Artificial Intelligence CGDD 4003 Artificial Intelligence Humanlevel intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence CGDD 4003

Artificial Intelligence • Human-level intelligence - an unsolved problem • AI “describes the intelligence embodied in any manufactured device”* • Need AI for both enemies and allies *again, your text, chapter 5. 3

AI for Games • AI must be intelligent, yet purposely flawed – Opponents must present a challenge – Must keep the game fun – Must lose to the player in a fun manner • AI must have no intended weaknesses – No “golden paths” for defeating the AI – AI must not fail or appear “dumb”

AI for Games • AI must perform within CPU/memory of game – Real time – Receives only 10%-20% of frame time • AI must be configurable – Designers can adjust the difficulty • AI must hit the shipping date – Actually, AI techniques must be proven early – If AI can evolve, it must be thoroughly tested

AI • AI has perfect data, yet… • Goal is not perfect AI – Perfect AI is no fun and expensive to compute – Goal is fun AI that is extensible/customizable • How many AI developers? – AAA/RTS: maybe 3 full time? – Others: maybe one part time?

Game Agents • A. k. a. Non-Player Characters (NPCs) 1. Sensing – Have perfect info, so must cripple! – Vision – limit distance (human limitations) – Hearing – distance, shots fired – Communication with other agents – Reaction times (must delay)

Game Agents 2. Thinking (making decisions) – Expert knowledge (simple rules, finite state machines, decision trees) – Search – use an algorithm to derive a nearoptimal solution (e. g. path finding) – Machine Learning (not used often) – neural networks, genetic algorithms, decision trees – Flip-flopping – deciding every frame (stick with your decision!)

Game Agents 3. Acting – if your NPC is intelligent, the user must see/hear intelligent things – Picking up weapons, running for cover – If agent knows it will die, it should scream (to show comprehension)! • Learning/Remembering – agent gets better – Smart terrain can be marked as “dangerous”

Game Agents • Easy to make AI too hard. Instead: – Make less accurate – Longer reaction times – One-on-one fighting (think Kung-Fu) • Agent cheating: – Agents can be omniscient – AI can have unfair advantage to make it harder – Should you let the player know?

Finite State Machines • Most common AI • Simple to understand, implement, debug • Basic idea: change from state to state based on input (and maybe some randomness) • Extending – Can store states in a stack when returning to previous tasks – Can transition to a new FSM – Can have multiple FSMs – Visualize state by displaying state above head

Finite State Machines http: //www. ai-junkie. com/architecture/state_driven/tut_state 1. html

Code Example (but not scalable, uses “polling” instead of events, and in C instead of Lua) enum states {WANDER, ATTACK, FLEE}; void Run. Logic (int* state) { switch (*state) { case WANDER: Wander(); if (See. Enemy()) {*state = ATTACK; } break; case ATTACK: Attack(); if (Low. On. Health()) {*state = FLEE; } if (No. Enemy()) {*state = WANDER; } break; case FLEE: Flee(); if (No. Enemy()) {*state = WANDER; } break; } }

Common Game AI • A* pathfinding – fast at finding cheapest path • Behavior Tree – hierarchical FSM – Non-leaves determine when – Leaves do actual work – Halo 2 and 3 • Command Hierarchy – military hierarchies – General makes high-level decision – Foot soldier fights

Common Game AI • Dead reckoning – “leading the target” • Emergent behavior – behavior from simpler behaviors • Flocking – moving groups of creatures – Separation – Alignment towards average heading of flock – Steer towards average position of flock • Formations – similar to flocking, but keep formation

Flocking • Avoidance – steer to avoid crowding • Alignment – steer towards average heading of flock • Cohesion (midpoint) – steer toward midpoint of flock From http: //www. red 3 d. com/cwr/boids/

Common Game AI • Influence mapping – cell-based weighting to determine the power within the game – Assign a value based on number of units+neighbors – Good for path planning • Level-of-Detail AI – closer == better AI • Manager Task Assignment – Have a manager to prioritize tasks – Put the best candidate on that job

Common Game AI • Obstacle Avoidance (must avoid clutter) • Terrain Analysis – identifying strategic locations

Path Setup (Working our way up to A*) • Grid – each cell marked as passible or not

Path Setup • Waypoint Graphs – “I walk the line”

Path Setup • Nav. Mesh - If an edge isn’t shared, you shall not pass!

Random Trace Algorithm • Move towards goal, then trace around obstacle (CW or CCW)

Fundamentals • Each cell has – A position – A pointer to another cell (which cell led us to this cell) • Store an open and closed list – Open – all paths that still need to be processed – Closed – nodes that aren’t the goal but have been processed

The Four Algorithms • The difference is in which node in the open list it decides to process – Breadth-First – waiting the longest – Best-First – closest to goal – Dijkstra – cheapest to reach from start cell – A* - cheap AND close to goal

Breadth-First Search • Ply-by-ply, pushing new nodes on back of queue • Memory hog (exhaustive search) http: //realtimecollisiondetection. net/blog/? p=83

Best-First • Node that is closest to the goal is processed (heuristic search) http: //theory. stanford. edu/~amitp/Game. Programming/AStar. Comparison. html

Limitations of Best-First Breadth/Dijkstra Best-First http: //theory. stanford. edu/~amitp/Game. Programming/AStar. Comparison. html

Dijkstra • Similar to breadth-first, but calculates cost to get to a node • Can understand weighted regions (e. g sand vs swamp vs road vs water) • May find new/better paths for each node • Exhaustive and always find optimal path!

A* • Combines best-first and Dijkstra – Cost paid to get to that node (given cost - Dijkstra) – Has an estimated cost (heuristic cost – best) – Heuristic cost is usually the distance Final cost=Given cost + (Heuristic cost*Heuristic weight)

A* From Wikipedia. org

1) Create the root. Node - set its x and y according to the start. Point - set its parent to NULL - set its given cost to 0 2) Push the root. Node onto the open list 3) While the open list is not empty A) pop the node with the lowest given. Cost from the open list and assign it to the current. Node B) if the current. Node’s x and y correspond to the goal. Point then goto step 4 C) foreach nearby. Point around the current. Node a) if this nearby. Point is in a spot that is impassible then skip to next nearby. Point b) create the successor. Node - set its x and y according to the nearby. Point - set its parent to the current. Node - set its given. Cost to current. Node’s given. Cost + cost of going from current. Node to successor. Node c) if a node for this nearby. Point has been created before then if successor. Node is better than old. Node then pop the old. Node and delete it else skip to next nearby. Point D) push the current. Node onto the closed list 4) If the while loop exits without finding the goal, goal. Point must be unreachable
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