Act 3 Scene 1 summary Themes Love Rejection

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Act 3

Act 3

Scene 1 summary Themes: Love, Rejection, Inner Conflict • Viola, in disguise as Cesario,

Scene 1 summary Themes: Love, Rejection, Inner Conflict • Viola, in disguise as Cesario, returns to Lady Olivia’s house to give her another message of love from Orsino. Viola meets Feste, the clown and they joke and make puns, which have underlying meaning- “This fellow is wise enough to play the fool, / And to do that well, craves a kind of with. ” Theme of deception- Feste is playing a character too. Oxymoron plays into theme of chaos created by the festival of twelfth night- solidifies Feste as the spirit of 12 th night? • Sir Toby and Sir Andrew arrive in the garden and, meeting Cesario for the first time. • Olivia greets Cesario with Maria. She sends everyone and listens to what Cesario has to say. Olivia begs him not to give her any more love messages from Orsino. She lets Cesario know how deeply in love with him she is- her grief is replaced with infatuation. Shift shows Olivia’s passion has conquered her dignity and sense of order. • Cesario tells Olivia he can that he cannot love her. —“I have one heart, one bosom, and one truth, / And that no woman has, nor never none / Shall mistress be of it save I alone. ” vague language due to her needing to keep up her disguise. Reliance on abstract terms (“one heart, ” “one truth”) reflects the emotional distance that she maintains from Olivia. • Olivia accepts this rejection, but later realises that she cannot so easily get rid of it. , Olivia calls for him to come back again when he leaves, suggesting desperately that maybe Cesario can convince her to love Orsino after all. Motif of duality and inner conflict in both Olivia and Viola.

Scene 2 Themes: Love, Jealousy, Masculinity, Deception • Sir Andrew tells Sir Toby that

Scene 2 Themes: Love, Jealousy, Masculinity, Deception • Sir Andrew tells Sir Toby that he has decided to leave. He says that he has seen Olivia flirting with Cesario in the orchard and realise last that Olivia is not likely to marry him. But Sir Toby tells Sir Andrew that he ought to stay and show off his manliness for her. Fabian helps Sir Toby in his persuasion, assuring Sir Andrew that Olivia might be testing him and trying to make him jealous. Sir Andrew agrees, and Sir Toby encourages him to challenge Cesario to a duel, in order to prove his love for Olivia. Is Sir Andrew the Lord of misrule? Manipulating for his own entertainment plays into thematic context of 12 th night as an event. • Maria comes in and reports that Malvolio has been doing everything that the letter has asked him to do. He is wearing yellow stockings and crossed garters etc. Sir Toby and Fabian eagerly follow Maria to see what is going on.

Scene 3 Themes: Crime, Love • Elsewhere, Sebastian and Antonio have at last arrived

Scene 3 Themes: Crime, Love • Elsewhere, Sebastian and Antonio have at last arrived at their in Illyria, Antonio is not safe in Illyria: Antonio was involved in a sea fight against Orsino but Antonio’s love for Sebastian has caused him to defy the danger and come with Sebastian to Illyria. • Sebastian and Antonio decide that Antonio will find lodging for the two of them at an inn, whilst Sebastian roams the streets, taking in the sights of the town. Antonio gives Sebastian his purse so that Sebastian can buy himself something if he spots a trinket he likes- “[Y]our store / I think is not for idle markets, sir, ”double meaning- Sebastian doesn’t have enough money to spend on trivial things. Words also suggest that Sebastian is too good to spend time with just anyone and deserves the best. They agree to meet again in an hour at the inn. Words like “jealousy” and “desire”—strongly suggest an erotic attraction to Sebastian.

Themes: Love, Deception Scene 4 • Olivia sends a servant after Cesario to persuade

Themes: Love, Deception Scene 4 • Olivia sends a servant after Cesario to persuade him to return and tries to figure out how to woo him. She has a sudden melancholy, and sends for Malvolio for counsel. • Malvolio appears behaving strangely, seemingly mad etc, quoting phrases that Olivia does not recognize that are from the fake letter“Remember who commended thy yellow stockings. . . And wished to see thee cross-gartered. ” • With news of Cesario’s return, Oliva assigns Maria and Sir Toby to take care of Malvolio, and goes off to see Cesario. • Despite the events Malvolio remains convinced that he is correct and Olivia is in fact in love with him. However when Sir Toby and the perpetrators of the letter return, they pretend to believe Malvolio is possessed by the Devil. Following the letters advice he sneers at them and leaves. • The Three arrange to have Malvolio locked in a ‘dark room’, a frequent treatment for people thought to be possessed by the devil • Sir Andrew enters the scene with a letter challenging Cesario to a duel. Sir Toby privately decides he will not deliver the letter, but, instead will ‘walk back and forth’ between Sir Andrew and Cesario. He will tell each that the other is fearsome and ‘out for the other’s blood’. He believes that to be a funny duel. • Cesario leaves and is given a locket by Olivia to show her love and bids he returns the next day. Sir Toby delivers the duel challenge to Cesario which he declines but Toby tells Sir Andrew the exact opposite, that Cesario is a ‘tremendous swordsman, anxious for a fight. When the two cross paths, Toby tells them the other has agreed not to draw blood in a fight, the two reluctantly draw swords. • Antonio bursts on to the scene, mistaking Cesario for Sebastian and demands to fight sir Andrew instead. A number of Illyrian officers arrive and arrest Antonio( a wanted man in Illyria). Antonio request his purse back from Cesario who he believes is Sebastian so he can pay his bail. Viola who has no idea who Antonio is declines. Antonio feels heartbroken and betrayed as he feels Sebastian has betrayed him. The officers, thinking Antonio is insane, take him away. Viola has a glimmer of hope restored through the mention of her brothers name believing he might be alive.