AULA DE INGLS linking words As linking words

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AULA DE INGLÊS linking words

AULA DE INGLÊS linking words

As linking words são conjunções ( conjunctions ) que funcionam como conectivos nas frases.

As linking words são conjunções ( conjunctions ) que funcionam como conectivos nas frases. Assim, elas desempenham o papel de conectar ideias unindo termos ou mesmo orações. Por esse motivo, são elementos essenciais da comunicação posto que colaboram com a coesão e coerência textuais. As linking words podem expressar ideias de continuação, conclusão, adição, oposição, comparação, explicação, etc. Lembre-se que as conjunções são palavras invariáveis, ou seja, não sofrem flexão de número, gênero ou grau.

Classificação Dependendo da função que desempenham, as conjunções em inglês são classificadas em: Coordinating

Classificação Dependendo da função que desempenham, as conjunções em inglês são classificadas em: Coordinating Conjunctions (conjunções coordenativas): tem o objetivo de ligar palavras ou orações independentes que possuem a mesma classe gramatical. Geralmente elas aparecem no meio das frases sendo que as mais utilizadas são: and (e), but (mas, porém, contudo, todavia), for (pois, visto que), or (ou), nor (nem), so (então) e yet (mas, contudo, porém).

Exemplos: I like my job and my boss. (Eu gosto do meu emprego e

Exemplos: I like my job and my boss. (Eu gosto do meu emprego e do meu chefe) I would go to the beach but it’s raining. (Eu iria à praia mas está chovendo) I hate to waste water, for it is very important these days. (Odeio desperdiçar água, pois é muito importante nos dias de hoje) We can eat a salad or a vegetable soup. (Nós podemos comer uma salada ou uma sopa de legumes). I don’t like dogs. Nor do I. (Eu não gosto de cachorros. Nem eu) It was snowing hard, so I bought an coat. (Estava nevando muito, então eu comprei um casaco) The shoe is beautiful, yet expensive. O sapato é lindo, mas caro. Correlative Conjunctions (conjunções correlativas): da mesma forma que as conjunções coordenativas, as correlativas também têm a função de ligar elementos que possuem a mesma função gramatical. A diferença entre elas é que as mais utilizadas são: correlatives conjunctions apresentem mais de uma palavra sendo

as…as (tão…como): She is as beautiful as her sister. (Ela é tão bonita como

as…as (tão…como): She is as beautiful as her sister. (Ela é tão bonita como a irmã dela) both…and (tanto…e): Both gaspacho and tortilla are very popular in the Spain. (Tanto o Gaspacho e Tortilla são muito populares na Espanha) not only…but also (não só…mas também): He is not only intelligent, but also beautiful. (Ele não é só inteligente, mas também bonito) either…or (qualquer um…ou): You can travel either by plane or by train. (Você pode viajar de avião ou de trem) neither…nor (nenhum dos dois…nem): Vegans eat neither meat nor eggs. (Os veganos não comem carne nem ovos) whether…or (se…ou): You need to decide whether you go to the party or to the cinema. (Você precisa decidir se vai para a festa ou ao cinema) Subordinating Conjunctions (conjunções subordinativas): ligam orações dependentes ( dependent clause ) com outras independentes ( independent clause ). Ou seja, elas são diferentes das coordinating conjunctions que ligam frases independentes. Uma oração independente é aquela que já contém um sentido completo, por exemplo: I go to the beach. (Eu vou para a praia). Já as orações independentes necessitam de outras para fazerem sentido, por exemplo: Because it was cold. (Porque estava frio). Note que sozinha, ela não possui um sentido completo e, portanto, necessita de outra oração para completá-la:

Question 1 - Use arguments to complete the following sentences. a) TV is one

Question 1 - Use arguments to complete the following sentences. a) TV is one of the most popular ways of communication. However… _____________________________ B) Many people use social networking. So…. _____________________________ C) Some students spend a lot of time playing on the computer instead of… _______________________________ D) Connecting to friends is easier and cheaper because… _______________________________ 2) Question 2 – Match the columns to complete the sentences. Then, choose one of them to explain your argument for or against. a) Radio is still a very popular and efficient b) Face-to-face conversation is perhaps the most c) Cell phones are becoming more and d) Some people use walls to express ( ( ) common form of communication among people. ) their ideas by means of graffiti. ) means of communication. ) more popular around the world. Which sentence do you want to explain? ( )_____________________

Question 3 – Which arguments are for or against cell phones? Put number 1

Question 3 – Which arguments are for or against cell phones? Put number 1 (for) or 2 (against). a) In many families people are no longer personally interacting with each other as before. [ ] b) It provides so many possibilities for education, like educational apps, dictionaries, movies, documentaries, social networks etc. [ ] c) Usually it prevents people from communicating with each other face to face. [ ] d) They are portable. Therefore, it is convenient for us to carry mobile phones and keep in contact with others at any time. [ ] e) We can be informed about so many things at the same time when they happen. [ ] f) If we have serious problems, we can find out a practical solution. [ ] Question 4 - You are going to participate in a forum about the future of the planet. Answer the question. In your opinion, what is the biggest threat to the environment? Why? ______________________________________ Question 5 – Choose the best word to connect the sentences. a) Many people are very pessimistic about the future of the world. (Instead of / However / So) I believe we can improve living conditions on our planet. b) I think we can’t stop warming global alone, (so / because / then) we need work together. c) There is a concrete evidence that eco-cars are a good solution (but / also / because) they can help us to improve air quality. d) I can’t understand why some countries are allowing invasion of environmental areas (instead of / then / but) protecting them. e) In my opinion, everyone should separate the garbage at home, (so / even if / and) there is no efficient selective waste program.

Question 6 – EF 09 LI 02 Choose the key word that summarizes the

Question 6 – EF 09 LI 02 Choose the key word that summarizes the main idea of each sentence. Dying forests – Ice melting – Gas emissions – Endangered wildlife a) _________: I have already participated in campaigns to help prevent the extinction of some bird species. b) _________: I’ve already seen a documentary about deforestation in the Amazon and its consequences for life on the planet. c) _________: some cities in Europe have already begun to build eco-friendly cars to reduce the rate of air pollution. d) _________: some environmentalists have already warned us about the consequences of global warming, including rising sea levels. Questions 7 and 8 – EF 09 LI 02 Choose the best word to complete each definition. Question 7 ____________: an increase in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, which is due to the greenhouse effect. a) Global warming. b) Environmentalist. c) Water pollution. d) Activists.

Question 8 ____________: toxic gases from factories and machinery that are then leaked into

Question 8 ____________: toxic gases from factories and machinery that are then leaked into the atmosphere. a) Climate change. b) Deforestation. c) Fossil fuels. d) Overpopulation. Questions 9 and 10 –Choose the option which has the same meaning as the words in bold Question 9 We have so many problems in the world, a) then b) so c) because d) however but one of the most serious is the global warming. Question 10 Our city is very dirty because a lot of people throw garbage on the street. a) but b) as a result of c) instead of d) and Disponivel em: http: //portaldoprofessor. mec. gov. br http: //www. englishact. com. br .

GABARITO Questão 1 RESPOSTA: However e instead of expressam contraste; so expressa conclusão e

GABARITO Questão 1 RESPOSTA: However e instead of expressam contraste; so expressa conclusão e because , causa. Questão 2 RESPOSTA: b/d/a/c; Questão 3 RESPOSTA: 2/1/1/1 Questão 4 RESPOSTA: Personal answer (In my opinion. . . because…). Questão 5 RESPOSTA: a) However; b) so; c) because; d) instead of; e) even if. Questão 6 RESPOSTA: a) Endangered wildlife; b) Dying forests; c) Gas emissions; d) Ice melting. Questão 7 RESPOSTA: A. Questão 8 RESPOSTA: C. Questão 9 RESPOSTA: D. Questão 10 RESPOSTA: B.