Cell Types and Organelles The cell is like

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Cell Types and Organelles

Cell Types and Organelles

The cell is like your house

The cell is like your house

Cells are like houses. Form= Function An organelle’s shape has a lot to do

Cells are like houses. Form= Function An organelle’s shape has a lot to do with what job it does, much like the Lock and Key model in enzymes. This is like the rooms in a house. Each has a specific purpose. Just like not all houses have the exact same rooms, not all cells have the same organelles.

Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes Use the Venn Diagram below to fill-in the house diagram in

Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes Use the Venn Diagram below to fill-in the house diagram in your notes. prokaryote No nucleus No membrane. Bound organelles both eukaryote DNA nucleus Cell membrane organelles Ribosomes Multi- or single-celled All single-celled cytoplasm

3. 2 Cell Organelles

3. 2 Cell Organelles

Cells have an internal structure • Eukaryotic cells have a cytoskeleton, a framework of

Cells have an internal structure • Eukaryotic cells have a cytoskeleton, a framework of proteins that is constantly changing to meet the needs of the cell.

 • The cytoskeleton helps the cell maintain its shape and moves organelles around

• The cytoskeleton helps the cell maintain its shape and moves organelles around



When cytoskeleton goes bad… Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease occurs

When cytoskeleton goes bad… Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease occurs when there are defective cytoskeleton in the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Cytoplasm • A jelly-like substance that also helps the cell maintain shape. • Contains

Cytoplasm • A jelly-like substance that also helps the cell maintain shape. • Contains the organelles in eukaryotic cells • Composed mostly of water • Many chemical reactions occur in the cytoplasm where water acts as a solvent.

Organelles involves in proteinmaking • Proteins are important molecules in the body that are

Organelles involves in proteinmaking • Proteins are important molecules in the body that are made up of amino acids.

NUCLEUS Largest organelle in eukaryotic cells

NUCLEUS Largest organelle in eukaryotic cells

Organelles involved in making and processing proteins Contains the cell’s genetic information (DNA)

Organelles involved in making and processing proteins Contains the cell’s genetic information (DNA)



Organelles involved in making and processing proteins NUCLEUS DNA is scrunched up as CHROMOSOMES

Organelles involved in making and processing proteins NUCLEUS DNA is scrunched up as CHROMOSOMES in dividing cells DNA is spread out as CHROMATIN in non-dividing cells

The DNA in the nucleus must be protected, yet certain materials need to get

The DNA in the nucleus must be protected, yet certain materials need to get in and out of the nucleus.

The special structure of the nucleus protects it and allows it to perform its

The special structure of the nucleus protects it and allows it to perform its functions.

The nuclear envelope is pierced with holes called nuclear pores that allow large molecules

The nuclear envelope is pierced with holes called nuclear pores that allow large molecules to pass in and out of the nucleus.

Organelles involved in making and processing proteins • The nucleus contains the nucleolus- a

Organelles involved in making and processing proteins • The nucleus contains the nucleolus- a dense region where organelles called ribosomes are made.

Electron microscope Image of a cell

Electron microscope Image of a cell

Let’s Review cytoskeleton nucleus Nuclear envelope Cytoplasm Nuclear pore Nucleolus

Let’s Review cytoskeleton nucleus Nuclear envelope Cytoplasm Nuclear pore Nucleolus

Ribosomes link amino acids together to make proteins.

Ribosomes link amino acids together to make proteins.

Organelles involved in making proteins Ribosomes • Some ribosomes are bound to the ER.

Organelles involved in making proteins Ribosomes • Some ribosomes are bound to the ER. • Some are suspended in the cytoplasm.

Organelles involved in making proteins Endoplasmic Reticulum A network of thin folded membranes.

Organelles involved in making proteins Endoplasmic Reticulum A network of thin folded membranes.

Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic reticulum

Organelles involved in making proteins Endoplasmic Reticulum

Organelles involved in making proteins Endoplasmic Reticulum

Creases and folds allow the ER to pack tightly into the cell.

Creases and folds allow the ER to pack tightly into the cell.

Organelles involved in making proteins Endoplasmic Reticulum • There are two kinds of ER

Organelles involved in making proteins Endoplasmic Reticulum • There are two kinds of ER – Rough ER – Smooth ER

ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (Rough ER) Rough ER is where proteins are produced, processed and

ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (Rough ER) Rough ER is where proteins are produced, processed and distributed within the cell.

Rough ER are studded with organelles called ribosomes. Rough ER

Rough ER are studded with organelles called ribosomes. Rough ER

ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (ER) • Proteins are made on ribosomes and inserted into Rough

ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (ER) • Proteins are made on ribosomes and inserted into Rough ER to be modified and transported to another organelle

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (with ribosomes)

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (with ribosomes)

Smooth ER The smooth ER does not have ribosomes. It is the site where

Smooth ER The smooth ER does not have ribosomes. It is the site where lipids are made.

Figure 7 -5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7 -2 Cytoplasm Nucleolus

Figure 7 -5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7 -2 Cytoplasm Nucleolus Cell Membrane Nucleus Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Go to Section: Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Organelles involved in making proteins: Golgi Apparatus Their function is to modify, sort, &

Organelles involved in making proteins: Golgi Apparatus Their function is to modify, sort, & package proteins received from the ER for storage or transport out of cell

GOLGI APPARATUS (BODY) • Closely layered stacks of flattened membranes.

GOLGI APPARATUS (BODY) • Closely layered stacks of flattened membranes.

Animation from: http: //www. franklincollege. edu/bioweb/A&Pfiles/week 04. html See a Golgi movie

Animation from: http: //www. franklincollege. edu/bioweb/A&Pfiles/week 04. html See a Golgi movie

ER and Gogi Apparatus

ER and Gogi Apparatus

Figure 7 -5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7 -2 Cytoplasm Nucleolus

Figure 7 -5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7 -2 Cytoplasm Nucleolus Nucleus Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi apparatus Go to Section: Ribosomes Cell Membrane Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Other organelles Mitochondria The mitochondria are beanshaped organelles that supply energy to the cell

Other organelles Mitochondria The mitochondria are beanshaped organelles that supply energy to the cell

MITOCHONDRIA are Surrounded by a DOUBLE membrane Folded inner membrane increases surface area for

MITOCHONDRIA are Surrounded by a DOUBLE membrane Folded inner membrane increases surface area for more chemical reactions

It is within these inner folds that chemical reactions occur that converts food molecules

It is within these inner folds that chemical reactions occur that converts food molecules into usable energy.

The folds inside of the mitochondria are called cristae. Nickname “Powerhouse of the cell”

The folds inside of the mitochondria are called cristae. Nickname “Powerhouse of the cell” The chemical reaction is called cellular respiration.

Animal Cell Cytoplasm Nucleolus Nucleus Ribosomes Cell Membrane Mitochondria Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Bodies

Animal Cell Cytoplasm Nucleolus Nucleus Ribosomes Cell Membrane Mitochondria Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Bodies Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Vesicles • Vesicles are small membrane-bound sacs that keep reactants from various chemical reactions

Vesicles • Vesicles are small membrane-bound sacs that keep reactants from various chemical reactions separated from the rest of the cell. • They also transport these materials from place to place within the cell.

Vesicles are temporary and are formed and recycled by the cell as needed.

Vesicles are temporary and are formed and recycled by the cell as needed.

Vacuole A vacuole is a fluid-filled sac used for the storage of materials needed

Vacuole A vacuole is a fluid-filled sac used for the storage of materials needed by the cell.

Vacuole • The vacuole stores materials such as – Water – Food molecules –

Vacuole • The vacuole stores materials such as – Water – Food molecules – Ions – Enzymes

Figure 7 -5 Plant and Animal Cells Section 7 -2 Vacuole Go to Section:

Figure 7 -5 Plant and Animal Cells Section 7 -2 Vacuole Go to Section: Plant Cell

Lysosomes Membrane bound sacs that contain PROTEINS called digestive enzymes

Lysosomes Membrane bound sacs that contain PROTEINS called digestive enzymes

Functions of Lysosomes • Lysosomes defend a cell from invading bacteria. • They break

Functions of Lysosomes • Lysosomes defend a cell from invading bacteria. • They break down damaged or worn-out cell parts. • Contain digestive enzymes. It is important that they are surrounded by a membrane.

“PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH” APOPTOSIS = ___________ Lysosomes digest unwanted cells

“PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH” APOPTOSIS = ___________ Lysosomes digest unwanted cells

Lysosome problem… Tay Sach’s Disease • People with Tay Sach’s disease lack a lipid

Lysosome problem… Tay Sach’s Disease • People with Tay Sach’s disease lack a lipid dissolving enzyme in their vesicles. • Causes lipids to accumulate in the brain.

Centrioles • Centrioles are cylinder-shaped organelles • Involved in animal cell division • Not

Centrioles • Centrioles are cylinder-shaped organelles • Involved in animal cell division • Not found in plant cells

CENTRIOLES They appear during cell division to guide chromosomes apart

CENTRIOLES They appear during cell division to guide chromosomes apart

 • Animal cells contain many small vacuoles. • Plants usually have one large,

• Animal cells contain many small vacuoles. • Plants usually have one large, central vacuole.

FLAGELLA & CILIA help cells move

FLAGELLA & CILIA help cells move







PLANT CELLS WHAT’S SPECIAL ABOUT THEM? • • Cell wall HUGE vacuoles Chloroplasts No

PLANT CELLS WHAT’S SPECIAL ABOUT THEM? • • Cell wall HUGE vacuoles Chloroplasts No centrioles

The central vacuole in a plant cell is filled with water which helps to

The central vacuole in a plant cell is filled with water which helps to support the plant. If there is not enough water, the plant will wilt.

Some organisms have a contractile vacuole to pump excess water out

Some organisms have a contractile vacuole to pump excess water out

 • Chloroplasts are organelles that use sunlight to produce sugars.

• Chloroplasts are organelles that use sunlight to produce sugars.

 • They are the organelles in which photosynthesis occurs.

• They are the organelles in which photosynthesis occurs.

Chloroplasts are only found in plant cells and in green algae.

Chloroplasts are only found in plant cells and in green algae.



CELL WALL A cell wall is a rigid layer that protects, supports and shapes

CELL WALL A cell wall is a rigid layer that protects, supports and shapes the cell.

Cell Walls • Cell walls are found mostly in plant cells.

Cell Walls • Cell walls are found mostly in plant cells.

Cell Wall

Cell Wall

Cell walls are also found in some algae cells and…

Cell walls are also found in some algae cells and…

…in most bacteria and…

…in most bacteria and…

…in fungal cells a yeast cell reproducing by budding Candida albicans

…in fungal cells a yeast cell reproducing by budding Candida albicans

 • Plants cell walls are composed of the carbohydrate cellulose

• Plants cell walls are composed of the carbohydrate cellulose

Tree bark is mostly made up of dead cell walls

Tree bark is mostly made up of dead cell walls

Plant Cell Review Cytoplasm Vacuole Smooth ER Ribosomes Chloroplasts Cell Membrane Cell Wall Nucleolus

Plant Cell Review Cytoplasm Vacuole Smooth ER Ribosomes Chloroplasts Cell Membrane Cell Wall Nucleolus Golgi Bodies Nucleus Mitochondria Rough ER

WHICH IS BIGGER? Plant cell Animal cell bacteria _________ > ___________

WHICH IS BIGGER? Plant cell Animal cell bacteria _________ > ___________

No membrane bound organelles Organelles with membranes BACTERIA are PROKARYOTES PLANTS & ANIMALS are

No membrane bound organelles Organelles with membranes BACTERIA are PROKARYOTES PLANTS & ANIMALS are EUKARYOTES





Endoplasmic Reticulum • Connected to nuclear membrane • Highway of the cell • Rough

Endoplasmic Reticulum • Connected to nuclear membrane • Highway of the cell • Rough studded with ribosomes; it makes proteins • Smooth no ribosomes; it makes lipids

Golgi Apparatus • Looks like a stack of plates • Stores, modifies and packages

Golgi Apparatus • Looks like a stack of plates • Stores, modifies and packages proteins • Molecules transported to and from the Golgi by means of vesicles

Name the organelles that are circled mitochondria

Name the organelles that are circled mitochondria

Centriole • Aids in cell division • Usually found only in animal cells •

Centriole • Aids in cell division • Usually found only in animal cells • Made of microtubules Where else have we talked about microtubules?

Ribosome • Site of protein synthesis • Found attached to rough ER or floating

Ribosome • Site of protein synthesis • Found attached to rough ER or floating free in cytosol • Produced in a part of the nucleus called the nucleolus

Cytoskeleton • Acts as skeleton and muscle • Provides shape and structure • Helps

Cytoskeleton • Acts as skeleton and muscle • Provides shape and structure • Helps move organelles around the cell • Made of three types of filaments

Cell Membrane • Boundary of the cell • Made of a phospholipid bilayer

Cell Membrane • Boundary of the cell • Made of a phospholipid bilayer

Mitochondria • “Powerhouse of the cell” • Cellular respiration occurs here to release energy

Mitochondria • “Powerhouse of the cell” • Cellular respiration occurs here to release energy for the cell to use • Bound by a double membrane

Water, food, waste, enzymes • What type of substances might be found in part

Water, food, waste, enzymes • What type of substances might be found in part C?

Lysosomes • Garbage disposal of the cell • Contain digestive enzymes that break down

Lysosomes • Garbage disposal of the cell • Contain digestive enzymes that break down wastes

Cell Wall • Found in plant and bacterial cells • Rigid, protective barrier •

Cell Wall • Found in plant and bacterial cells • Rigid, protective barrier • Located outside of the cell membrane • Made of cellulose (fiber)

Nucleus • Control center of the cell • Contains DNA • Surrounded by a

Nucleus • Control center of the cell • Contains DNA • Surrounded by a double membrane • Usually the easiest organelle to see under a microscope • Usually one per cell

Name part A chloroplast

Name part A chloroplast

Chloroplast • Found only in plant cells • Contains the green pigment chlorophyll •

Chloroplast • Found only in plant cells • Contains the green pigment chlorophyll • Site of food (glucose) production