Chapter 2 FFA Then and Now FFA History

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Chapter 2 FFA Then and Now.

FFA History 1917 -Smith Hughes Act n 1928 -FFA was founded n 1930 -FFA Creed Adopted n 1933 -FFA Jackets Designed n 1939 -FFA Center purchased land n 1944 -FFA Foundation formed n 1948 -Supply Service begins n

Henery C. Groseclose Ag Teacher from Virginia n Founded the FFA in 1928 n

FFA History 1950 -Public Law 740 passed n 1952 -Mr. Waters was born n 1952 -FFA Magazine Started n 1965 -NFA and FFA merged n 1969 -Girls were admitted n 1971 -Alumni Started n 1971 -Mr. Waters graduated n

FFA History 1988 -FFA named changed n 1989 -Magazine named changed n 1999 -First convention in Louisville KY n 2001 -FFA Discovery Degree first available n

The FFA Emblem

U. S. Postal Stamp issued in 1952 FFA’s 25 th Anniversary

3 cents in 1953… 39 cents in 2006

The National Vocational Act Gave FFA a federal charter n Passed by congress in 1917 n n Provided funds for high school Ag classes Encouraged high school Ag classes n Also known as the Smith-Hughes Act n

Smith-Hughes Act Senator Hoke Smith Sen. Dudley M. Hughes

1928 Walt Disney first drew Mickey Mouse for the Kansas City Star n The Future Farmers of America was established in Kansas City, Missouri n

Public Law 740 Passed in 1950 n Gave FFA a federal charter n Recognized the FFA as intra-curricular part of agricultural education. n Stated that FFA was an integral part of ag education. n

1953 25 th anniversary of FFA n President Dwight D. Eisenhower spoke to National FFA convention n

1978 -President Jimmy Carter President Carter also spoke to FFA members at the National FFA Convention n President Carter was a member of FFA in Georgia n

President George Bush n George Bush Spoke to FFA members as Vice President and again as President in 1991

Alabama FFA n Chartered in 1929 n Charter Number “ 36” n Over 13, 000 members

FFA History Patton-First Star American Farmer n Lane-First National FFA Advisor n Groseclose-Father of FFA n Dunagan-First Star Agribussman n Applegate-First FFA President n

Who wrote the FFA Creed? E. M Tiffany wrote the FFA creed. n First adopted at the 3 rd convention 1933 n Revised at the 38 th and 63 rd conventions n

E. M. Tiffany Wrote the Creed n Revised in 1965, 1987, 1990 n I Believe in the Future of Agriculture. . . n

The FFA Jacket n Designed by Gus Lintner n Designed as a band uniform n The most recognizable symbol of our organization

1933 Fredericktown, Ohio, FFA members arrive at the National Convention in blue corduroy jackets with the FFA emblem on the back. n Official delegates vote to adopt the jacket as the organization's official dress. n Members still wear the nationallyrecognized jackets today, honoring the tradition and history of the FFA. n

1 st FFA Jacket Gus Lintner, Ag Teacher n Frederic-town Ohio n What’s different about this emblem? n No Eagle n

The FFA Jacket Worn only by members n Kept clean and neat n Worn on official occasions zipped to the top n No more than 3 medals may me worn on the Jacket at one time n No tobacco or alcohol n

FFA Code of Ethics n Adopted in 1952 n It is a pledge to: – conduct yourself as professionals – be a credit to our organization, school, community, and family

The FFA Code of Ethics n n n Develop my potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. Make a positive difference in the lives of others Dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion Respect the property and rights of others Be courteous, honest an fair with others.

Code of Ethics n n n Communicate in an appropriate, purposeful and positive manner. Demonstrate good sportsmanship Become aware of FFA programs and activities and participate Conduct and value an SAE program Appreciate and promote diversity in our organization.

The End

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