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. ” - Donald Knuth Objectives • Map design artifacts to code in an object-oriented language. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005

Introduction • With the completion of interaction diagrams and DCDs for the current iteration of the case studies, there is more than enough thought and detail to cut some code for the domain layer of objects. • The UML artifacts created during design work will be used as inpıt to the code generation process. • UP Implementation Model is all the implementation artifacts, such as source code, database definitions, JSP/XML/HTML pages, and so forth. • Implementation in an O-O Language requires writing source code fo – Class and interface definitions – Method definitions. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 37

Defining a Class with Method Signatures and Attributes Fig. 20. 1 Sales. Line. Item in Java. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 38

Creating Methods from Interaction Diagrams Fig. 20. 2 The enter. Item interaction diagram. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 39

Fig. 20. 3 The Register class. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 40

Fig. 20. 4 The enter. Item method. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 41

Collection Classes in Code Fig. 20. 5 Adding a collection. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 42

Fig. 20. 6 Sale. make. Line. Item method. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 43

Order of Implementation Fig. 20. 7 Possible order of class implementation and testing. Dr. Kivanc Dincer CS 319 Week 11 - Nov. 21, 2005 44
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