HINDUISM (RELIGION WHICH DEVELOPS IN INDIA) BRAHMAN Universal soul—all beings are a piece of the universal soul ATMAN Individual piece of the universal soul MOKSHA The goal of life is to achieve liberation from desires and suffering; attain perfect understanding of all living things; to become reunited with the universal soul—process takes many lifetimes REINCARNATIO N Soul being reborn into another body—multiple times? KARMA Affects your reincarnation—good or bad VEDAS Holy writings and scripture

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FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS (BUDDHISM) Life is filled with suffering and sorrow The cause of all suffering is people’s selfish desire for the temporary pleasures of this world (wants) The way to end all suffering is to end all desire The way to overcome such desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path, which is called the Middle Way between desires and self-denial 8 items- right: views, resolve, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration Enlightenment is to reach a state of NIRVANA a state of wanting nothing

3 DIVISIONS OF BUDDHISM • Theravada- oldest branch- focus on meditation and becoming a monk or nun; up to individual to find their own path to enlightenment • Mahayana-do not need to become a monk; can rely on those who have attained enlightenment but have not passed on to Nirvana • Tibetan- meditation-study and readings—possible to achieve enlightenment in a single life

JUDAISM Monotheism A religion with only one god Abraham Considered to be the father of Jewish people; story is in Genesis covenant Refers to the promise of the Hebrew god to Abraham that his descendants would be plentiful and that they would be his “Chosen” as long as they had faith and kept the laws Torah First five books of the Hebrew Holy Book Moses/10 Commandments Aka as the “Lawgiver; led the Hebrews out of Egyptian slavery. Exodus, 10 commandments establish Judaism as a monotheistic, prophetic and ethical religion

JUDAISM CONTINUED • Judges-early leaders of the Hebrew people • Kings-Saul, David and Solomon—united Israel before split • 12 Tribes of Israel- traditional organization of Hebrews since time of Exoduswould split into 10 tribes in north (Israel) 2 tribes in south (Judah) –root word for Jew • Jerusalem is the Holy city of Judaism—referred to as city of David– site of the holiest temple • With the split of the small country the Hebrews were more vulnerable to invasion by outside powers (Hebrews, Babylonians and later Persians, Greeks and Romans)


TERMS, INDIVIDUALS …. ANCIENT NEAR EAST Hyksos Through use of war chariots and horses will capture and rule in Egypt Hatshepsut Thutmose III Ramses II Female ruler of Egypt during New Kingdom—would focus on trade Would be known for creating an Egyptian empire Famous for building projects and statues; peace treaty with Hittites (iron) Assyria Ninevah Assurbanipal Militaristic culture which would create an empire in northern Mesopotamia Capital of Assyria—largest city at its time— defensive walls—great library One of the last great kings of Assyrian empire Medes Chaldeans Nebuchadnezzar People who would help to bring about end of Assyrian empire Would rebuild Babylon and create a new Babylonian empire Chaldean king famous for Hanging Gardens of Babylon and new empire Persians Cyrus Darius Royal Road Zoroaster Power to emerge from ancient Iran—would create a very large and longstanding empire First great emperor of Persians; benevolent towards people in empire Would expand the empire-failed to capture Greece Map p 135 - 1677 mile long road connecting Susa and Sardis (trade and military) Taught that life was struggle between good and evil and that there would be a final conflict

CONFUCIUS- CHINESE PHILOSOPHER WHO FOCUSED ON SOCIAL HARMONY AND ORDER FIVE BASIC RELATIONSHIPS (concept is that if everyone fulfilled their obligations in their individual relationships than a just and orderly society would emerge) Ruler-subject Parent-child Husband-wife Older brother-younger brother (old-young) Friend-friend

CHINESE ETHICAL SYSTEMS DAOSIM CONFUCIANISM LEGALISM 600 -500 BC 551 -449 BC 400’s BC Natural order is more important than social order Social order and good government should be based on family relationships Efficient government was important for social order A universal force guides all things (Dao) Respect for elders—fulfill obligations in relationships Adherence to the letter of the law —strict enforcement Humans should live simply and in harmony with nature; meditate-become attuned with the Dao Education is important for individual and society Government should control public opinion (ideas/thoughts)

MIGRATION: PUSH AND PULL FACTORS (THROUGHOUT HISTORY TO TODAY) PUSH dwindling resources, natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, drought, famine… MIGRATION FACTORS PULL ENVIRONMENTAL Plentiful resources, abundant land, good climate Unemployment, slavery ECONOMIC Opportunities, jobs… War, religious, ethnic or political persecution POLITICAL Political and/or religious freedom

SILK ROAD • Extensive trade route/network connecting China/ central Asia and the Mediterranean Sea area


OLMECS • 1200 BC in southern Mexico • Would have influence in the region and on other peoples • Would create trading empire in Mesoamerica • Empire would collapse around 400 BC why?
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