Bloc Quebecqois Bloc Quebecois was formed 1991 by
Bloc Quebecqois
Bloc Quebecois was formed 1991 by members of parliament who left the conservative party. And was founded by Lucien bouchard The party leader/ local candidate is yves Francois blanchet This party wants to make necessary changes for secession from canada and only do campaigns held in the province of Quebec during federal elections. Bloc Quebecois is dedicated to the soverngnty and nationalism of Quebec. The party has been described as socially democratic
Bill proposal Bloc Quebecois realizes that the government is providing subsides to the oil companies. it is stated from the Narwhal news website. That in 2019 the government subsidize $60 billion to all companies across canada. what the bloc Quebecois proposes is since oil is causing great climate change, we think it is appropriate to cut down the subsidizes provided from government to the oil companies across canada. And use the money to promote clean energy https: //thenarwhal. ca/canadas-fossil-fuelsubsidies-amount-to-1650 -per-canadian-its-got-tostop/
We want to take out a portion of the subsidize allowing the companies to still have there support from the government and for the government to have spare money from the subsides to promote clean energy for canada.
We think that taking a portion off the amount is acceptable decision. We believe that if we take out all the government money supply, it will cause the oil companies to struggle which is not what we want.
The portion we would plan on taking out would be 40% (24 billion) which we believe is still a good amount of money to support these oil companies. this means that with the money that we have from the subsidize cut can used for a good purpose for our country. The cost will now be approximately $638. 48 person working in the oil industries around canada.
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