Bell Ringer 2 24 Complete the bell ringer

Bell Ringer 2. 24 Complete the bell ringer sheet for conjunctions and style/tone. Double Sided. Write on the paper. Turn in your homework to the front tray 7 minutes!!!

Conjunctions Spaghetti is now commonplace in Great Britain, for this has not always been the case. In 1957, the British Broadcasting Company aired a three-minute story claiming that spaghetti grew on trees, as an April Fool’s Day joke. The film showed loopy strands of pasta being “harvested” on a family farm in Switzerland. It was then laid out to dry in the sun for several hours, so all the moisture evaporated. The segment claimed that, apart from an especially mild winter, the year’s spaghetti harvest would be a bumper crop. It also explained that the uniform length of the spaghetti strands was the result of extensive breeding by farmers. The film’s authoritative voice made it seem plausible, and many Britons were taken in by the prank.

Conjunction Notes WRITE THESE DOWN!!!

Additive Conjunctions that simple add more information to what is already there. Examples: And, also, in addition, not only … but also, moreover, further, besides

Replacement Conjunctions that replace one piece of information with another. That is, they offer an alternative. Examples: Or, or else, alternatively.

Comparative Conjunctions that are used to link two ideas that are considered to be similar Examples: In the same way, likewise, just as, both … and

Contrastive Conjunctions that like two ideas that are considered to be different. Examples; But, however, in contrast, on the contrary, instead, nevertheless, yet, still, even so, neither … nor

Concessive Conjunctions A subgroup of contrastive conjunctions. They are used to contrast one idea with another where one place of information appears to be surprising or unexpected in view of the other idea. Examples: Though, although, despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, whereas, while Even though money has been poured into literacy programs, literacy levels among 12 -15 year olds do not appear to be improving.

Resulting Conjunctions The conjunctions introduce a result to the previous idea. Examples: Due to, until

Questioning Right There Questions: A question whose answer is right in the text – all you have to do is locate it and copy it down. Pulling It Together Questions: A question whose answer in in the text, but you have to pull it together from different parts of the text – you can’t simply copy it down from one place. Author and Me Questions: A question whose answer is not in the text itself. The reader has to use the information provided in the text and his/her own knowledge to figure out the answer. In other words, the author provides information that can help answer the question, but does not provide the answer itself. On My Own Questions: A question whose answer is not in the text itself. The reader does not have to have read the text to answer the question, but reading the text will likely inform his/her answer to the question.

Instructions for NOW Annotate the printed notes for Anti. Transcendentalism. Make sure you are annotating EVERY slide! Write 4 questions, one from each level, regarding the notes. Use the question stems on the back of the paper. Not being on task will result in losing class points. Point loss will affect your progress report.

Anti. Transcendentalism Herman Melville Nathaniel Hawthorne Edgar Allen Poe

Reasons / Causes Opposed the optimism and naïve idealism of the transcendentalists Dwelt on guilt and remorse over past sins Discontented with current circumstances in America

Key ideas / Philosophies Belief in the potential destructiveness of the human spirit Belief in individual truths, but no universal truths, and the truths of existence are deceitful and disturbing Human nature is inherently sinful (original sin) and evil is an active force in the universe Focus on the man’s uncertainty and limitations in the universe

View of Nature is vast and incomprehensible, a reflection of the struggle between good and evil Nature is the creation and possession of God and it cannot be understood by human beings

Writing Style Man vs. Nature conflicts bring out the evil in humanity Raw and morbid diction Focus on the protagonist’s inner struggles Typical protagonists are haunted outsiders who are alienated from society Prevalent use of symbolism

The Dark Romantics believed that spirituality is found in nature, BUT not everything in nature is good or harmless Focused on the dark side: original sin, the conflict between good and evil, the effects of guilt, sin, and madness Wrote about the horror of evil
- Slides: 17