Adjectives Adjectives An adjective is a word that

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Adjectives �An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. It provides information about that noun or pronoun. �Physical description (big, yellow, thin) �Characteristic or Quality (kind, interesting, smart) �Quantity (sixteen, several, all)

Adjectives �An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. It provides information about that noun or pronoun. �Article (the, a, an) �Demonstrative (this, that, these, those) �Possessive (Caroline’s, my, your) �Answer questions like: which one? what kind? how many? whose?

Articles �Articles are sometimes thought of as a separate part of speech �Articles (the, a, an) �Use “the” when we are talking about a specific thing � Ex: The dog barked loudly when we came. �Use “a” or “an” when we are talking about something in general � Ex: “A dog will usually bark when someone comes to the door”

Adjectives �The following types of adjectives do not change to match the noun in terms of number (singular/plural) or gender (male/female/neuter) �Physical description (big, yellow, thin) �Characteristic or Quality (kind, interesting, smart) �Quantity (sixteen, several, all) �Article (the, a, an)

Demonstratives �Demonstratives (this, these, that, those) match the indicated noun/pronoun in number – but not gender �“This” and “that” point out a specific single item �“These” and “those” point out a group of multiple specific items �Ex: This dog and these cats all belong to me. �Note: “this” and “these” typically refer to close items while “that” and “those” are further way

Possessives �Possessive adjectives reflect both the number and gender of the “possessor”, as indicated on the following chart Pronoun Possessive Adjective 1 st Person/Singular (I) My 2 nd Person/Singular (You) Your 3 rd Person/Singular/Masculine (He) His 3 rd Person/Singular/Feminine (She) Her 3 rd Person/Singular/Neuter (It) Its (NOT It’s) 1 st Person/Plural (We) Our 2 nd Person/Plural (You) Your 3 rd Person/Plural (They) Their

Word Order for Nouns: Adjectives �Adjective word order: �Article or Possessive – a, the, his, hers, Caroline’s, etc. �Observations (opinion) – lovely, boring, stimulating, useful, etc. �Size – tiny, small, huge, etc. �Shape – round, square, rectangular, etc. �Age – old, new, ancient, etc. �Color – red, blue, green, etc. �Origin – British, American, Mexican, etc. �Material – gold, copper, silk, etc. �Purpose – gardening, shopping, riding, etc. �Example: �Caroline’s useful small round green copper gardening tool

Summary of English Uniqueness �New chart – not presented last time �In general there is no noun/adjective agreement issues �Exceptions (sort of): �Demonstrative: agreement in number with object(s) being pointed out �Possessive adjectives: related to pronouns and hence agree with the number/gender of the “possessor” of the modified noun (her sweater vs his sweater)

Genesis 1: 26 -27 (page 4) Then God said “Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life – the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals. ” So God created people in His own image; God patterned them after Himself; male and female He created them.

Genesis 1: 26 -27 (page 4) Then God said “Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life – the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals. ” So God created people in His own image; God patterned them after Himself; male and female He created them. Possessive Physical, Characteristic Quantity Article


Adjectives �An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. It provides information about a noun or pronoun. �Physical description (big, yellow, thin) �Characteristic or Quality (kind, interesting, smart) �Quantity (sixteen, several, all) �Demonstrative (this, that, these, those) �Article (the, a, an) �Possessive (Caroline’s, my, your) �Answer questions like: which one? what kind? how many? whose?

Articles �Articles are sometimes thought of as a separate part of speech �Articles (the, a, an) �Use “the” when we are talking about a specific thing � Ex: The dog barked loudly when we came. �Use “a” or “an” when we are talking about something in general � Ex: “A dog will usually bark when someone comes to the door”

Adjectives �The following types of adjectives do not change to match the noun in terms of number (singular/plural) or gender (male/female/ neuter) �Physical description (big, yellow, thin) �Characteristic or Quality (kind, interesting, smart) �Quantity (sixteen, several, all) �Article (the, a, an)

Demonstratives �Demonstratives (this, these, that, those) match the indicated noun/pronoun in number – but not gender �“This” and “that” point out a specific single item �“These” and “those” point out a group of multiple specific items �Ex: This dog and these cats all belong to me. �Note: “this” and “these” typically refer to close items while “that” and “those” are further way

Possessives �Possessives reflect both the number and gender of the “possessor”, as indicated on the following chart Pronoun Possessive Adjective 1 st Person/Singular (I) My 2 nd Person/Singular (You) Your 3 rd Person/Singular/Masculine (He) His 3 rd Person/Singular/Feminine (She) Her 3 rd Person/Singular/Neuter (It) Its (NOT It’s) 1 st Person/Plural (We) Our 2 nd Person/Plural (You) Your 3 rd Person/Plural (They) Their

Word Order for Nouns: Adjectives �Adjective word order: �Observations (opinion) – lovely, boring, stimulating, etc. �Size – tiny, small, huge, etc. �Shape – round, square, rectangular, etc. �Age – old, new, ancient, etc. �Color – red, blue, green, etc. �Origin – British, American, Mexican, etc. �Material – gold, copper, silk, etc. �Purpose – gardening, shopping, riding �Example: �the lovely small round green copper gardening tool

Genesis 1: 26 -27 (page 4) Then God said “Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life – the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals. ” So God created people in His own image; God patterned them after Himself; male and female He created them. Possessive Physical, Characteristic Quantity Article

Made in the Image of God �We are not gods! We are created beings and always will be. �Created with a soul (or spirit); not just a body � We are distinct, unique, individual (human) beings � God-like capacity for knowledge, thought, and love and kindness � Capacity to know and commune with God on a personal basis (Genesis 2: 19 -20; Genesis 3: 8 -9) �Morally upright (our actions were good and right) �Given responsibility to manage God’s creation (given the wisdom and intelligence necessary)) �Given a human body equipped so we can � Experience the world around us (sight, touch, hearing, . . ) � Express ourselves (language, engineering, arts, music, literature, . . ) � Exercise control and management of creation �God-given capability for eternal life �God could (and did) take upon himself our nature (in Jesus)