Bakers Cyst Development of Bakers Cysts The underlying
Baker’s Cyst
Development of Baker’s Cysts • The underlying cause is typically trauma leading to swelling of the knee joint • When there is a back up of synovial fluid it leaks into the posterior portion of the joint capsule due to the increased pressure • Is a commonly seen as sequela to: – Meniscal cartilage tears – RA – Arthritis of the knee joint – Other trauma to the knee
Symptoms of Baker’s Cysts • Commonly asymptomatic – Cyst can be painful upon palpation • There is a large palpable mass in the popliteal fossa – Feels like a water filled balloon • Baker’s Cysts tend to develop near nerve passage ways so numbness or tingling in the lower extremity may be present
Baker’s Cyst Issues • While normally painless, the cyst can rupture • Rupturing of the cyst leads to painful swelling and possible bruising of the surrounding tissues • Symptoms can mimic blood clots, so the cause of the swelling needs to be differentiated • Cysts also require the Physical Therapist to ensure the mass is not a tumor
Differential Diagnosis Tests • Shine a light through the cyst to see type of fluid inside – Synovial fluid is clear – Leg will be red and swollen if ruptured
Differential Diagnosis Tests • If the area is red, swollen, and bruised refer to a primary care physician for blood tests to rule out a blood clot • If the mass grows quickly or there any red flags for cancer, a referral to a primary care physician is necessary.
Recommendation • There is not much to be done with Baker’s Cysts – – Referral out is an option Cysts can be aspirated Surgery is rare as cysts can return Surgery can also damage surrounding blood vessels • Rehabilitation should resume within pain limitations for the original cause for referral to therapy – Rest and elevation should cause the condition to clear up, referral is only necessary if the Baker’s Cyst does not resolve within several days for surgical treatment
Prognosis • Long-term disability is rare • Symptoms typically come and go, Baker’s Cysts are more irritating than anything else
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