California Cadet Corps Curriculum on Military Subjects Wear

California Cadet Corps Curriculum on Military Subjects Wear It With Honor “Class B Uniform”

Class B Uniform Agenda A 1. Rules for Wearing the Uniform A 2. Class B Uniform A 3. CACC Ribbons A 4. Honor Bars, Badges, & Shoulder Cords

RULES FOR WEARING THE UNIFORM A 1. Explain the rules for CACC uniform wear.

Rules for Wearing the Uniform • All cadets expected to wear it » properly & proudly • First thing others see » Make a good impression! • Keep it neat, clean, & in good repair • Must turn back it in at year end • Rules fully explained in CR 1 -8

Uniform Tips • • • Get it ready the night before worn Trim loose strings Use spray starch when ironing shirt (not pants) Put cardboard behind ribbons & badges Check appearance in a mirror Keep small cloth w/you to dust shoes & brass Check gig line – often! Keep back pocket buttoned Avoid leaning against anything Keep to pathways & off the grass if you can Ask buddy to double-check return the favor

Hair Grooming Standards • Many schools don’t require military haircut However, encouraged to maintain hair w/in Army standards when in uniform • Clean shaven • Clean faces and hands

Army Male Grooming Standards Doesn’t touch shirt collar Tapered & neat No more than 2” from top of head Sideburns not lower than bottom edge of ear opening • Extreme haircuts (e. g. , mohawks) or nonnatural colors not authorized • •

Army Male Grooming Standards

Army Female Grooming Standards • If short ü Not below bottom edge of shirt collar • If long ü Tight bun ü Loose bangs tucked behind ears

Where Can You Wear Uniform? • At school when appropriate • All Cadet Corps activities • When representing unit or Cadet Corps on approved business – e. g. , Color Guard, parades, presentation about CACC • Approved special occasions

Where Can’t You Wear Uniform? • When engaging in activities counter to the Cadet Corps Values • At any political events • When not on approved CACC business

Check on Learning 1. When can you wear your uniform? 2. When can you not wear your uniform? 3. What are the male hair grooming standards? 4. What are the female hair grooming standards?

THE CLASS B UNIFORM A 2. Wear the Class B Uniform to standard.

Class B Uniform

Headgear Garrison cap: • Centered on head • Flap facing forward two fingers from bridge of nose DUI or cadet officer insignia: • Left side • Centered top to bottom • 1” from front crease • No hair visible on forehead beneath cap Red (Survival) or black (Leadership) beret: • Headband straight across forehead • 1” above eyebrows • Flash positioned over left eye • Right side draped toward right ear Rank insignia or DUI: Centered on flash

Rank Insignia Rank insignia worn in a shoulder mark on the epaulet. Typical Shoulder Mark Insignia (CFC)

Sleeves & T-Shirt Plain white crew neck t-shirt with no marking on it Iron a crease down middle of each sleeve, centered on middle of epaulet • No sewn or glued creases If there is a patch, NO crease

Patches Brigade or unit patch, if worn, is worn on the wearer’s right, 1/2 inch from the seam, centered. We are phasing out wearing patches on the shirt. Brigades can wear a pin of their distinctive unit insignia on the right breast pocket. Do NOT iron a crease into the patch – the sleeve crease should start below the patch. Cadet Corps patch, if worn, is on the wearer’s left, 1/2 inch from the seam and centered. Do not remove patches that are there, but don’t sew new patches. As of 2017, the shirt is now worn without a patch. Do NOT iron a crease into the patch – the sleeve crease should start below the patch.

Shoulder Cords The Drill Team or Color Guard or other shoulder cords may be worn while actively participating as a member of those units. The Superior Uniform Inspection cord or other “achievement” cord may be worn for the period allowed in CR 1 -1.

Nameplate & DUI Black nameplate with the cadet’s last name is worn on the right pocket flap just below the seam and centered. The CACC DUI will be worn ¼” above the pocket or unit awards (unless the CACC patch is still worn).

Ribbons Unit awards are worn above the right pocket flap, centered. Ribbons are worn in the correct order, with the darker color to the wearer’s right. Rows may be 3 - or 4 ribbons wide (all the same), with fewer on the top row. No space is worn between rows. Cardboard supports the ribbons from behind the shirt to make the ribbons stable.

Creases Yoke Seam One crease down the center of each pocket from the epaulet seam to the shirt tail. Shirt is clean and pressed with no wrinkles. The back of the shirt has three vertical creases, evenly spaced between the side seams of the shirt from the yoke seam to the shirt tail.

Belt Gig Line The web belt is worn with the buckle and tip shined to a high polish. The tip extends to the wearer’s left so that no black part of the web belt will be exposed between the buckle and the belt tip, and so you can’t see the buckle behind the tip. The GIG LINE is straight (shirt edge, buckle edge, and edge of the pant “fly”). Female cadets wear the same gig line as males, since the uniform is unisex.

Pants & Shoes Pants are clean and pressed with creases from the bottom of the pockets to the pant bottoms. Black dress shoes are shined and worn with black dress socks.

Check on Learning 1. List the 6 major parts of the class B uniform 2. How many creases are there in the class B uniform shirt? And where are they at? 3. Describe a gig line

CADET CORPS RIBBONS A 3. Demonstrate how ribbons are worn. Identify the types of things for which cadets earn ribbons.

Awards & Ribbons • CACC awards listed & explained in CR 1 -1 • Ribbon Chart in CR 1 -1, Appendix A, shows ribbons in order of precedence • Ribbons worn: – Highest award at top right – Lowest at bottom left – More than 25? Select most important

Categories Unit Awards Outstanding Performance Individual Major Awards Drill Competitions Awards from Adult Staff School/Training Attendance Achievement Marksmanship & Physical Fitness • Participation Awards • •

Unit Awards Awarded to units, not individuals, for superior or community service Superior Unit Award AGI rating of Excellent or Superior and the unit has participated in brigade leadership school, IMA, brigade drill, at least average 32 cadets, bivouac and community service Unit Community Service Award For exceptional service to school & community

Cadet Awards for Outstanding Performance Cadet Medal of Honor Awarded to cadets who distinguish themselves by courageous conduct that results in preservation of life or property. Normally, only for those cadets who voluntarily exposes him or herself to danger while performing an heroic act. Cadet Exceptional Service Medal Awarded to cadets who display exceptionally meritorious service which reflects great credit upon themselves and the Cadet Corps. Cadet Exceptional Merit Ribbon Awarded to cadets for meritorious conduct in preservation of life or property but to a lesser degree than that required for the Cadet Medal of Honor, or for meritorious service to a lesser degree than required for the Cadet Service Medal. Adjutant General’s Meritorious Service Ribbon Performance of special duties or services in furtherance of HQ CACC functions and which would not qualify for award of the Brigade Cadre Ribbon. Executive Officer’s Meritorious Service Ribbon Awarded by the Executive Officer for meritorious service in the advancement of the mission of the California Cadet Corps.

Individual Major Awards General Joseph W. Stillwell Outstanding Overall Cadet Award For cadets selected as most outstanding cadet at school, brigade, & state levels. Brigadier General Carter C. Speed Outstanding Cadet Senior Officer Award For cadets selected as outstanding senior cadet officer at school, brigade, & state levels. Lieutenant Robert A. Clausen Outstanding Cadet Junior Officer Award For cadets selected as outstanding junior cadet officer at school, brigade, & state levels. CAM Richard H. Menden Outstanding Cadet Non-Commissioned Officer Award For cadets selected as outstanding non-commissioned officer cadet at school, brigade, & state levels. . Outstanding First Year Cadet Award For cadets selected as outstanding first year cadet at school, brigade, & state levels.

Drill Competition Awards Major De Witt Creveling Armed Division Drill Down Award For cadets who are selected 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd place in the armed division individual drill down competition at the state drill championships. Brigadier General Daniel L. Brennan Drill Down Award For cadets who are selected 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd place in the individual drill down competition at the state drill championships. Colonel Grant S. Pyle Armed Division Platoon Drill Award For members of armed division platoon drill teams who compete at the state drill championships. Platoon Drill State Championship Award For members of platoon drill teams who compete at the state drill championships.

Drill Competition Awards Governor Goodwin J. Knight Armed Division Squad Drill State Championship Awarded to members of armed division squad drill teams who compete at state drill championships. Squad Drill Competition Award (Unarmed) For squad drill teams who compete at the state drill championships. Colonel Ralph Allred Color Guard Drill Competition Award For members of cadet color guards who participate in state level drill competitions. Exhibition Drill Team Ribbon For members of cadet drill teams placing first in the brigade exhibition drill team competition.

Awards from Adult Staff Brigade Advisor’s Commendation Ribbon Awarded by Brigade Advisor to cadets who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service to the brigade. Principal’s Citation Ribbon Awarded by Principal to cadets who have brought credit upon themselves and their school through activities that do not qualify for other ribbons. Commandant of Cadets Citation Ribbon Awarded by Commandant to cadets who have performed exceptional service to the unit and the recognition of does not come within the scope of other awards.

CACC School/Training Attendance Awards Summer Training Ribbon Completion of a state summer training experience of not less than 125 hours. Survival Training Ribbon Completion of basic survival training course consisting of no less than 80 hours. Leadership Development Ribbon Completion of BNCOC, ANCOC, or OCS. Verify correct ribbon (old ANCOC) Leadership School Participation Ribbon Completion of brigade level leadership course. Mountaineering Training Ribbon Completion of basic mountaineering training program consisting of no less than 16 hours. Drill Academy Graduation Ribbon CPT David K. Appel Specialized Training Ribbon Completion of a specialized training program of not less than 10 hours.

Achievement Awards Awarded for significant achievement Distinguished Service Ribbon For cadets who have demonstrated their devotion to the Cadet Codes while in CACC. Essayons Ribbon For cadets who exemplify the motto of the corps. For effort and attitude. 1 per 50 cadets. Superior Scholarship Ribbon For achieving a B Average (3. 0) in semester grades. Oak leaf for higher GPAs. Perfect Attendance Ribbon For no absences or tardies in an academic semester.

Achievement Awards Awarded for significant achievement Individual Community Service Ribbon For cadets who perform outstanding community service activities beyond that normally expected of cadets. Citizenship Ribbon Awarded each semester for demonstrating satisfactory school citizenship, including classroom conduct, class attendance, truthfulness, dependability, and morality. Superior Uniform Inspection Ribbon For cadets who have earned 10 superior uniform inspections. Honor Unit Ribbon Awarded annually to the members of the sub-unit with the most outstanding record of leadership, achievement, and service within each school unit during the school year.

Marksmanship and Physical Fitness Awards Governor Earl Warren Marksmanship Award For cadets firing the highest scores in the individual match during the state marksmanship championships. Major General Curtis D. O’Sullivan Marksmanship Training Ribbon For cadets or team competitors who compete at the state championship smallbore rifle match. Physical Fitness Competition Ribbon For cadets who compete in any physical fitness competition conducted by HQ CACC, brigades, or by branches of the US military. Physical Fitness Achievement Ribbon For cadets who meet the California public school physical fitness requirements.

Participation Awards received for participation in various CACC related activities State Special Service Ribbon For serving a minimum of 10 hours in direct support of CA Military Department missions or missions of high visibility and importance to HQCACC. Headquarters Cadre Ribbon Service as staff members during brigade level training activities in the positions of brigade commander, executive officer, command sergeant major, S-1, S-3, S-4 or S-5, or assistants to the S 1, S 3, S 4, and S 5, and the HHC Commander. Land Navigation/Orienteering Training Ribbon Certification of an orienteering training program of not less than 8 hours of instruction and 5 hours outdoor practical field application. Collegiate & Career Aptitude Testing Achievement Ribbon For scoring at least 1000 on the SAT or 21 on the ACT, or 50 AFQT on the ASVAB. Oak leaves for higher scores. Color Guard & Flag Detail Ribbon For presenting the colors at least 5 times in one school year, or for carrying one of the branch or organizational colors to include the POW/MIA flag at least 5 times. Color Guard or Flag Detail. Parade Participation Ribbon Participation in a parade sponsored by a civic or government agency.

Participation Awards Competitive Rifle Team Ribbon Members of the cadet unit competitive rifle team(s) who have completed in at least one (1) state championship preliminary match, state postal match or brigade championship match. First Aid Certification Ribbon Certification in First Aid from AHA, ARC, ASHI, NSC or EMSA. The course must be a minimum of eight (8) hours in duration. An “E” device is authorized for earning certification in Adult, Child, and Infant CPR Disaster Preparedness Recognition Ribbon For certification in Disaster Preparedness taught by a governmental or non-profit agency of at least twenty hours in duration. Drill Team Ribbon Active member of a unit’s drill team for one academic semester. Bivouac Ribbon Completion of an extended cadet field exercise of at least thirty (30) hours. School Service Award Performance of a minimum of 20 hours valuable service for the school and community. CACC Service Award Satisfactory service for two school semesters

Obsolete Ribbons May continue to be worn if awarded prior to 2017 -2018 school year School Emergency Response Team Unit Award Centennial Participation Ribbon Outstanding Overall Cadet Award – Junior Division Outstanding Warrant or Junior Officer Award – Junior Division Outstanding Cadet Non-Commissioned Officer Award – Junior Division Outstanding First Year Cadet Award – Junior Division National Championship Marksmanship Award Governor Goodwin J. Knight Marksmanship Medal Brigadier General Carter C. Speed Marksmanship Medal Major General Frank J. Schober Jr. Marksmanship Medal and Plaque

Obsolete Ribbons COL Grant S. Pyle Drill Down Award Platoon Drill State Championship Award – Junior Division Squad Drill State Championship Award – Junior Division (Unarmed) Competitive Color Guard Award – Junior Division Competitive Guidon Award – Senior Division State Guidon Bearer – Junior Division. O’Sullivan Memorial Award Colonel Ralph Allred Perpetual Memorial Award Clausen Rifle Team Award CSM Richard H. Menden Memorial Rifle Team Award

Obsolete Ribbons Brigade Headquarters Company Ribbon Advanced Leadership Award Intermediate Leadership Award Basic Leadership Award Advanced NCO Course Basic NCO Course Event Honor Unit Award Creveling Drill Award Drill Academy Platoon Award Drill Academy Squad Award

Obsolete Ribbons Competitive Drill Award Presidential Physical Fitness Ribbon CERT Competition Ribbon Academic Competition Ribbon National Physical Fitness Ribbon ASVAB Ribbon Battalion Cadre Ribbon Cadet Professional Development Ribbon Flag Detail Ribbon Hunter Safety Ribbon

Check on Learning 1. What are some of the categories of awards? 2. Describe how ribbons are ordered when attached to the uniform? 3. Of the ribbons discussed which one would you like to earn and why?

HONOR BARS, BADGES, & SHOULDER CORDS A 4. Identify the reasons for awarding honor bars, badges, and shoulder cords, and how they are worn on the Class A & B Uniforms.

Honor Bars & Qualification Badges • Honor bars – Outstanding performance at home units – While attending a summer training experience • Qualification badges – Noteworthy performance in marksmanship • Skill badges – For training offered by CACC • Usually during Summer Encampment

Honor Bar Manner of Wear • 1/8 inch above other individual award decorations • Above left pocket • Two honor bars? → 1/8 gap between bars • Two Honor Cadet Officer bars – Take precedence over Honor Cadet bars – Summer camp honor bars take precedence over unit bars

Honor Bars • May be awarded annually – Selected after extensive evaluation as unit’s Honor Cadet/NCO/Officer – May be awarded more than once • Include: – Honor Cadet Bar – Summer Camp Honor Cadet Bar

Honor Cadet Bar • Selected by Awards Committee • One award per 50 cadets

Honor Cadet Bar To earn award: – Perform exemplary service to unit – Have passing grades – Demonstrate general knowledge of CACC subjects – Possess additional knowledge of specialist duties required of Cadet’s present grade – Receive recommendation from Cadet Commander certifying satisfactory participation

NCO & Officer Honor Cadet Bar Cadet Leaders must also possess: – Military Bearing & Poise – Outstanding Military Appearance – Attain outstanding proficiency in Cadet Corps subjects – Ability as an instructor – Evidence of Leadership Ability – Command Voice – Ability to accept and carry out orders

Honor Cadet Bar Cadets = basic bar NCOs = light blue felt backing Cadet officers = yellow/gold felt backing Subsequent awards = dark (black/blue/gold) backing • Only highest award worn • •

Summer Camp Honor Cadet Bar • Cadets who have excelled in performance of duties during summer encampment • May earn as Cadet (CFC & below), NCO, & Officer • NCO & Officer bars follow same patterns of felt backing as Honor Cadet Bar

Marksmanship Qualification Badges Army NRA

Qualification Badge Marksmanship Badges • Awarded w/in standards published by awarding organization • Follow guidelines in CR 3 -17, Rifle Marksmanship Qualification Training • Consist of: Østandard US Army, CMP, or NRA marksmanship badge, Øa bar denoting the course of fire, and Øa bar denoting the highest level of qualification

Qualification Badge Marksmanship Badges (cont’d) • Proper wear: ØOn left pocket flap ØConcurrent with any medals ØUp to 8 badges/medals at any time Remember: You may not have badge or medal and ribbon on same uniform

Skill Badges • Medic • Cyber • Mountaineering • Law Enforcement • Drill Instructor

Cadet Skill Badges Cadet Medic Skill Badge • Successfully complete HQCACC sponsored Emergency Medical Responder training program consisting of not less than 90 hours of instruction Mountaineering • Successfully complete Mountaineering Course conducted by HQ, CACC during annual encampment • Issued by HQCACC • Brigades not authorized to conduct mountaineering course where Mountaineering Badge awarded Law Enforcement Skill Badge • Successfully complete HQCACC sponsored Law Enforcement training program

Cadet Skill Badges Cyber Badge • Successfully complete HQCACC sponsored Cyber training program Cadet Drill Instructor Badge • Successfully complete Cadet Drill Instructor Course conducted by HQCACC • Brigades may receive permission to conduct own Cadet Drill Instructor Course provided the trainer is certified Army Drill Sergeant or other Do. D branch Drill Instructor & instruction comes solely from US Army TC 3 -21. 5

Cadet Skill Badges Cadet Drill Instructor Badge (cont’d) Army Campaign Hat • Authorized to wear while instructor at Drill Academy where Drill Academy Ribbon awarded for successfully completing course • Authorized while instructor or assistant instructor for HQCACC authorized Cadet Drill Instructor Course • NOT authorized for wear on any other occasion • Will have gold disc w/CACC DUI • Not provided by HQCACC → Cadet or Cadet’s unit must purchase

Badge Manner of Wear • Medic/Mountaineering/Law Enforcement/ Cyber badges – 1/8 inch above left pocket flap – above any ribbons or honor bars • Cadet Drill Instructor badge – On the Class A, B & C uniform – On right pocket centered left to right – Between bottom of pocket & bottom of pocket flap

Shoulder Cords • Only shoulder cords listed in CR 1 -8, Chap. 5 • Standard US Army style single cord – No other cord style authorized • Worn only while assigned to designated element • No permanent authorization

Shoulder Cords • • • Brigade Staff (R) Color Guard/Flag Detail (R) Drill Team (L) Superior Uniform Inspection (L) Regimental or Battalion Staff (L) Academic Excellence (R) Competitive Rifle Marksmanship (L) 10 th Corps Staff (R) CERT (L) Blue & Gold Red & White Gold Royal Blue Light Blue & White Gray Maroon & Gold Dark Green (R) & (L) indicate the cord is worn on the Right or Left Shoulder

Brigade Staff Cord • May be worn while assigned as active member of brigade staff • Two-color intertwined Blue & Yellow-Gold Worn on Right shoulder

Color Guard & Flag Detail Cord • Worn by cadets only while assigned as active color guard or flag detail member • Two-color intertwined Red & White Worn on Right shoulder

Drill Team Cord • May be worn while assigned as active member of unit’s drill team • One-color White Worn on LEFT shoulder

Superior Uniform Inspection Cord • Awarded at regular unit inspection for superior uniform inspection • Worn only until next regular inspection • One color Yellow-Gold Worn on LEFT shoulder

Regimental & Battalion Staff Cord • While assigned as active member of regiment or battalion staff • One color Royal Blue Worn on Left shoulder

Academic Excellence Cord • Earned GPA of 3. 5 or higher during previous academic semester • Worn until next semester grades • Two-color intertwined Light Blue & White Worn on Right shoulder

Competitive Rifle Marksmanship Cord • While active member of competitive rifle marksmanship team • One color Gray Worn on Left shoulder

10 th Corps Staff Cord • While assigned as active member of 10 th Corps (state) Staff • Two-color intertwined Maroon & Gold Worn on Right shoulder

CERT Shoulder Cord • While assigned as active member of campus CERT team • One color Dark Green Worn on Left shoulder

Check on Learning 1. What are honor bars? How can you earn them? And how many can you wear at one time? 2. Name the five skill badges? How are they earned? 3. For what reason are some of the shoulder cords awarded?
- Slides: 74