AVA Kickoff PersonalOrganisation Profile Jonathan D A Smith

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AVA Kickoff Personal/Organisation Profile Jonathan D. A. Smith Tech-X UK Ltd 13. 1. 17

AVA Kickoff Personal/Organisation Profile Jonathan D. A. Smith Tech-X UK Ltd 13. 1. 17

Tech-X Corporation & Tech-X UK Ltd ØComputational Electromagnetics Consultancy ØMany-Core & High Performance Computing

Tech-X Corporation & Tech-X UK Ltd ØComputational Electromagnetics Consultancy ØMany-Core & High Performance Computing Ø(40+ People, 30+ Ph. D) US since ‘ 94, UK since ‘ 09 ØFunding: Øsoftware license sales to commercial, national lab & university customers Øconsulting/development contracts

Tech-X Areas of expertise Ø “Off-the-shelf” products & physics software consulting Ø VSim modules

Tech-X Areas of expertise Ø “Off-the-shelf” products & physics software consulting Ø VSim modules (Electromagnetics, Plasma Discharge, Microwave Devices, Plasma Acceleration), USim (unstructured mesh fluids), PSim Ø High-performance computational software, specialising in accelerators, plasmas (low temp, astrophysical and HEDP), electromagnetics, charged particle dynamics. Ø High-performance visualization and computational front ends (eg Geant 4 GUI for space radiation phys. ) Ø Enhancing code performance Ø Scientific software development and quality assurance Ø Computational infrastructure

Tech-X off-the-shelf computational applications • Vorpal computational application for • Electromagnetics • Antennas •

Tech-X off-the-shelf computational applications • Vorpal computational application for • Electromagnetics • Antennas • Accelerator cavities • Photonic devices • Microwave Devices • RF sources, e-guns • Multipacting impacts on performance • Plasma Discharges • USim: • Hypersonics, Plasma torches • High energy density plasma physics • Plasma processing, Magnetic nozzles • Plasma processing, Elec. Prop. • PSim: Mesoscale block • Plasma Medical Devices • Plasma Accelerator copolymer simulation • Directed self-assembly in wafer lithography • LPWA • LPA Nieter C, Cary JR, “VORPAL: a Versatile Plasma Simulation Code”, J Comp Phys 2004

JDAS: Past experience Ø 2009 -present – Tech-X UK Ltd. ØCompany operation since formation.

JDAS: Past experience Ø 2009 -present – Tech-X UK Ltd. ØCompany operation since formation. ØAssociate research scientist/ application engineer Ø 2005 -2009 – Lancaster Univ. / Cockcroft Inst. ØEM/PIC simulation of collimation systems, feeding in to understanding of collective effects. Ø 2001 -2005 – e 2 v technologies (prev. Marconi) ØEM Design of vacuum electronics/RF devices ØProcurement of EM/PIC simulation tool portfolio Ø 1997 -2001 – MPhys (Oxon. )

JDAS: Some current activities Ø Development of PUFFIN Free Electron Laser code – sustainability

JDAS: Some current activities Ø Development of PUFFIN Free Electron Laser code – sustainability (testing, documentation and build systems) and enhancing performance of I/O and FFT libraries. (Strathclyde) Ø Simulation of novel low SEY material coatings to reduce electron cloud and/or multipactor. (STFC) Ø Developing ion source models (CERN) Ø Simplifying simulation of novel accelerators through improved model setup, advanced postprocessing/viz, better load balancing (Cockcroft, DESY, PSI, TEMF) Ø Providing our VSim Commercial tools on “Leadership Class Facilities” (Strathclyde/KAUST) Ø Developing models to understand plasma breakdown in semiconductor lithography (anonymous German blue-chip company) Ø Training in simulation techniques for EM (RHUL/JAI, CERN) Ø Miscellaneous sales evaluations, day-to-day operation (!)

My (expected) role… Ø MAD-X will simulate the storage ring lattices of ELENA and

My (expected) role… Ø MAD-X will simulate the storage ring lattices of ELENA and FLAIR, but doesn’t necessarily contain all the physics… so Ø …Tech-X’s code, VSim, could be used to simulate some of the processes, and perform full 3 D field and particle modelling of critical components. Ø Perform full 3 D simulation of gas jet diagnostics (include additional plasma processes) Ø We’ll provide an extended placement/secondment to help with this modelling and make sure the physics may be modelled properly (student starting Aug 2017, placement ~6 months mid 2018) Ø We’ll provide training in use of high performance computing resources, fundamentals of full 3 D EM field simulation & use of VSim (~Apr 2018) Ø Opportunities for other short term secondments/visits to add critical physics, workflow or postprocessing capabilities, work on publications and other ‘impact’ related activities.

Draft 1 week training agenda • Day 1: basic numerical theory: understanding boundary conditions,

Draft 1 week training agenda • Day 1: basic numerical theory: understanding boundary conditions, PIC and Monte-Carlo methods, basics of parallel computing/data transfer considerations; • Day 2: conformal boundaries & advanced algorithms for accelerators, microwave sources, plasma devices and dielectrics, self consistency in particle simulation; • Day 3: local and remote pre and postprocessing, Interfacing inputs and outputs to other codes, batch processing, optimising designs, sweeping parameters; • Day 3: writing custom postprocessing, 3 D visualisation – complemented by Hartree centre visit; • Days 4 -5: advanced case studies and talks from course participants on how simulation is (to be) used in their work, eg in: electromagnetics/dielectrics, plasma accelerators, plasma/microwave devices, decay. I AM VERY OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS FOR TOPICS HERE Other codes? Grid computation? Volunteer computing? More viz? Penning trap? Other applications? External circuits (Pow. Supply)?

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Backup slides © Tech-X, not for redistribution

Chopper layout

Chopper layout

Monte Carlo collisions can help understand neutralization due to background H 2

Monte Carlo collisions can help understand neutralization due to background H 2

Variable Grid helps achieve manageable run-times

Variable Grid helps achieve manageable run-times

Variable Grid helps achieve manageable run-tim

Variable Grid helps achieve manageable run-tim