Bell Ringer Which historical document Declaration of Independence

Bell Ringer • Which historical document (Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation or the Constitution) do you believe had the largest impact on American Government? Explain why?

Origins of American Governme nt

Basic Concepts of Government The English colonists in America brought with them three main concepts: 1. The need for ordered government. 2. The idea of limited government, that is, that government should not be allpowerful. 3. The concept of representative government, a government that serves the will of the people.

Landmark English Documents • The Magna Carta- Great charter forced upon King John of England by his barons in 1215; established that the power of the monarchy was not absolute and guaranteed trial by jury and due process of law and nobility. – These protections were originally for the privileged class – Over time it was given to all people • English Bill of Rights- document written by Parliament and signed by William and Mary of England in 1689, designed to prevent abuse of power by English monarchs; forms the basis for much of the American government and politics today. – Prohibit standing army in times of peace – Parliamentary elections be free – Right to fair trial – Freedom from excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment

The English Colonies • Unique characteristics shaped by English origins • Three different Charters: 1. Royal Colonies • Bicameral • Unicameral 2. Proprietary Colonies 3. Charter Colonies • Can you name all 13 original colonies still? – – – – Massachusetts New Hampshire New York Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Pennsylvania Maryland Virginia N. Carolina S. Carolina Georgia

Growing Colonial Unity 1. New England Confederation • 1643 - New England settlements • First time colonies came together 2. The Albany Plan • 1754 - Benjamin Franklin proposes Plan • Annual congress of delegates from each of the 13 colonies formed 3. The Stamp Act Congress • 1765 - group of colonies sent delegates to the Stamp Act Congress in New York • Prepared Declaration of Rights and Grievances against British policies and sent to the king

4. First Continental Congress • • • 1774 – Colonies meet in reaction to Coercive Acts The colonists sent a Declaration of Rights to KG 3 Delegates urged colonies to refuse trade with England until British tax and trade regulations were repealed

• • • 1775 - 13 colonies sent representatives to Philly again Sent KG 3 Olive Branch petition Served as first government of the United States from 1776 to 1781 5. Second Continental Congress

6. American Independen On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence

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