Age of Discovery Standard Analyze the impact of

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Age of Discovery • Standard: Analyze the impact of the age of discovery and

Age of Discovery • Standard: Analyze the impact of the age of discovery and expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia. • Essential Question: What was the impact of the age of discovery and expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia?

Technology • Element: Explain the role of improved technology in European exploration; include the

Technology • Element: Explain the role of improved technology in European exploration; include the astrolabe. • Vocabulary: astrolabe

Reasons for Exploration • Marco Polo: fascinated by Marco Polo’s account of his travels

Reasons for Exploration • Marco Polo: fascinated by Marco Polo’s account of his travels to the court of Kublai Khan and the exotic East

Reasons for Exploration • Ottoman Empire: made traveling to the East by land difficult

Reasons for Exploration • Ottoman Empire: made traveling to the East by land difficult in the fourteenth-century. Europeans wanted a route by sea

Reasons for Exploration • God: the desire to spread the Catholic faith to native

Reasons for Exploration • God: the desire to spread the Catholic faith to native peoples • Gold: the desire for wealth was a large part of European expansion. Merchants, adventurers, and government officials hoped to find precious metals in, and expand trade with the East, especially trade in spices • Glory: Adventure comprised another motive for European expansion

Reasons for Exploration • European Monarchs: had expanded their power and resources to a

Reasons for Exploration • European Monarchs: had expanded their power and resources to a point of being able to support ambitious expansion by the fifteenth century • Technology: reached a level of technology that made a series of regular, long voyages possible

Compass • helped to figure out which direction sailors were traveling North, South, East,

Compass • helped to figure out which direction sailors were traveling North, South, East, or West • also how many degrees they were sailing

Maps • The Gridded Map • measured longitude and latitude • helped sailors: –

Maps • The Gridded Map • measured longitude and latitude • helped sailors: – measure the distance between one place and another – find routes to places they traveled to or wanted to discover

Sextant • measure the angle of an astral body from the horizon • allowed

Sextant • measure the angle of an astral body from the horizon • allowed navigators to solve half the problem of fixing a position at sea • could determine vessel's latitude

Astrolabe • an angle-measuring tool • measure a star(sun) • had more accuracy on

Astrolabe • an angle-measuring tool • measure a star(sun) • had more accuracy on dry land than on the boat

Sailing Caravel: • a boat with a rounded bottom with room for lots of

Sailing Caravel: • a boat with a rounded bottom with room for lots of cargo that would be useful for carrying goods for trade • favored for its speed and maneuverability

Sailing Lateen Sail: • a triangular shaped sail • much better than a square

Sailing Lateen Sail: • a triangular shaped sail • much better than a square sail • lighter in the air • easier for sailors to steer • for coastal sailing

Explorers • Element: Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors to include Zheng He,

Explorers • Element: Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors to include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook and Samuel de Champlain • Vocabulary: explorer, conquistador, Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, Samuel de Champlain

Zheng He • Sailed from China around 1405 -1433 • Led 7 voyages that

Zheng He • Sailed from China around 1405 -1433 • Led 7 voyages that went to Southeast Asia and eastern Africa • After the 7 th voyage China withdrew and went into isolation

Zheng He

Zheng He

Prince Henry the Navigator • Brother to the King of Portugal • Set up

Prince Henry the Navigator • Brother to the King of Portugal • Set up a school for navigation at Cape St. Vincent in 1418 • Hired experts to teach regardless of their faith or nationality • Spent 40 years studying and teaching cartography, ship building, instrument use, and geography

Bartholomew Dias • Sailed from Portugal around 1487 • First to sail around the

Bartholomew Dias • Sailed from Portugal around 1487 • First to sail around the Cape of Good hope, Africa

Christopher Columbus • Sailed from Spain around 1492 -1502 • Discovered the “New” World

Christopher Columbus • Sailed from Spain around 1492 -1502 • Discovered the “New” World • Landed in Caribbean Islands and South America

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

Vasco da Gama • Sailed from Portugal around 1497 -1498 • First European to

Vasco da Gama • Sailed from Portugal around 1497 -1498 • First European to reach India by sea

John Cabot • Sailed from England around 1497 -1498 • Looked for waterways to

John Cabot • Sailed from England around 1497 -1498 • Looked for waterways to Pacific along the North American coast

Amerigo Vespucci • Sailed from Spain around 1499 • Scouted the coast of North

Amerigo Vespucci • Sailed from Spain around 1499 • Scouted the coast of North and South America • America is named after this explorer

Vasco Nunez de Balboa • Sailed from Spain around 1513 • Found the Pacific

Vasco Nunez de Balboa • Sailed from Spain around 1513 • Found the Pacific Ocean by crossing Panama in Central America

Juan Ponce de Leon • Sailed from Spain around 1513 • Searched for “Fountain

Juan Ponce de Leon • Sailed from Spain around 1513 • Searched for “Fountain of Youth” • based in St. Augustine, Florida

Hernando Cortez • Sailed from Spain around 1519 -1521 • Defeated the Aztecs in

Hernando Cortez • Sailed from Spain around 1519 -1521 • Defeated the Aztecs in Mexico they thought he was a god

Ferdinand Magellan • Sailed from Spain around 1519 -1522 • Led first exploration that

Ferdinand Magellan • Sailed from Spain around 1519 -1522 • Led first exploration that sailed around the world • His crew made it even though Magellan died during the trip

Francisco Pizarro • Sailed from Spain around 1531 • Conquered Incas in Peru

Francisco Pizarro • Sailed from Spain around 1531 • Conquered Incas in Peru

Jacques Cartier • Sailed from France around 1534 -1536 • Explored St. Lawrence seaway

Jacques Cartier • Sailed from France around 1534 -1536 • Explored St. Lawrence seaway looking for a waterway to the Pacific

Hernando de Soto • Sailed from Spain around 1539 -1542 • Searched for gold

Hernando de Soto • Sailed from Spain around 1539 -1542 • Searched for gold from the Carolinas to Oklahoma

Sir Francis Drake • Sailed from England around 1579 -1580 • Stole treasure from

Sir Francis Drake • Sailed from England around 1579 -1580 • Stole treasure from Spanish ships • Also sailed around the world

Sir Walter Raleigh • Sailed from England around 1587 • sponsored first English settlement

Sir Walter Raleigh • Sailed from England around 1587 • sponsored first English settlement in Roanoke

Samuel de Champlain • Sailed from France around 1604 -1606 • Established fur trade

Samuel de Champlain • Sailed from France around 1604 -1606 • Established fur trade settlements in Canada • A map maker and sailor

James Cook • Sailed from England around 1769 & 1770 • Claimed New Zealand

James Cook • Sailed from England around 1769 & 1770 • Claimed New Zealand parts of Australia for England

Columbian Exchange • Element: Define the Columbian Exchange and its global economic and cultural

Columbian Exchange • Element: Define the Columbian Exchange and its global economic and cultural impact. • Vocabulary: Columbian Exchange

Columbian Exchange • a period of cultural and biological exchanges between the New and

Columbian Exchange • a period of cultural and biological exchanges between the New and Old Worlds – plants – animals – diseases – technology • transformed European and Native American ways of life

Mercantilism • Economic belief that a nation was trying to establish a favorable balance

Mercantilism • Economic belief that a nation was trying to establish a favorable balance of trade – Meant they made a profit when they exported more than they imported • Establishment of colonies became essential to this competition that grew between European nations – Provided raw materials – Source of trade of manufactured goods

Trans-Atlantic Trade • trade moving across the Atlantic Ocean • also known as the

Trans-Atlantic Trade • trade moving across the Atlantic Ocean • also known as the triangular trade

Impact on Slavery • A Spanish ship carried the first boatload of African slaves

Impact on Slavery • A Spanish ship carried the first boatload of African slaves to the Americas in 1518 • trade grew tremendously in the next two centuries • became part of the New World’s economy of the triangular trade

Middle Passage • Refers to the journey to the Americas that was the middle

Middle Passage • Refers to the journey to the Americas that was the middle leg of the triangular trade route