Bell Ringer 102507 Explain the attack on Pearl

Bell Ringer – 10/25/07 ►Explain the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 (2 to 3 sentences) ►Why did Roosevelt issue the order to have 110, 000 Japanese put into Internment camps?

Axis vs. Allies ►Axis powers – Germany, Italy, & Japan. These countries agreed to fight together against the United States. ►Allies – nations who fought with the U. S. against the Axis. Great Britain & the Soviet Union

Battle of Stalingrad (Soviet Union) ►In 1942 the German air force attacked Stalingrad and set the city on fire ►The Soviets were devastated but counterattacked the Germans when fierce winter storms set in. The Germans struggled through the winter until supplies ran out and men died in huge numbers ►Turning point – the Soviets were gaining on Germany

Roosevelt & War ►He wanted to help the Allies but had to appease U. S. citizens who opposed entering the war ►He called the German (Nazi) U-boats the “rattlesnakes of the Atlantic” ►Atlantic Charter – A joint declaration of war, signed by Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister) & Roosevelt. Agreed on cooperation and freedom of seas

Battle of Britain ►In the fall of 1940 the Germans bombed Britain for months ►Britain fought back and defended their Air Force – it was essentially a German loss ►Sweden decides to remain neutral during the war

Terms ► WAAC – Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps. Created to enable women to serve in noncombat positions (nurses, radio operators) ► Douglas Mac. Arthur – WWII General who was in the Philippines during Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt ordered him to leave and he stated “I will return!” ► Charles Coughlin – Catholic priest who mocked Roosevelt on the radio ► Dr. Francis Townsend – stated that Roosevelt needed more health and pension programs for the elderly

The Atomic Bomb ►Two bombs dropped by Americans in August 1945 – first Hiroshima, then Nagasaki ►Truman (now president) wanted to drop the bomb to end the war quickly ► 200, 000 people die as a result of radiation and injuries
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