Bell Ringer What does this document mean to

Bell Ringer � What does this document mean to you? Write a short reflection on what this document means and how this impacts history, your life, and how this document has shaped our country. (4 sentences again)

Schedule 8/27/15 �Bell Ringer �Schedule Review �Overview of the Declaration of Independence �“Celebrity Reads” �APPARTS over the Declaration of Independence

Strain among the colonies �The events leading up to the Declaration of Independence put a huge strain on the colonies �While almost all colonists were upset with Britain, not everyone wanted to split off from them �It seemed like all options were poor options

The Risk �Those who signed the document, would be at risk of being branded traitors and dying a traitors death �Put the colonies as a whole at greater risk from more severe sanctions �The colonists were taking a huge risk declaring their freedom

The Signers � 56 signers of the Declaration �They were representatives of all 13 colonies �Big names: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Robert Paine, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Jefferson �Ben Franklin was the oldest representative present at 70 years old!

About the Author � It was written by Thomas Jefferson, though he was part of a five man writing committee (John Adams, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, and Robert Livingston) � Jefferson wrote a rough draft before making a concrete final copy to bring before the committee � Basically locked himself in a room for weeks to write it � Had a heavy influence of John Locke in it � “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness”Jefferson � “Life, Liberty, and Possessions”- Locke � https: //www. google. com/map s/place/Declaration+House/ @39. 9507676, 75. 1521471, 15 z/data=!4 m 2! 3 m 1!1 s 0 x 0: 0 x 69 b 3 e 83 b 3367 5274

Importance/Timeline � June 11 th 5 man committee meets to begin writing the D. o. I. � June 28 th first draft is brought before the colonial congress � July 1 -4 congress debates D. o. I. � July 2 nd Congress declares independence � July 3 rd D. o. I. is adopted � July 4 th D. o. I. is signed by congress � July 9 th Washington orders D. o. I. be read in front of American Army � January 18 th Every state in the Union has a copy of the D. o. I. � Begins the Revolutionary War � Establishes the fall of the British Empire � Begins a trend of Freedom and ideas of Independence across the world (India and Ireland) � Establishes core beliefs for the future of the United States

APPARTS �Work on completing an APPARTS for the Declaration of Independence �Use full sentences and complete ideas �You may work with a partner or individually
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