Appositive Phrase An appositive is a noun or

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Appositive Phrase: An appositive is a noun or pronoun that identifies or renames another

Appositive Phrase: An appositive is a noun or pronoun that identifies or renames another noun or pronoun. An appositive phrase is the appositive and its modifiers.

Helpful hints: Phrases often begin with the words a, an, or the They always

Helpful hints: Phrases often begin with the words a, an, or the They always answer one of these questions: -Who is he? Who is she? Who are they? -What is it? What are they?

Passengers in a hot-air balloon ride in the gondola, a small basket beneath the

Passengers in a hot-air balloon ride in the gondola, a small basket beneath the balloon.

 • Essential or restrictive Appositive: • needed to make the meaning of the

• Essential or restrictive Appositive: • needed to make the meaning of the sentence complete • • The British Tycoon Richard Branson has made several attempts to circle the world nonstop in a balloon. • • Nonessential or nonrestrictive Appositive: • Adds extra information to the sentence; it is not needed to make full sense of the sentence. • • Steve Fosset, an American financier, is another dedicated competitor in around-the-world ballooning. • • **Notice what is separating the nonessential but not the essential appositives from the rest of the sentences

Add appositive phrases to the highlighted words in the following sentences. 1. I walked

Add appositive phrases to the highlighted words in the following sentences. 1. I walked along Gilman Street. (NE) 2. Most of the town’s natives did their shopping on King Street. (NE) 3. The youth was always getting into trouble. (E) 4. His car stood in the driveway. (NE) 5. Coffee is a great beverage. (NE)