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ATTACKING PRINCIPLES 1. PENETRATION - Direct play 渗透--直接打法 2. SUPPORT – Depth 支援—深度 3.

ATTACKING PRINCIPLES 1. PENETRATION - Direct play 渗透--直接打法 2. SUPPORT – Depth 支援—深度 3. MOBILITY – Movements 机动灵活– 移动跑位 4. WIDTH - Use of Flanks 宽度—利用边路 5. IMPROVISATION - Individual surprises 即兴应变– 个人即兴发挥

1. PENETRATION 渗透 DIRECT PLAY 直接打法 • Long direct passes to the scoring spaces

1. PENETRATION 渗透 DIRECT PLAY 直接打法 • Long direct passes to the scoring spaces 长传到得分区域 • Through passes into the scoring zone 直传到得分区域 • Wall passes through the central attacking zone 利用踢墙式传球突破中路 • Combine tactical play aiming through the central scoring zone 利用战术配合进入中路得分区

2. SUPPORT IN DEPTH 支援(深度) SUPPORTING POSITIONS 支援位置 • in close and far areas

2. SUPPORT IN DEPTH 支援(深度) SUPPORTING POSITIONS 支援位置 • in close and far areas 近点和远点的位置 • in left and right 左路和右路的位置 • in front and behind 前后位置 • the risk in supporting square 横传的危险性

3. MOBILITY机动灵活 PLAYERS MOVEMENTS 球员的跑位 • Move in to support teammate with the ball

3. MOBILITY机动灵活 PLAYERS MOVEMENTS 球员的跑位 • Move in to support teammate with the ball 支援有球的同伴 • Move away in space to receive a long pass 反插空当接长传球 • Move to penetrating opponents 插对手身后 • Movements to distroy opponents’ cover 反向跑扰乱对手保护 • Changing positions to confuse opponents 交换位置搅乱对手

4. WIDTH宽度 FLANKS ATTACK 边路进攻 • Use flank play in order to stretch opponent

4. WIDTH宽度 FLANKS ATTACK 边路进攻 • Use flank play in order to stretch opponent wide overlap play 利用边路进攻拉开对手—后套打法 • making crosses or cut backs in aiming to get goals 利用传中或回传射门得分 • changing attack directions by long diagonal passes 利用斜长传改变进攻方向

5. IMPROVISATION 即兴应变 DRIBBLING SURPRISES 出其不意的带球 • Potential skill in dribbling 独特的带球技巧 • Elements

5. IMPROVISATION 即兴应变 DRIBBLING SURPRISES 出其不意的带球 • Potential skill in dribbling 独特的带球技巧 • Elements of surprises 应变的要素

BEGINNING OF THE ATTACK 进攻的开始阶段 1. Conversion from defence to attack 从防守转入进攻 2. Opening

BEGINNING OF THE ATTACK 进攻的开始阶段 1. Conversion from defence to attack 从防守转入进攻 2. Opening up of preparation zones 在进攻发动区域,充分拉开 3. Ball possession 控制球

THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ATTACK IN MID-FIELD 中场组织 1. Running free by running into

THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ATTACK IN MID-FIELD 中场组织 1. Running free by running into Depth and Width. 利用球场的深度和宽度 2. Using the Space on the Wing. 利用边路空当 3. Switching the Play 转移打法 4. Inter-passing 相互传递 5. Penetrating the Mid-field by Dribbling 中场带球渗透

FINISHING THE ATTACK 进攻完成 1. Shooting - from Short and Long Distances 长短距离射门 2.

FINISHING THE ATTACK 进攻完成 1. Shooting - from Short and Long Distances 长短距离射门 2. Finishing after a Combined Play e. g. Wall-pass, Through pass etc. 配合完成进攻—踢墙、直传等 3. Scoring after Crosses 接传中球射门 4. Scoring after Dribbling 带球射门