America Europe Africa Before 1500 s United States

America, Europe, Africa Before 1500 s United States History Mrs. O’Shea

Overview Ø First Americans? ? ? Ø America before 1500 A. D. Ø European World before 1500 A. D. Ø African World before 1500 A. D. Ø Age of Exploration

First Americans? ? ? Ø Migration – movement of people who want to settle in a new place Ø Bering Strait – land bridge during Ice Age Ø Came in waves Ø Migrated east and south

European World Renaissance – 1300 – 1500 A. D. –Rebirth of culture and learning –Produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Shakespeare –Printing Press – makes written word accessible to average person –Reformation – protestant church formed –Nations arose – France, England, Spain, Portugal –Invention of compass, astrolabe, and quadrant, caravel made long sea voyages possible

America before 1500 What do we know about these people? ? ? These groups had no real written records. Study objects – learn about way people live

D se r ive W po ellpu lat e d

European World Early Middle Ages – 500 to 1000 A. D. – Unstable – Rise of Islam – Muslims spread religion throughout North Africa, Arabia and presentday Spain – Feudalism – political system of lords, lesser lords, serfs – Roman Catholic Church ruled.

European World Late Middle Ages – 1000 – 1300 A. D. –New farming techniques ->more people ->need more land –Crusades – unsuccessful attempts by Christians to take back Jerusalem from Muslims -> increased demand for trade goods –Growth of cities -> Middle Class developed (artisans, merchants, traders) ->money economy was revived-> breakdown of feudal system –Rise of Monarchs –Rise of Universities –Black Death – The Plaque

European World Renaissance – 1300 – 1500 A. D. –Rebirth of culture and learning –Produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Shakespeare –Printing Press – makes written word accessible to average person –Reformation – protestant church formed –Nations arose – France, England, Spain, Portugal –Invention of compass, astrolabe, and quadrant, caravel made long sea voyages possible

Europeans • • Dark Ages 500 A. D. – 1300 A. D. Renaissance 1300 A. D. – 1500 A. D. Fall of Roman Empire War Black Death (Plague) Trade – dangerous Muslim world was treacherous for Europeans • Time of rebirth • Emphasis on education, invention, arts (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) • Nations were created – France, England, Spain, Portugal (competitive) • Inventions = long sea voyages possible • More money – more trade

African World Before 1500 Way of Life • Really diverse geographically -> Africans adapted to their surroundings -> Africans diverse Social Structure • Organized around family groups – kinships Religion • Oral History • Customs and beliefs varied (one god, many gods or goddesses, spirits, after-life) Views on Land • Land was plentiful. • Land ≠ Wealth

African World Before 1500 TRADE Europeans Cloth Iron Copper Jewelry North Africans (Middlemen) West Africans Gold

Explore? Why? Marco Polo – Italian 1271 - Traveled to China overland Remained in China for 15 years Returned and wrote of travels - “The Travels of Marco Polo” Why is this important? Fueled interest in travel and in goods from Asia

Motives for Exploration 1. Christianity – wanted to spread Christianity 2. Wealth – wanted to make money with trade 3. Fame – wanted to become famous 4. National Pride – competition with other countries 5. Curiosity

• 1440 s - Prince Henry the Navigator explored west of Africa • 1487 Bartholomew Dias - rounded the Cape of Good Hope • 1498 Vasco da Gama – reached India ALL PORTUGUESE http: //www. mariner. org/exploration/index. php? page=voyages

What Next? Portugal discovered two things about going around Africa to Asia 1) wasn't shorter 2) wasn't cheaper

Review for Quiz Define Migration from Asia – Bering Land Bridge What is pre-history? Native American Culture – diverse, views on land, trade European Culture - Middle Ages. Renaissance, views on land, trade African Culture – slavery, views on land, trade European exploration – motives Portuguese Explorers
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