Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire Founded by Constantine Extension

Byzantine Empire

Byzantine Empire § Founded by Constantine § Extension of Rome § Eastern Roman Empire § Continues after Rome’s fall § Christian Empire § Greatest Empire of Dark Ages § Justinian § Emperor at height § Wants to be Roman § Married to Theodora § Unpopular

Justinian Law Code § Law code created by Justinian with 4 parts § The Code – 5, 000 laws Roman laws still useful § The Digest – summary of great political thinkers § The Institutes – textbook for law students § The Novellae – new laws § Roman laws written down & preserved

Justinian’s Other Accomplishments § Hippodrome – free entertainment arena for chariot races & circus acts § Could hold up to 60, 000 -100, 000 § 532—Nika Rebellion § § § Protesting taxes City is burned Rebuilds (with high taxes) § Hagia Sophia – beautiful cathedral rebuilt by Justinian with great mosaics, lights, etc.

Byzantium v. Rome

Division in the Church § Patriarch – leader of the Eastern church § People riot as a result of emperor’s iconoclasm-banning of icons (religious images to help in devotions) § Pope excommunicates (kicked out of the church) Byzantine emperor

Division! § 1054 – All this comes to a head as the church splits/divides (schism) § Result of Pope & Patriarch excommunicating each other § Result: Christianity is split into Eastern Orthodox & Western Roman Catholic

Crisis for Constantinople § Constantinople attacked (by other Christians) during 4 th Crusade (1202– 1204) § Burned/Plundered city § Never recovers § 1453—Falls to Ottoman Turks § City converted to Muslim city—ISTANBUL! § Legacy: § Extends Hellenistic Culture § Extends Roman values
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