Bayonet Charge Ted Hughes REVISION PPT Bayonet Charge

Bayonet Charge Ted Hughes REVISION PPT

Bayonet Charge by Ted Hughes – the background The poet - Ted Hughes (1930 -1998) was born in Yorkshire, in the North of England, and grew up in the countryside. - After serving in the RAF for two years, he won a scholarship to Cambridge University where he studied Archaeology and Anthropology. - The themes of the countryside, human history and mythology therefore already deeply influenced his imagination by the time he started writing poetry as a student. - His father was a First World War veteran and his experiences and stories of the war provide the inspiration behind the poem. As he did not experience the war himself Ted Hughes considered himself to be a pseudo war poet. fought in World War One? Social and historical context - Bayonet Charge is set during the First World War 1914 -1918 and is heavily influenced by the war poetry of Wilfred Owen. World War one is remembered particularly for trench warfare, the use of gas and bayonets and the mass slaughter of millions of men. - The poem focuses on the experience of one soldier and his experience of using a bayonet. A bayonet is a blade that can be attached to the end of a rifle and is used for stabbing. PREDICT – Write down how you think the poet’s background will impact on the type of poem he will write. Will his poem be less powerful than the poems of those who fought?

Context and comments

The poem itself • Listen to the poem being read and examine the poem • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ju. CDjy. Cys. AY&index=8&list=PLNg 7 y. Vi 85 BTg. Qw 3 W 3 Eoz. ZZG 4 l. K 7 zd. Uqa 6 • Summarise what happens in each stanza ( 1 sentence for each stanza only!) • What are themes of the poem? ( At least 4!) • What is the message of the poem? (what is the poet trying to tell you? )




The bigger picture – HIT POEM mnemonic In the examination the key skill will be to compare two poems. The following mnemonic is useful when you first look at a poem either seen or unseen. REVISION – respond to HITPOEM H - Happen What happens in the poem? Where and when is it set? I - Imagery What images are used and what effect do they have? T - Techniques What poetic techniques are used and what effects do they create? P - Personal response What are your personal feelings about it? O - Organisation How has the poet structured the poem? E - Emotions What is the tone or mood? M - Message What is theme? What is the poet’s message?
- Slides: 8