Cells Cells Go back to your foldable check
Cells, Cells! § Go back to your foldable, check if what you wrote in the engagement is correct. § Make another foldable and write the organelle, its structure, its function and draw as we go on with the power point presentation.
Animal Cell
NUCLEUS § Large, round structure usually located near the center of the cell. § It is the control center for all cell activities. § DNA is stored here!
NUCLEUS § Large, round structure usually located near the center of the cell. § It is the control center for all cell activities. § DNA is stored here!
CELL MEMBRANE § Thin, Flexible Barrier § Both protects the cell and lets things in and out of the cell § Made of Two Layers of Lipids (Fats)
CELL MEMBRANE § Thin, Flexible Barrier § Both protects the cell and lets things in and out of the cell § Made of Two Layers of Lipids (Fats)
CYTOPLASM § The cytoplasm is the fluid of the cell, filling the space between organelles. § It provides space for the cells to occupy and move through.
CYTOPLASM § The cytoplasm is the fluid of the cell, filling the space between organelles. § It provides space for the cells to occupy and move through.
MITOCHONDRIA § Bean-like structure § Have a smooth outer membrane and a folded inner membrane § Makes ATP, which is the energy of the cell
MITOCHONDRIA § Bean-like structure § Have a smooth outer membrane and a folded inner membrane § Makes ATP, which is the energy of the cell
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM § ER can be either SMOOTH or ROUGH § Network of passageways that proteins travel through § Things travel from the ER to the golgi apparatus
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM § ER can be either SMOOTH or ROUGH § Network of passageways that proteins travel through § Things travel from the ER to the golgi apparatus
GOLGI APPARATUS § Packaging Center of the Cell § Modifies & packages up proteins before they leave the cell
GOLGI APPARATUS § Packaging Center of the Cell § Modifies & packages up proteins before they leave the cell
RIBOSOMES Ribosomes make proteins Ribosomes are found on rough ER and in the cytoplasm
RIBOSOMES Ribosomes make proteins Ribosomes are found on rough ER and in the cytoplasm
VACUOLES Large, round sac found in the cytoplasm Stores water, food, wastes, or other materials needed by the cell.
VACUOLES Large, round sac found in the cytoplasm Stores water, food, wastes, or other materials needed by the cell.
LYSOSOME Round structures found in the cytoplasm. Contain digestive enzymes Break down large particles: “garbage disposal”
LYSOSOME Round structures found in the cytoplasm. Contain digestive enzymes Break down large particles: “garbage disposal”
Plant Cell
Cell Wall § Found in Plant Cells ONLY § Helps give the cell extra protection, structure, and support § The cell wall surrounds the cell membrane
Chloroplasts § Found in Plant Cells ONLY § Makes food for plants § Takes sunlight and makes energy and sugars in plant cells
Chloroplasts § Found in Plant Cells ONLY § Makes food for plants § Takes sunlight and makes energy and sugars in plant cells
Cell Wall
Summary § The cell is a system that is made of a bunch of parts § Without each part working together, the cell cannot function § These parts are called organelles, and eukaryotic cells are full of them!
- Slides: 26