By: Roxanne Bentley ARGENTINA

WHERE IS ARGENTINA Argentina is located next to Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and Uruguay in South America.

RELIGION IN ARGENTINA • • • The Argentine constitution guarantees religious freedom. Roman Catholicism acts as the official state religion. Other world religions are gaining a foothold within the country during the last ten to fifteen years.

ARGENTINEAN FAMILY VALUES In Argentina family is the center of life. Their extended family is as close to them as their immediate family. There is always a head of the house, but it comes with large amounts of responsibility.

CURRENCY In Argentina they use the Argentine Peso. One Argentine Peso is worth. 066 of a US Dollar. This means 20 US Dollars is 303 Argentine Pesos.

EL DIA DE TRADICION El Dia de Tradicion, or the Day of Tradition, is celebrated annually on November 10 following a week or so of parties, concerts, parades and feasts. November 10 marks the anniversary of the birth of Jose Hernandez, an Argentine gaucho who lived on the Pampas during the mid-19 th century. As a self-taught writer and poet, Hernandez wrote "El Gaucho Martin Fierro, " an enormously popular poem considered one of the greatest works in Argentine literature detailing his viewpoint about the challenges and injustices facing the gauchos of the time. In his honor, towns and cities across Argentina celebrate with parades and gaucho celebrations known as peñas. Vendors sell traditional food like asado (beef cooked in a an open-faced brick oven), empanadas (meat pies), and mate (a herbal drink). In some peñas festivities, gaucho games as well as rodeos are part of the fun, and men dressed in gaucho attire display their equestrian ability

EL CARNAVAL DEL PAIS Two weeks prior to Lent, Argentina celebrates El Carneval del Pais much like New Orleans celebrates Mardi Gras, and Brazil celebrates Carnivale. Many gather to enjoy the festivities, in part because the day is considered a public holiday, which closes several businesses and schools. The town of Gualeguaychu, located between Buenos Aires and Iguazu Falls, hosts the largest Carnaval celebration in the country. The town's 38, 000 -seat center known as the Corsodromo hosts a "Kings of the Carneval" celebration, where samba clubs, musicians and singers compete for the title. In Buenos Aires proper, most neighborhoods celebrate with street musicians knowns as "murgas" and artists. During Carnival, people dress in costume and dance in the streets. Traditional fare is served, with a nod to Roman Catholicism by replacing beef with fish during this "kickoff" to Lent. Corn stew, humitas en chala (corn patties wrapped and cooked in the husk), and Bocaditos--finger sandwiches made with shrimp--are popular during Carnaval.

LA REVOLUCION DE MAYO La Revolucion de Mayo (the May Revolution) occurs each year on May 25 to mark the anniversary of Argentine independence from Spain in 1810. Also called Dia Nacional, or National Day, it is considered a public holiday in Argentina. Additionally, most public transportation is free during the holiday for those attending any festivities. National Day kicks off with parades, music and Argentine fare. Festivities begin around mid-day and run late into the evening. National Day is usually brought to a close with a singing of the country's national anthem, but not before local government officials make speeches and proclamations.

BUENOS AIRES The city Buenos Aires in Argentina is one of the most important cultural centers of the best, and not only thanks to the city’s famous tango or its cafés, but also because it is the city which holds the most theatre rooms in the world. The cultural centre of the Argentine capital is its Avendia de Mayo.

THE TANGO It is a common mistake to say that tango is the music of Argentina. Tango is the cultural expression of the Rio de la Plata, which includes Buenos Aires, Rosario and Montevideo. Like other countries, Argentina has a large diversity of musical expressions and tango is only one, and one that is strongly related to the social history of portenos.

“FASHION” You will see young men wearing jeans and t-shirts or soccer jerseys, but you'll also see a lot of people in nice pants and dressy shoes. Women tend to wear very feminine clothing, even if they're wearing jeans, and they don't tend to wear sneakers.

ARGENTINE CUISINE • Barbecued lamb with sweet mint dressing • Chimichurri (a green salsa) Dulce de Leche • • Empanadas

IGUAZÚ FALLS Voted as one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World, Iguazu Falls is undoubtedly the most visited place in Misiones and one of the most imposing natural attractions in Argentina and the World. There are more than 270 falls in an area where cliffs and islets are scattered in a half moon. From the visitors center you can walk around trails or in a picturesque train. There are two basic circuits: an upper path and a lower path.

PERITO MORENO GLACIER Located 48 miles from the town of El Calafate. The Perito Moreno Glacier is a huge tourists attraction, most of which arrive to El Calafate to the soul purpose of visiting this Glacier. The tourists can view the glacier from a small boat on Lake Argentino, or from three viewing areas on land. Lucky visitors witness huge chunks of ice breaking from the glacier and plummeting into Lake Argentino. The more adventurous can go on a walk on the glacier, or a helicopter flight. The Perito Moreno is 30 km (19 mi) in length

MOUNT FITZ ROY Also known as Monte Fitz Roy or Cerro Fitz Roy, this mountain is located near El Chaltén village, in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field. The mountain area is very popular for hiking among tourists who arrive to El Chalten for a day from the nearby city of El Calafate, or for overnight stay. The mountain itself was first climbed in 1952, and remains among the most technically challenging mountains on Earth for mountaineers

WANT TO VISIT? The average cost per day for you to be vacationing is $26 US dollars per day. A hotel room cost about $50 -$60 US dollars per night. To fly to Argentina is anywhere around $1, 000 -$2, 000 US dollars.

WORKS CITED • http: //www. budgetyourtrip. com/argentina • https: //10 mosttoday. com/10 -best-attractions-in-argentina/ • https: //www. welcomeargentina. com/puertoiguazu/iguazu-falls. html • https: //www. bbcgoodfood. com/howto/guide/top-10 -foods-try-argentina • http: //traveltips. usatoday. com/holidays-festivals-argentina-3959. html • http: //www. commisceo-global. com/country-guides/argentina-guide
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