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Causes of WWI • IMPERIALISM – European nations competing for colonies – Economic rivalries

Causes of WWI • IMPERIALISM – European nations competing for colonies – Economic rivalries (colonies served as foreign markets & created wealth for colonizer) – Balance of power in a region

Causes of WWI • MILITARISM – Arms race (expansion of armies and navies) –

Causes of WWI • MILITARISM – Arms race (expansion of armies and navies) – Lack of trust

Causes of WWI • NATIONALISM – ‘us v. them’ mentality – Glorification of own

Causes of WWI • NATIONALISM – ‘us v. them’ mentality – Glorification of own leadership, race, culture (pride) – Desire for political independence or push for unity of a particular race or culture (e. g. , Greater Serbia, Alsace. Lorraine)

Alliances • • Agreement formed btwn countries for mutual benefit Before war: – Triple

Alliances • • Agreement formed btwn countries for mutual benefit Before war: – Triple Entente: Great Britain, France, Russia – Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy • During war: – Allies: Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Italy (1915), U. S. (1917) – Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

What Triggered the War? • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand – Heir to throne

What Triggered the War? • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand – Heir to throne of A-H empire – June 28, 1914 – Sarajevo – Shot by a Serbian nationalist

TIMELINE • 1908: Austria annexed Bosnia & Herzegovina > int’l crisis > war averted

TIMELINE • 1908: Austria annexed Bosnia & Herzegovina > int’l crisis > war averted • 1912 -1913: Balkan Wars (Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Greece, etc. ) - fought to obtain Ottoman Empire’s European territories • June 28, 1914: Archduke assassinated

Alliances Trigger Chain of Events • • July 28, 1914: Austria declares war on

Alliances Trigger Chain of Events • • July 28, 1914: Austria declares war on Serbia July 31: Russia mobilizing; ally of Serbia Aug. 1: Germany declares war on Russia; French mobilize; Italy & Belgium declare neutrality; Germany & Ottoman Empire – secret treaty Aug. 3: Germany declares war on France; Great Britain mobilizes Aug. 4: – Germany goes through neutral Belgium & Luxembourg (Aug 2) – Great Britain declares war on Germany, due to invasion of neutral countries, & war on A-H – U. S. declares neutrality Aug 6: A-H declares war on Russia Aug 11 -12: France & Great Britain declare war on A-H • • • Aug. 23/25: Japan declares war on Germany/A-H; grabs Ger. sphere of influence in China Oct. 29: Ottoman Empire joins Central Powers Nov 1/5: Russia /France & Great Britain declare war on Ottoman E. May 23, 1915: Italy declares war A-H Aug. 28, 1916: Italy declares war on Germany April 6, 1917: U. S. declares war on Germany