Aristotle Greek philosopher Student of Plato teacher of

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Aristotle – Greek philosopher. Student of Plato, teacher of Alexander the Great. Helped form

Aristotle – Greek philosopher. Student of Plato, teacher of Alexander the Great. Helped form Western civilization’s ideas about art, politics, ethics and science. He was also PSYCHED about APSEM Stimulus packet day. APSEM STIMULUS PACKET DAY!!! Group 1 Nik Anton Jenny Wendy Brianna Group 2 Fadi Gabe Steph Jaqui Darylis Group 3 Vy Janely Kiki Kenzo Steven

Aristotle is pumped! The next slide contains our first stimulus source: six pictures of

Aristotle is pumped! The next slide contains our first stimulus source: six pictures of 3 -D sidewalk art by Joe Hill. Silently look at the pictures, and on a sticky note write down any thoughts, perceptions, observations, insights, etc. When finished, stick your sticky notes to the right of the projector screen.

1) Now, as a group organize/categorize the sticky notes onto a large poster paper.

1) Now, as a group organize/categorize the sticky notes onto a large poster paper. Look for patterns and group them according to our APSEM lenses: -Environmental -Scientific -Economic -Political & Historical -Artistic & Philosophical -Cultural & Social -Futuristic -Ethical In your notebook, record which ideas fall under which lenses. 2) Then: Now, step back and take a look at how these sticky notes are grouped. Rename the lenses to better reflect the commonalities between the ideas within each lens, or blend two or three lenses together and rename the group. Again, record the new groupings in your notebooks.

Read through Stimulus #1, an excerpt from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass. 1)

Read through Stimulus #1, an excerpt from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass. 1) Annotate as you read in whatever way you typically do. 2) On top of this, pull quotes or ideas that fit in with the groupings you identified in your notebooks.

Over the weekend please read: -”Extra Sensory Perception” -”Attitudes Towards Muslim Women in the

Over the weekend please read: -”Extra Sensory Perception” -”Attitudes Towards Muslim Women in the West” Annotate in the same way you did with “Through the Looking Glass”