AIM What factors led to WWII DO NOW

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AIM: What factors led to WWII? DO NOW: 1. Take out your permission slip

AIM: What factors led to WWII? DO NOW: 1. Take out your permission slip and hand in. 2. Read the situation and decide what to do. Page 3 Homework: • Permission Slips Due by Wednesday

What would you do? • Read page 3 in the packet? WHO are these

What would you do? • Read page 3 in the packet? WHO are these people? Think allegory… – Mr. Apathy – Mr. meek and Mild – Old Lady Johnson – Mr. Fraidy Cat – Mr. Loud Mouth

Directions: • Read & highlight PAGE 9 and 10. • Use that information to

Directions: • Read & highlight PAGE 9 and 10. • Use that information to fill in page 7/8 in your packet.

Appeasement ● Give in to an aggressors demands to keep peace.

Appeasement ● Give in to an aggressors demands to keep peace.

Attempts to keep peace after WWI ALL FAIL : ( ● Kellogg Briand Pact

Attempts to keep peace after WWI ALL FAIL : ( ● Kellogg Briand Pact ● League of Nations ● Washington Naval ● Conference

1931 -2: Japan Invades/Occupies Manchuria • Under false pretenses, Japan invades • Need for

1931 -2: Japan Invades/Occupies Manchuria • Under false pretenses, Japan invades • Need for raw materials • w/draw from League of Nations • Remember Bonsai!!!

1935: Aggressive Actions By Italy: • Mussolini (Italy) invades Ethiopia • League of Nations

1935: Aggressive Actions By Italy: • Mussolini (Italy) invades Ethiopia • League of Nations voted on sanctionspenalties for violating international law • No real impact on Italy • Sign of League’s ineffectiveness

Actions by Germany

Actions by Germany

1936 - Germany Violates Treaty of Versailles • Hitler increases the size of the

1936 - Germany Violates Treaty of Versailles • Hitler increases the size of the military • Creates a German airforce • Orders German troops into the Rhineland -----------------*Rome-Berlin Axis Pact: Allied Germany w/ Italy *Anti-Commitern Pact: Allied Germany w/ Japan

1936: Spanish Civil War • Nationalists (Franco) vs. Loyalists (Republic, socialists, communists) • Europe

1936: Spanish Civil War • Nationalists (Franco) vs. Loyalists (Republic, socialists, communists) • Europe takes sides • Dress Rehearsal for WWII- test weapons & air force

1938 - Aggressive Actions by Germany • Anschluss- Union Germany invades Austria • Hitler

1938 - Aggressive Actions by Germany • Anschluss- Union Germany invades Austria • Hitler wants to annex part of Czechoslovakia



1938 - Aggressive Actions by Germany • NEXT. . • Hitler wants to annex

1938 - Aggressive Actions by Germany • NEXT. . • Hitler wants to annex part of Czechoslovakia • Munich Conference – Neville Chamberlain PM GB – Hitler can have Sudetenland if if promise not to invade rest of Czech. • Failure of Appeasement vs “Peace in Our Time” click

What happened at the Munich Conference in 1938? • ● ● Great Britain and

What happened at the Munich Conference in 1938? • ● ● Great Britain and France gave in to Hitler's demands and persuaded the Czechs to surrender the Sudetenland without a fight. Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain was proud and relieved to preserve the peace. : ) 1939 Hitler attacks Czech and annexs it to Germany.



The Last Steps. . . • Hitler demands Danzig / Polish Corridor • Hitler

The Last Steps. . . • Hitler demands Danzig / Polish Corridor • Hitler signs Nazi Soviet Pact ( Non Aggression Pact ) - Hitler and Stalin agree to not attack one another - both receive benefits • Germany invades Poland Sept. 1, 1939 • WWII Begins. No More Appeasement (Britain and France - Allies )

0 – 9 min • What was the spark that started WWII?

0 – 9 min • What was the spark that started WWII?

AIM: What factors led to WWII? DO NOW: 1. Take out your permission slip

AIM: What factors led to WWII? DO NOW: 1. Take out your permission slip and put in box. 2. What is the ABC Book? 3. Finish final steps to War Homework: • Permission Slip Due by Tomorrow • ABC Book DUE by 1/23 worth 25 point HW

Cartoon History 101 Page 8 • Analyze cartoon and prepare to share with the

Cartoon History 101 Page 8 • Analyze cartoon and prepare to share with the class. • Include a description and explanation of the symbols and labels used. • Explain how your cartoon illustrates events leading up to WWII.



Rise of totalitarian dictatorships • Rome Berlin Tokyo Axis • ALL THREE had common

Rise of totalitarian dictatorships • Rome Berlin Tokyo Axis • ALL THREE had common goals/ ideas - Anti Democratic - militaristic - imperialistic - nationalistic

AXIS POWERS • Germany • Italy • Japan • Bulgaria & Hungary ALLIED POWERS

AXIS POWERS • Germany • Italy • Japan • Bulgaria & Hungary ALLIED POWERS • Britain • France • Soviet Union • United States • China



Failure of League of Nations Failure of Collective Security • Goal to solve international

Failure of League of Nations Failure of Collective Security • Goal to solve international problems through cooperation fails due to… - lack of membership- No US!!! - requirement of unanimous votes - lacked power- no army or security forces

Other Basic Long Term Causes • Militarism • Nationalism & Racism • Imperialism Great

Other Basic Long Term Causes • Militarism • Nationalism & Racism • Imperialism Great Depression Rise of Totalitarian dictators

Causes of WWII

Causes of WWII

