Bell ringer 122 123 New bell ringer section

Bell ringer 1/22 -1/23 (New bell ringer section) Traducir a español. Unit 4 vocab list will be very helpful. 1. I had to eat pizza last night 2. Billy Bones came to my house yesterday 3. Last month I went to Argentina 4. The movie was boring 5. The referee ran very fast 6. The band was impressive 7. I wasn’t able to go to school 8. He set the table last night 9. She made lunch yesterday 10. We were at school last week

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bell ringer 1/24 -1/25 Contestar en español. Unit 4 vocab list will be very helpful. ¿Qué comiste anoche? ¿Quién vino a tu casa ayer? ¿Adónde fuiste el mes pasado? ¿Cómo fue la película anoche? ¿Pudieron Uds. ir a la escuela ayer? ¿Quién puso la mesa anoche?

Two options: Spanish Flashcards Spanish word and a picture (English word optional) and/or English word once and the Spanish word five times This will be turned in with the end of unit test.

Bell Ringer 1/28 -1/29 Contesta las preguntas con preposiciones. Then study for your quiz. 1. ¿Dónde está la computadora? 2. ¿Dónde está la bandera? 3. ¿Dónde está la ventana? 4. ¿Dónde está el sacapuntas? 5. ¿Dónde está el cartel de Michael Jordan?

1. To the right 2. To the left 3. Near/close to 4. On top of/above 5. Far from 6. In front of 7. Behind 8. Below/underneath 9. Between/among 10. Next to Quiz 1 unit 5

Bell ringer 1/30 -/31 Contestar las preguntas con frases completes: 1. ¿Qué hicieron Uds. anoche? 2. ¿Dónde estuviste anoche? 3. ¿Cómo fue la película “The Justice League”? 4. ¿Fuiste a un restaurante ayer?

1. The bank 2. The neighborhood 3. The night club 4. The hospital 5. The hotel 6. The grocery store 7. The post office 8. The bakery 9. Downtown 10. The park Quiz 2 unit 5

Mini map project In preparation for our unit test presentation, you will be drawing a map and labeling it in Spanish. Include at least 10 places from our unit 5 list and label them. Draw in the streets and other landmarks as well. Next you are going to write sentences answering the following questions. 1. ¿Cómo es tu ciudad? (answer with 3 sentences) 2. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu ciudad y por qué? (answer with 3 different things) 3. ¿Adónde debo ir yo y por qué? (answer with 2 places) There are other places you can add to your map as well that you have learned in the past but they don’t count as part of your 10 words from list 5 such as the restaurant or the movie theater.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bell ringer 2/01 -2/04 Traducir a español. Unit 5 vocab list will be very helpful. The bank opens at 9 in the morning. The post office closes at 5 in the evening. The museum is next to the pharmacy. The bakery is smaller than the butcher’s shop. The park is as fun as the movie theater. Cross the street and the bank is on the left. Do you have a map? Stop at the stop sign. I recommend the restaurant Los Betos.

¿Dónde está…? ¿Dónde está la computadora? Está encima del escritorio. ¿Dónde está Billy Bones? Billy está a la derecha de Juan Carlos Sanchez.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bell ringer 2/05 -2/06 Traducir a español. -ing notes will be very helpful. I am serving the pizza. We are reading a book. He is running very fast. She is telling the truth. (la verdad=the truth) They are sleeping. Are you following that car? Are they speaking Spanish? He is taking a shower. (reflexive) I am getting dressed. (reflexive)

Directional Phrases No sigas… Don’t continue… Sigue derecho… Continue straight …por… for… …hasta llegar a… until arriving at… Dobla a la… Turn to the …derecha right …izquierda left No dobles… Don’t turn… ¿Cómo se va a…? How do you get to…. ? Ve derecho. Go straight. ¡Para! Stop! No Vayas… Don’t go… No pares… Don’t stop… Da la vuelta. Turn around. No des la vuelta. Don’t turn around. …está a la derecha/izquierda it is on the right/left. Está delante de… It’s in front of… …al lado de… next to

Direct Object Pronouns A direct object tells who or what receives the action of the verb. It can be replaced by a direct object pronoun. They agree in gender and number with the direct object they replace. Singular Plural Me: me Nos: us Te: you Os: you all Lo: it, him, you (masc. formal) La: it, her, you (fem. formal) Los: them, you (masc. ) Las: them, you (fem. ) Direct object pronouns go before a conjugated verb or attached to an infinitive. Ej: Yo invité a tí. Yo te invité. Ej: Ella quiere llevar a nosotros. Ella nos quiere llevar. Ella quiere llevarnos.

I love her. (amar) She loves me. We invited you. (invitar) They invited us. I want to invite you. He loves us. She took you to school. (llevar) We took her to the bank. They took us to the mall. We took you to the plaza. I read it. (el libro) They ate them. (las pizzas) He bought it. (la comida)

Bell Ringer 2/7 -2/8 Traducir a español: 1. Are you driving the car? Yes, I am driving it. 2. Is he serving the pizza? No, he is not serving it. 3. Follow (sigue) the police officer to the hospital! I am following him! 4. Are you sleeping? Yes, I am sleeping. 5. Are you all reading chapters seven and eight? Yes we are reading them.

Traducir las frases a español. Bell Ringer 2/11 -2/12 1. How do you get to the bank from the post office? (from=desde) ¿Cómo se va al banco desde el correo? 2. Walk straight for two blocks and turn to the right. (to walk=caminar command=camina) Camina derecho por dos cuadras y dobla a la derecha. 3. Walk as far as the statue and turn to the left. (the statue=la estatua) Camina hasta la estatua y dobla a la izquierda. 4. Cross the bridge and the subway is next to the plaza. (the subway=el metro) Cruza el puente y el metro está al lado de la plaza.

Traducir las frases a español: Bell Ringer 2/13 -2/14 1. How do you get to the post office? Go straight until the traffic light and turn to the left. 2. How do you get to the plaza? Continue straight for two blocks and the plaza is on the right. 3. Did you go to the pharmacy yesterday? 4. What did you do downtown yesterday? 5. I went to a restaurant and ate pizza.

Traducir las frases a español: 1. Yesterday I went to the park. Bell Ringer 2/15 -2/19 2. I read the book last night. 3. He bought it. (el libro) 4. We went to the bank. 5. Turn to the right and the post office is on the left. 6. My city is very pretty. There a lot of interesting places.

Bell Ringer 2/20 -2/25 Turn in to the class basket in the back staple together in this order: Unit 5 flashcards on top Bell ringers unit 5 Get ready to present. Practice your dialogue out loud for pronunciation.
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