Biography of Imam Malik ra His Name Malik

Biography of Imam Malik (ra) His Name: Malik bin Anas bin Malik bin Abi Aamir His Kunya: (Patronymic filial name): Abu 'Abdillah His Lineage: Malik bin Anas bin Malik bin Abi Aamir bin 'Amr bin al-Harith bin Ainmaan (Uthmaan) bin Khuthail (AL-ASBAHEE-a royal tribe branch of Himyar in Yemen)

His Birth: According to Hafiz Zhahabi, Sam'aani ibn Farhoon, and others Imaam Malik was born in the year 93 A. H. due to the report of Yahya bin Bukair one of the elder students of the Imaam. Others have said he was born in 90 A. H. some say in 95 A. H. and Yaf'ee reports in Tabaqaatul. Fuqaha, 94 A. H.

His Appearance: Mutarraf bin 'Abdullah al-Yasaari says that the Imaam was tall, wellbuilt, fair complexion, blond-haired, large-eyes and nose, broad forehead with hardly any hair on it referred as (Asla') in Arabic ) the same is said about Umar and Ali (Radhi Allahu Anhuma). He had a very profuse and thick beard that reached down to his chest. He used to trim his moustache near the corners of his lips and said it was disapproved to fully shave them. He followed the Sunnah of Umar bin Khattab (Radhi Allahu Anhu) who used to pull his moustaches hair near the lips when he was in deep thought of something. He used to wear very elegent and expensive clothing, usually wearing white, and frequently changing them. He would put on Musk and other fragrances on his clothing. He would wear his turban and have part of it come down underneath his chin and the tail of it between his two shoulders.

His Education and Knowledge: The Imaam's Family was in itself a place of knowledge where his childhood was in the beautiful gardens and land of Madinah. He learned and memorized the Qur'an in his youth. He recited to Imaamul-Qurra', Nafi' bin Abdur-Rahman (whose recitation is the foundation of the entire Muslim Ummah today and he passed away in the year 169 A. H. ) and also received his (Sanad) certification and permission to teach others from him. In the beginning of his quest for knowledge the Imaam did not have many means to acquire it properly so he sold the ceiling beams of his home to purchase books and papers for enabling him to do so. After some time Allah SWT bestowed him with a lot of wealth and money.

The Imaam's memory was also extraordinary. He himself would that anything I would record in my memory would never be forgotten again. It is reported about the Imaam that he had the best memory in all of Hijaz, likewise in the knowledge of Hadith and Fiqh. Imaam Shaf'iee (RA) says about him, "If Malik and Ibn Uyainah where not here, the knowledge of Hijaaz would be gone. " Imaam Zhahabi say, "There remains no scholar in Madinah after the Tabi'een comparable to Imaam Malik's knowledge, jurisprudence, eminence, and memorization. "

In Hadith, the Imaam was the leader of all of Madinah, where his chain of narrators were the most authentic and called "SILSILATULZHAHAB" or "THE GOLDEN CHAIN OF NARRATORS" (ie. Narrated from Malik from Nafi' from Ibn Umar (Radhi Allahu Anhu). The Imaam would not just narrate Hadith from anyone, rather he would take great caution and narrate only from authentic and reliable sources.

In Fiqh, the Imaam was on a higher level than all the rest. Bahlool bin Raashid says about him, "I have never seen someone with the knowledge of deducing from the Qur'an as Malik, along with his great recognition of strong and weak narrations. " Abdullah bin Luhay'ah says, "I asked al-Nadhr bin Abdul-Jabbar (Abul-Aswad) who has a saying after Rabi'ah in Madinah? He relpied, al-Ghulam al. Asbahi (ie. Imaam Malik). Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal says about the great Imaam, "I compared Imaam Malik to Awzaa'eey, Thawri, Laith, Hammaad, and al-Hakam in knowledge, and he is the leader in Hadith and Fiqh. "

His Teachers and Instructors: Imaam Malik would only take knowledge from those men who were famous for their cleanliness, piety, and truthfulness, who were distinct in memorization and jurisprudence. The teachers mentioned in Muwatta from whom he narrated Hadith from are 95 in total all of who were from Madinah. Thus making all of the various holders of knowledge who were scattered all around now brought together in one holder (Imaam Malik), this is why he earned the name of "IMAAM DARUL-HIJRAH. "

Some of His Aqeedah: Imaam Malik believed that the Qur'an, which is the last message of Allah, was Ghair Makhluq, not a creation. He also believed that Allah SWT is on His Throne just as he has described in the Qur'an. He believed that Allah SWT has the knowledge of everything and that the believers will see Him with their eyes on the Day of Judgment. He believed that Imaan (faith) is to declare it by mouth, and is manifested through actions that will increase by obedience and decrease by committing sins.

His love for Madinah: Even when the Imaam attained old age and became very weak he never rode on an animal in Madinah his entire life. He understood that it was against the respect of Madinah to ride on the very land that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) is buried in. Imaam Shaf'iee (RA) says, "I saw at the door of Imaam Malik's home beautiful horses from Khurasaan and Egyptian Mules. So I said to him they were very nice. He said they are yours as a gift from me. I said that you should keep one for yourself. His reply was that I am embarrassed to do so! How can I ride on them when the body of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) is buried here in Madinah and the land is being rode on with the hooves of horses?

His Demise: The great Imaam reached the age of 84 or 86 or 87 or 90 years when he became ill on a Sunday and this illness continued to get worse for three weeks until on the 11 th or 14 th of Rabi-al-Awwal 179 A. H. he passed away. He was buried in the famous graveyard in Madinah called Jannatul. Baqee.

His Children: The great Imaam left behind three sons: Yayha, Muhammad, and Hammad. His remaining wealth that was inherited was 3300 dinaars.
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