BARBARA KRUGER Barbara Kruger Έργο μαθήτριας
• «I am a deeply superficial person. —Andy Warhol If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintings and films and me, and there I am. There’s nothing behind it. » • «You only need to look at the surface of my pictures… that’s me. There’s nothing hidden behind it. »
Christian Boltanski, «Réliquaire» , 1990 Christian Boltanski * 1944 Paris (F); first short film; since 1973 reconstructions of fictitious biographies by using found materials and remnants of biographies; concerned with the issues archive and memory; lives and works in Malakoff near Paris.
Monument Canada (detail), 1988, by Christian Boltanski. Clothes, black-and-white photographs, and lights; 110 x 7 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Heyman.
Lost but still on file, Christian Boltanski Altar to the Chases High School (Autel Chases), 1987 Christian Boltanski, Untitled Reserve, 1989, clothes, black and white photographs, and lights, 111 x 64 x 7 inches
ΠΟΡΤΡEΤΑ Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait, 1889
Γράμμα στον αδελφό του: Theo: “They say—and I gladly believe it—that it is difficult to know yourself, but it isn’t easy to paint oneself either. For the time being, I am working on two portraits of myself—since I have no other models—for it is high time for me to paint some figures. One of them I started the first day I got up; I was thin and pale like a ghost. It is dark blue-violet, the head whitish with yellow hair, in other words, an effect of color. But since then I have begun another one, three quarter length on a light background. You will see when you put up the portrait with the light background that I have just finished. . . that I look saner now, even much more so. I am inclined to think that the portrait will tell you how I am better than my letter and this will reassure you. . Ever yours, Vincent. ”
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