Active Galactic Nuclei What are Active Galactic Nuclei

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Active Galactic Nuclei What are Active Galactic Nuclei and Why Does Anyone Care? Julian

Active Galactic Nuclei What are Active Galactic Nuclei and Why Does Anyone Care? Julian Krolik Aneta Siemiginowska Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Chandra X-ray Center

Outline ● ● AGN models. What have we learned from Chandra and XMM? ●

Outline ● ● AGN models. What have we learned from Chandra and XMM? ● ● ● ● X-ray Jets Absorbers and Outflows Emission Lines Deep Imaging and X-ray background Obscured AGN activity Questions.

AGN Properties ● Highly luminous: Lbol ~1042 – 1048 ergs s-1 ● Compact: size

AGN Properties ● Highly luminous: Lbol ~1042 – 1048 ergs s-1 ● Compact: size << 1 pc ● ● Broad-band continuum emission: d. L / dlog n = const. From IR to X-rays and g-rays Variable: stronger variations on smaller timescales at shorter wavelengths ● Weakly polarized: 1% linear polarization ● Radio emission: in some sources extended

AGN Models Supermassive Black Hole: M ~ 106 – 109 Mo Accretion Powered: .

AGN Models Supermassive Black Hole: M ~ 106 – 109 Mo Accretion Powered: . 2 L ~ h. Mc Efficiency Accretion rate Eddington Luminosity: Frad = Fgrav LEdd~1. 3 x 1038(M/Mo) ergs/s Urry & Padovani 1998

3 D Vision Side – NAL Side – BAL Elvis 2000 Top View

3 D Vision Side – NAL Side – BAL Elvis 2000 Top View

What X-rays can tell us? ● ● Thermal emission from hot gas: 105 -107

What X-rays can tell us? ● ● Thermal emission from hot gas: 105 -107 K => hot gas is there! Non-thermal emission: synchrotron, Comptonization => relativistic plasma!

What X-rays can tell us? ● X-ray emission regions: ● ● Absorption properties: ●

What X-rays can tell us? ● X-ray emission regions: ● ● Absorption properties: ● ● ● Nucleus – unresolved component Extended emission on different scales: parsec to hundreds kpc Jets and radio lobes Amount of absorbing material Outflow/Inflow velocity Cold/Warm absorbers Ionization State Abundance Variability: ● Scale/Size of the emitting and reprocessing regions

NGC 253 – starburst Chandra can resolve structures on 1 arcsec scale

NGC 253 – starburst Chandra can resolve structures on 1 arcsec scale

Low scattering wings of the Chandra PSF => crucial for high dynamic range observations

Low scattering wings of the Chandra PSF => crucial for high dynamic range observations when looking at faint structures in the vicinity of strong sources => discovery of X-ray jets Discoveries happen even in 21 st Century

X-ray Jets ● ● ● Many Chandra observations revealed Xray jets associated with quasars:

X-ray Jets ● ● ● Many Chandra observations revealed Xray jets associated with quasars: => jets are common phenomena. Some jets were discovered in quasars where there was no previously known radio jet emission. Examples: PKS 1127 -145, B 20738+393 Relativistic motion at hundreds kpc distance from the quasar!

PKS 1127 -145 z=1. 187 Chandra HST/WFPC 2 ~300 kpc Siemiginowska et al 200

PKS 1127 -145 z=1. 187 Chandra HST/WFPC 2 ~300 kpc Siemiginowska et al 200

B 2 0738+313 z=0. 63 X-ray/Radio Siemiginowska et al 2003

B 2 0738+313 z=0. 63 X-ray/Radio Siemiginowska et al 2003

Jet Models ● ● ● Comparison of X-ray, optical and radio data rules out

Jet Models ● ● ● Comparison of X-ray, optical and radio data rules out thermal emission, SSC and simple direct synchrotron emission as primary source of the X-ray emission. Inverse Compton scattering of Cosmic Microwave Background (IC/CMB) photons on relativistic jet electrons can describe the observations: => Required bulk motion Lorentz factors are higher for lower redshift quasar: G bulk ~10 vs. G bulk~ 2 -3 Are higher redshift quasars more likely to have X-ray jets? (Dan Schwartz Chandra project)

Absorbers and Outflows Optical/UV Absorption due to IGM => Studies of Matter in the

Absorbers and Outflows Optical/UV Absorption due to IGM => Studies of Matter in the Universe Pettini 2003 Lya Forest Damped Lya

X-ray Absorption: IGM HRC/LETG PKS 2155 -304 Absorption Lines => due to WHIM T~106

X-ray Absorption: IGM HRC/LETG PKS 2155 -304 Absorption Lines => due to WHIM T~106 K Nicastro et al 2002

X-ray Absorption due to Ionized Gas close to the nucleus

X-ray Absorption due to Ionized Gas close to the nucleus

MCG 6 -30 -15 Chandra/HETG OVII edge

MCG 6 -30 -15 Chandra/HETG OVII edge

XMM-Newton/RGS MCG 6 -30 -15 Mkn 766 OVII and OVIII broad emission lines Emission

XMM-Newton/RGS MCG 6 -30 -15 Mkn 766 OVII and OVIII broad emission lines Emission or Absorption?

High velocity outflow in PG 1211+143 Pounds et al 2003 Velocity of outflowing ionized

High velocity outflow in PG 1211+143 Pounds et al 2003 Velocity of outflowing ionized gas based on the line broadening ~ 0. 09 -0. 1 c Mg XII Lya S XVI Lya Fe XXVI Lya

Emission Lines ● ● Originate in the nucleus: ● Accreting matter ● Relativistic broadening

Emission Lines ● ● Originate in the nucleus: ● Accreting matter ● Relativistic broadening – Fe -line ● BLR clouds Originate in the hot gas away from the nucleus – NLR in Syfert 2

Zycki (2003)

Zycki (2003)

A case for a broad line in MCG 6 -3015? ASCA Chandra Lee et

A case for a broad line in MCG 6 -3015? ASCA Chandra Lee et al 2002 Fabian 2002

XMM- Newton Observations of Fe-line in Type 1 AGN MCG 6 -30 -15 XMM-Newton

XMM- Newton Observations of Fe-line in Type 1 AGN MCG 6 -30 -15 XMM-Newton EPIC-PN Reeves 2002 (astro-ph/0211381)

Deep X-ray Imaging ● Deep Chandra and XMM observations: Gilli 2003 (astro-ph/0303115)

Deep X-ray Imaging ● Deep Chandra and XMM observations: Gilli 2003 (astro-ph/0303115)

Source Counts: Log N – log S Gilli 2003(astro-ph/0303115)

Source Counts: Log N – log S Gilli 2003(astro-ph/0303115)

Extragalactic X-ray Background 0. 2 -400 ke. V Gilli 2003(astro-ph/0303115) DATA Making XRB Compton

Extragalactic X-ray Background 0. 2 -400 ke. V Gilli 2003(astro-ph/0303115) DATA Making XRB Compton Thick Total Type 1 Thin Fabian 2003 (astro-ph/0304122)

Absorbing Column Density in CDFS Luminosity (2 -10) ke. V Redshift Gilli 2003

Absorbing Column Density in CDFS Luminosity (2 -10) ke. V Redshift Gilli 2003

NGC 6240 Beppo. SAX IRAS 09104+4109 Obscured AGN * Large number of obscured sources!

NGC 6240 Beppo. SAX IRAS 09104+4109 Obscured AGN * Large number of obscured sources! 3 C 294 A 18 * What is the evolution of obscured sources? * Why they have large absorbing columns? * What is their black hole mass distribtion? Are they less massive? Fabian (2003, astroph/0304122)

AGN Activity ● ● Is the AGN always on? Or its activity is intermittent?

AGN Activity ● ● Is the AGN always on? Or its activity is intermittent? AGN in clusters => evidence for the past activity in forms of buoyant bubbles? Low Luminosity AGN M 87, Sgr. A*, ● IC 1459 Perseus A Fabian 2001

Galactic Center => was our Galaxy active in the past? Low Mass BH ~106

Galactic Center => was our Galaxy active in the past? Low Mass BH ~106 Mo Baganoff 2003

Summary ● AGN models ● X-ray Jets ● Absorption vs. Emission ● Source counts

Summary ● AGN models ● X-ray Jets ● Absorption vs. Emission ● Source counts and obscured AGN ● AGN activity