Bell Ringer 427 Take out your bell ringer

Bell Ringer 4/27 --Take out your bell ringer sheet! What is an immigrant? Why might they leave their home?

Agenda/Objective: Identify push/pull factors that made immigrants move Agenda: BR review Notes/Push-Pull scenarios

Reminder! • Quick quiz on Friday! • Over: Notes (push/pull), graphs/charts, identity, immigrant

Push Factors Compel people to leave their homes

What are some push factors for immigration?

Farmers • Land was cheaper • More machines led to fewer farming jobs • Mexicans, Polish, and Chinese left farms

Persecution • Religious discrimination forced many people to leave their homes • Eastern European Jews were put in ghettos and suffered mob violence

• War in China and Eastern Europe led people to choose to leave or forced to leave after destruction

Famine • Famine - crops dying led to starvation • Great potato famine in Ireland led many to leave home

Pull factors Draw people to a new place

What are some pull factors of immigration?

Religious Freedom • America gave the opportunity for much more religious freedom

Economic Opportunity • Homestead Act - new immigrants got land for cheap/free • Work on Railroads, Mines, Oil Fields, Factories

Exit slip Narrative of an immigrant, including both a push and pull factor
- Slides: 17