Associative Arrays and Strings Associative Arrays Strings and

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Associative Arrays and Strings Associative Arrays, Strings and String Operations Soft. Uni Team Technical

Associative Arrays and Strings Associative Arrays, Strings and String Operations Soft. Uni Team Technical Trainers Software University http: //softuni. bg

Table of Contents 1. Associative Arrays § Array Manipulation § Multidimensional Arrays 2. Strings

Table of Contents 1. Associative Arrays § Array Manipulation § Multidimensional Arrays 2. Strings § String Manipulation § Regular Expressions 2

Questions sli. do #PHPFUND 3

Questions sli. do #PHPFUND 3

Associative Arrays

Associative Arrays

Associative Arrays (Maps, Dictionaries) § Associative arrays are arrays indexed by keys § Not

Associative Arrays (Maps, Dictionaries) § Associative arrays are arrays indexed by keys § Not by the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, … § Hold a set of pairs <key, value> § Traditional array § Associative array key 0 1 value 8 -3 2 3 4 12 408 33 orange apple tomato value 2. 30 1. 50 3. 80 5

Phonebook – Associative Array Example $phonebook = []; $phonebook["John Smith"] = "+1 -555 -8976";

Phonebook – Associative Array Example $phonebook = []; $phonebook["John Smith"] = "+1 -555 -8976"; // Add $phonebook["Lisa Smith"] = "+1 -555 -1234"; $phonebook["Sam Doe"] = "+1 -555 -5030"; $phonebook["Nakov"] = "+359 -899 -555 -592"; $phonebook["Nakov"] = "+359 -2 -9819"; // unset($phonebook["John Smith"]); // Delete echo count($phonebook); // 3 6

Associative Arrays in PHP § Initializing an associative array: $people = array( 'Gero' =>

Associative Arrays in PHP § Initializing an associative array: $people = array( 'Gero' => '0888 -257124', 'Pencho' => '0888 -3188822'); § Accessing elements by index: echo $people['Pencho']; // 0888 -3188822 § Inserting / deleting elements: $people['Gosho'] = '0237 -51713'; // Add 'Gosho' unset($people['Pencho']); // Remove 'Pencho' print_r($people); // Array([Gero] => 0888 -257124 [Gosho] => 0237 -51713) 7

Iterating Through Associative Arrays § foreach ($array as $key => $value) § Iterates through

Iterating Through Associative Arrays § foreach ($array as $key => $value) § Iterates through each of the key-value pairs in the array $greetings = ['UK' => 'Good morning', 'France' => 'Bonjour', 'Germany' => 'Guten Tag', 'Bulgaria' => 'Ko staa']; foreach ($greetings as $key => $value) { echo "In $key people say "$value". "; echo " "; } 8

Problem: Sum by Town § Read towns and incomes (like shown below) and print

Problem: Sum by Town § Read towns and incomes (like shown below) and print a array holding the total income for each town (see below) Sofia 20 Varna 3 Sofia 5 Varna 4 § Print the towns in their natural order as object properties ["Sofia" => "25", "Varna" => "7"] 9

Solution: Sum of Towns $arr = ['Sofia', '20', 'Varna', '10', 'Sofia', '5 ']; $sums

Solution: Sum of Towns $arr = ['Sofia', '20', 'Varna', '10', 'Sofia', '5 ']; $sums = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i += 2) { list($town, $income) = [$arr[$i], $arr[$i+1]]; if ( ! isset($sums[$town])) $sums[$town] = $income; else $sums[$town] += $income; list($town, . . ) } Assign variables as if print_r($sums); they were an array 10

Problem: Counting Letters in Text $text = "Learning PHP is fun! "; $letters =

Problem: Counting Letters in Text $text = "Learning PHP is fun! "; $letters = []; $text = strtoupper($text); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++) { $char = $text[$i]; if (ord($char) >= ord('A') && ord($char) <= ord('Z')) { if (isset($letters[$char])) { $letters[$char]++; isset($array[$i]) } else { checks if the key exists $letters[$char] = 1; } } } print_r($letters); 11

Practice: Associative Arrays Live Exercises in Class (Lab)

Practice: Associative Arrays Live Exercises in Class (Lab)



Strings § A string is a sequence of characters § Can be assigned a

Strings § A string is a sequence of characters § Can be assigned a literal constant or a variable § Text can be enclosed in single (' ') or double quotes (" ") <? php $person = '<span class="person">Mr. Svetlin Nakov</span>'; $company = "<span class='company'>Software University</span>"; echo $person. ' works @ '. $company; ? > § Strings in PHP are mutable § Therefore concatenation is a relatively fast operation 14

String Syntax § Single quotes are acceptable in double quoted strings echo "<p>I'm a

String Syntax § Single quotes are acceptable in double quoted strings echo "<p>I'm a Software Developer</p>"; § Double quotes are acceptable in single quoted strings echo '<span>At "Software University"</span>'; § Variables in double quotes are replaced with their value $name = 'Nakov'; $age = 25; $text = "I'm $name and I'm $age years old. "; echo $text; // I'm Nakov and I'm 25 years old. 15

Interpolating Variables in Strings § Simple string interpolation syntax § Directly calling variables in

Interpolating Variables in Strings § Simple string interpolation syntax § Directly calling variables in double quotation marks (e. g. "$str") § Complex string interpolation syntax § Calling variables inside curly parentheses (e. g. "{$str}") § Useful when separating variable from text after $popular. Name = "Pesho"; echo "This is $popular. Name. "; // This is Pesho. echo "These are {$popular. Names}s. "; // These are Peshos. 16

Heredoc Syntax § Heredoc syntax <<<"EOD". . EOD; $name = "Didko"; $str = <<<"EOD"

Heredoc Syntax § Heredoc syntax <<<"EOD". . EOD; $name = "Didko"; $str = <<<"EOD" My name is $name and I am very, very happy. EOD; echo $str; /* My name is Didko and I am very, very happy. */ 17

Nowdoc Syntax § Heredoc syntax <<<'EOD'. . EOD; $name = "Didko"; $str = <<<'EOD'

Nowdoc Syntax § Heredoc syntax <<<'EOD'. . EOD; $name = "Didko"; $str = <<<'EOD' My name is $name and I am very, very happy. EOD; echo $str; /* My name is $name and I am very, very happy. */ 18

String Concatenation § In PHP, there are two operators for combining strings: § Concatenation

String Concatenation § In PHP, there are two operators for combining strings: § Concatenation operator. § Concatenation assignment operator. = <? php $home. Town = "Madan"; $current. Town = "Sofia"; $home. Town. Description = "My home town is ". $home. Town. "n"; $home. Town. Description. = "But now I am in ". $current. Town; echo $home. Town. Description; § The escape character is the backslash 19

Unicode Strings § By default PHP uses the legacy 8 -bit character encoding §

Unicode Strings § By default PHP uses the legacy 8 -bit character encoding § Like ASCII, ISO-8859 -1, windows-1251, KOI 8 -R, … § Limited to 256 different characters § You may use Unicode strings as well, but: § Most PHP string functions will work incorrectly § You should use multi-byte string functions § E. g. mb_substr() instead of substr() 20

Problem: Unicode Strings § Print Unicode text and processing it letter by letter: mb_internal_encoding("utf-8");

Problem: Unicode Strings § Print Unicode text and processing it letter by letter: mb_internal_encoding("utf-8"); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $str = 'Hello, 你好,你怎么�, ﺍﻟﺴﻼﻡ ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ , здрасти'; echo "<p>str = "$str"</p>"; for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($str); $i++) { // $letter = $str[$i]; // this is incorrect! $letter = mb_substr($str, $i, 1); echo "str[$i] = $letter n"; } 21

Problem: Print String Letters § Read a string and print its letters as shown

Problem: Print String Letters § Read a string and print its letters as shown below Soft. Uni str[0] str[1] str[2] str[3] str[4] str[5] str[6] -> -> 'S' 'o' 'f' 't' 'U' 'n' 'i' $str = "Soft. Uni"; if (is_string($str)) { $str. Length = strlen($str); for ($i = 0; $i < $str. Length; $i++){ echo "str[$i]". " -> ". $str[$i]. "n"; } } 22

Practice: Strings Live Exercises in Class (Lab)

Practice: Strings Live Exercises in Class (Lab)

Manipulating Strings

Manipulating Strings

Accessing Characters and Substrings § strpos($input, $find) – a case-sensitive search § Returns the

Accessing Characters and Substrings § strpos($input, $find) – a case-sensitive search § Returns the index of the first occurrence of string in another string $soliloquy = "To be or not be that is the question. "; echo strpos($soliloquy, "that"); // 16 var_dump(strpos($soliloquy, "nothing")); // bool(false) § strstr($input, $find, [boolean]) – finds the first occurrence of a string and returns everything before or after echo strstr("This is madness!n", "is ") ; // is madness! echo strstr("This is madness!", " is", true); // This 25

Accessing Characters and Substrings (2) § substr($str, $position, $count) – extracts $count characters from

Accessing Characters and Substrings (2) § substr($str, $position, $count) – extracts $count characters from the start or end of a string $str echo = "abcdef"; substr($str, 1). "n"; -2). "n"; 0, 3). "n"; -3, 1); // // bcdef ef abc d § $str[$i] – gets a character by index php $str = "Apples"; echo $str[2]; // p 26

Counting Strings § strlen($str) – returns the length of the string echo strlen("Software University");

Counting Strings § strlen($str) – returns the length of the string echo strlen("Software University"); // 19 § str_word_count($str) – returns the number of words in a text re $countries = "Bulgaria, Brazil, Italy, USA, Germany"; echo str_word_count($countries); // 5 § count_chars($str) – returns an associative array holding the value of all ASCII symbols as keys and their count as values $hi = "Helloooooo"; echo count_chars($hi)[111]; // 6 (o = 111)

Accessing Character ASCII Values § ord($str[$i]) – returns the ASCII value of the character

Accessing Character ASCII Values § ord($str[$i]) – returns the ASCII value of the character $text = "Call me Banana-man!"; echo ord($text[8]); // 66 § chr($value) – returns the character by ASCII value $text = "Soft. Uni"; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++) { $ascii = ord($text[$i]); $text[$i] = chr($ascii + 5); } echo $text; // Xtky. Zsn 28

String Replacing § str_replace($target, $replace, $str) – replaces all occurrences of the target string

String Replacing § str_replace($target, $replace, $str) – replaces all occurrences of the target string with the replacement string $email = "bignakov@example. com"; $new. Email = str_replace("bignakov", "juniornakov", $email); echo $new. Email; // juniornakov@example. com § str_ireplace($target, $replace, $str) str - case-insensitive replacing $text = "Ha. HAha. HAHhaha"; $i. Replace = str_ireplace("A", "o", $text); echo $i. Replace; // Ho. Hoho. Hhoho

Splitting Strings § str_split($str, $length) – splits each character into a string and returns

Splitting Strings § str_split($str, $length) – splits each character into a string and returns an array § $length specifies the length of the pieces $text = "Hello how are you? "; $arr. Split = str_split($text, 5); var_export($arr. Split); // array ( 0 => 'Hello', 1 => ' how ', 2 => 'are y', 3 => 'ou? ', ) § explode($delimiter, $string) – splits a string by a string echo var_export(explode(" ", "Hello how are you? ")); // array ( 0 => 'Hello', 1 => 'how', 2 => 'are', 3 => 'you? ', ) 30

Case Changing § strtolower() – makes a string lowercase php $lan = "Java. Script";

Case Changing § strtolower() – makes a string lowercase php $lan = "Java. Script"; echo strtolower($lan); // javascript § strtoupper() – makes a string uppercase php $name = "parcal"; echo strtoupper($name); // PARCAL § $str[$i] – access / change any character by index $str = "Hello"; $str[1] = 'a'; echo $str; // Hallo 31

Other String Functions § strcasecmp($string 1, $string 2) § Performs a case-insensitive string comparison

Other String Functions § strcasecmp($string 1, $string 2) § Performs a case-insensitive string comparison § strcmp() – performs a case-sensitive comparison echo !strcmp("h. ELLo", "hello") ? "true" : "false"; // false § trim($text) – strips whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string $boo echo = " "it's trim($boo); wide in here" "; // "it's wide in here" 32

Problem: Concatenate and Reverse Strings § Read an array of strings, concatenate them and

Problem: Concatenate and Reverse Strings § Read an array of strings, concatenate them and reverse them I am student tnedutsma. I $array = ['I', 'am', 'student']; if (is_array($array)) { $result = implode("", $array); echo strrev($result); } Reverse a string 33

Practice: Manipulating Strings Live Exercises in Class (Lab)

Practice: Manipulating Strings Live Exercises in Class (Lab)

Regular Expressions Splitting, Replacing, Matching

Regular Expressions Splitting, Replacing, Matching

Regular Expressions § Regular expressions match text by pattern, e. g. : § [0

Regular Expressions § Regular expressions match text by pattern, e. g. : § [0 -9]+ matches a non-empty sequence of digits § [a-z. A-Z]* matches a sequence of letters (including empty) § [A-Z][a-z]+ first name + space + last name § s+ matches any whitespace; S+ matches non-whitespace § d+ matches digits; D+ matches non-digits § w+ matches letters (Unicode); W+ matches non-letters § +d{1, 3}([ -]*[0 -9]+)+ matches international phone § Test your regular expressions at http: //regexr. com 36

Splitting with Regex § preg_split($pattern, $str, $limit, $flags) § Splits a string by a

Splitting with Regex § preg_split($pattern, $str, $limit, $flags) § Splits a string by a regex pattern § $limit specifies the number of returned substrings (-1 == no limit) § $flags specify additional operations (e. g. PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) $text = "I love HTML, CSS, PHP and My. SQL. "; $tokens = preg_split("/W+/", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); echo json_encode($tokens); Splits by 1 or more // ["I", "love", "HTML", "CSS", "PHP", "and", "My. SQL"] non-word characters 37

Single Match vs Global Match § preg_match – Perform a regular expression match §

Single Match vs Global Match § preg_match – Perform a regular expression match § preg_match_all - Perform a global regular expression match preg_match("/find[ ]*(me)/", "find me", $matches); print_r($matches); preg_match_all("/find[ ]*(me)/", "find me", $matches); print_r($matches); 38

Replacing with Regex § preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $str) – performs a regular expression search and

Replacing with Regex § preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $str) – performs a regular expression search and replace by a pattern $string = 'August 20, 2014'; $pattern = '/(w+) (d+), (d+)/'; $replacement = '2 -1 -3'; echo preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string); // 20 -August-2014 § () – defines the groups that should be returned as result § 1 – denotes the first match group, 2 – the second, etc. 39

Problem: Email Validation § Perform simple email validation § An email consists of: username

Problem: Email Validation § Perform simple email validation § An email consists of: username @ domain name § Usernames are alphanumeric § Domain names consist of two strings, separated by a period § Domain names may contain only English letters § Valid: valid 123@email. bg § Invalid: invalid*name@emai 1. bg 40

Solution: Email Validation $email = "bai. ivan@mail. sf. net"; $pattern = "/^[a-z. A-Z 0

Solution: Email Validation $email = "bai. ivan@mail. sf. net"; $pattern = "/^[a-z. A-Z 0 -9. _]+@[a-z]+(. [az]+)+$/"; $result = preg_match_all($pattern, $email); if ($result) { Returns the number of echo "Valid"; full pattern matches } else { if the email matches the pattern echo "Invalid"; } 41

Practice: Regular Expressions Live Exercises in Class (Lab)

Practice: Regular Expressions Live Exercises in Class (Lab)

Summary § PHP supports associative arrays § Strings in PHP are non-Unicode § Many

Summary § PHP supports associative arrays § Strings in PHP are non-Unicode § Many built-in functions: strlen() and substr() § Regular expressions are powerful in string processing § preg_split(), preg_replace(), preg_match_all() 43

Associative Arrays and Strings ? s n o i t s e u Q

Associative Arrays and Strings ? s n o i t s e u Q ? ? ? https: //softuni. bg/courses/php-basics/

License § This course (slides, examples, demos, videos, homework, etc. ) is licensed under

License § This course (slides, examples, demos, videos, homework, etc. ) is licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution. Non. Commercial-Share. Alike 4. 0 International" license § Attribution: this work may contain portions from § "PHP Manual" by The PHP Group under CC-BY license § "PHP and My. SQL Web Development" course by Telerik Academy under CC-BY-NC-SA license 45

Free Trainings @ Software University § Software University Foundation – softuni. org § Software

Free Trainings @ Software University § Software University Foundation – softuni. org § Software University – High-Quality Education, Profession and Job for Software Developers § softuni. bg § Software University @ Facebook § facebook. com/Software. University § Software University @ You. Tube § youtube. com/Software. University § Software University Forums – forum. softuni. bg