Act 3 Romeo and Juliet Themes Love and

- Slides: 36

Act 3: Romeo and Juliet Themes: Love and Consequences Create an ACT III section in your notebook. Create these tabs: -DARTS --VOCABULARY --CLOSE READING

ACT III: DARTS I CAN: 1. Analyze asides, soliloquys, and monologues in dramatic speech. 2. Identify allusions in dramatic speech.

Write and Answer the following questions in AT LEAST TWO SENTENCES: ACT III: INTRO (Close Reading) How would you inform your family of your marriage? Would you inform them immediately of your marriage? Before performing the ceremony of marriage, the Friar warns, “The violent delights have violent ends…” How might this statement hint at events that will occur in Act III?

Act III INTRO Activity Okay, you should now have the intro questions written and answered in your notebook. You are going to HAND UP-PAIR UP this morning to share those. You will do this three times. The first pair up, you will share question 1. Shake hands and praise your partner and then move on to pair up 2. Share question 2…REPEAT the Praise. Then, find the third person to share question 3. Don’t forget to praise your partner for their answers. Sometimes sharing is hard!!!!

Write and define the following words for Act III. ACT III: VOCABULARY Eloquence Exile Fickle Fray Gallant Martial Soliloquy Monologue Aside Allusion

Act III: Scene 1 Questions 1. Look back at Benvolio’s appearance in Act I, Scene i, and compare it to his appearance here. What role does he seem to be playing throughout the play? 2. What is Romeo’s response to Tybalt’s goading? Explain his meaning. 3. Why does Mercutio become involved in the altercation? What irony is present in his fate? 4. What dramatic function does Mercutio’s death serve? 5. This serious Scene includes a pun by Mercutio about death. Quote and explain this pun. How is this response to his wound characteristic of Mercutio? 6. Characterize Romeo in this Scene. Is he realistic in his hope that his relationship with Juliet will put an end to the enmity between the two families? 7. As Benvolio leads him away, Romeo cries out, “O, I am fortune’s fool. ” To what extent is Romeo a pawn of fate? To what extent is he responsible for the events that are so swiftly unfolding?

Copy and answer the VOCABULARY PRACTICE #1 following question in your VOCABULARY section for ACT III. Use the vocabulary words you defined to help you write an answer. Would you describe the people participating on both sides of a fray as hostile or friendly? Justify in 2 sentences.

Act 3 Scene 1 Summary • Mercutio and Benvolio meet Tybalt, who is looking for Romeo. • Tybalt insults Romeo. When he does not respond, Mercutio angrily challenges Tybalt himself. • Mercutio and Tybalt fight. Mercutio is fatally wounded. • Feeling ashamed that Mercutio has died on his behalf, Romeo fights with Tybalt and kills him. • As punishment, the prince exiles Romeo from Verona.

‘Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man. ’ (Act III: l. 94 -95)

Find a quote from Act III: 1 that fits this picture. Cite the page Number and line number.

Find a quote from Act III: 1 that fits this picture. Cite the page Number and line number.

Character Question (Parking Lot) What do we learn about the character of Romeo from this scene? Use evidence from the scene to support your answer.

How will Juliet react to this news? Discuss your answer with your shoulder partner.

Make your own poster to show the people of Verona that Romeo has been banished.

25 August 1528 Since 1412 Ruthless Romeo on the Run Residents living in Verona were shocked following the death of two young men on Sunday morning. It is believed the deaths are linked to the on-going Capulet and Montague feud. Authorities say that Romeo Montague is now on the run after being banished by Prince Escalus. The fighting broke out in the square just after 11 am. A witness said that a man named Mercutio was killed by Tybalt Capulet after a fencing battle went wrong. This led Romeo Montague to lose his temper and ruthlessly kill Tybalt Capulet in a ferocious rage. One onlooker described how the killer ‘looked like a wild animal, determined to get revenge’. Officers were quickly on the scene and Prince Escalus banished Romeo Montague for his role in the violence. Read more on page 5.

Act III: Scene 2 -4 Questions 1. Juliet has mixed emotions concerning Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s part in it, but what bothers her most? 2. When the Friar protests that banishment is a merciful sentence, what is Romeo’s response? 3. Romeo wonders in “what vile part of this anatomy/Doth my name lodge? ” (lines 106 107). What thematic concept does the play continue to explore with this question (HINT: We discussed this in ACT II)? Explain your response. 4. When the Nurse arrives bearing news of Juliet’s grief, what does Romeo attempt? How is this gesture characteristic of him? 5. How does Scene III define masculinity? 6. What is occurring, ironically, while the unsuspecting Capulets plan Juliet’s marriage to Paris? 7. What does Scene IV reveal about Lord Capulet’s personality?

Copy and answer the following questions in your VOCABULARY section for ACT III. Use the vocabulary words you defined to help you write an answer. VOCABULARY PRACTICE #2 Can a romance in which one or both partners are fickle be described as stable and happy? Would the sound of martial music evoke war or peace? Justify in 2 sentences. If you call someone gallant, is that a compliment or an insult? Justify in 2 sentences.

Act 3 Scene 2 Summary • Juliet is longing for night and Romeo’s arrival, when the nurse enters, grieving at Tybalt’s death. • When Juliet realizes that Romeo killed Tybalt, her feelings are at first confused. Then it sinks in that Romeo is banished and she becomes desperate. • The nurse offers comfort, promising to bring Romeo to Juliet that night.

Juliet's soliloquy has erotic elements, some readers found the speech embarrassingly sexual (some productions cut the speech) Which lines and words do you think they thought embarrassing? Remember, the lines are spoken by a thirteen-yearold girl.

What is ANTITHESIS? • ‘beautiful tyrant’ + ‘honorable villain’ • Oxymoron – two words that contradict each other placed beside each other, for example ‘deafening silence’ • • • Bitter Sweet Act naturally Sweet Agony Awful Nice Growing smaller Antithesis? ANTITHESIS is where the ‘opposites’ are not immediately joined e. g. ‘O serpent heart, hid with a flow’ring face!

Juliet suddenly finds herself married to a man who has killed her cousin, a man who has been banished from Verona r book co Was ever ound? b y l r i a f o S matte e l i v h c u s ntaining g fa n i r e w o l ith a f w d i h , t nt hear e p r e s O ce!

Act 3 Scene 3 Summary • Romeo is desperate when he hears that he has been banished from Verona, and the Friar cannot comfort him. • The Nurse arrives. Fearing that Juliet must now hate him and imagining her grief, Romeo threatens to kill himself, but is prevented by the Friar and the Nurse. • The Friar instructs Romeo to leave for Mantua by dawn at the latest, after he has spent the night with Juliet.

Given that Romeo expected the death sentence (line 9), why does he react so badly to the news that he is to be banished? How sympathetic are you to his reactions here?

Friar Lawrence plays an important role in this scene? What are the main points he makes in his speech to Romeo? What is his other contribution in the play to date? What kind of character is Friar Lawrence? What do you know about him to date?

. … y r a i d r Dea entry that er y t r f a a i d e t ro ea t w i r e c W d • en n r e w p a s L Friar has left to t. o Rome ht with Julie the nig ry a i d t a ts th o l r e n i b a nt em o c m e d l R s. u n • o o i h t s o s entrie ings and em w o h l w e ho s of fe o t t es ’s b o r e u m o • Try y els about Ro mess he he fe or and the i v in. a h d e e b v l o v n i … s w a o e n d i s i e m o s n a l p s t • Le

Act 3 Scene 4 Summary • Capulet arranges with Paris that his wedding to Juliet will take place in a few days’ time. • He sends Lady Capulet to inform Juliet.

Why has Capulet suddenly changed his mind and decided that Juliet must marry Paris? --discuss in Pairs--

Act 3 Scene 5 Summary • Having spent the night with Juliet, Romeo leaves for Mantua. • Lady Capulet tells Juliet that she is to marry Paris, but she refuses. • Capulet is furious with Juliet for her disobedience and threatens her. • The Nurse advises Juliet to marry Paris. Juliet pretends to accept her advice, but privately plans to seek help from the Friar.

Performance Question Juliet O think’st thou we shall ever meet again? Romeo I doubt it not, and all these woes shall serve For sweet diskourses in our times to come. Juliet O God, I have an ill-divining soul! Methinks I see thee now, thou art so low, As one dead in the bottom of a tomb. Either my eye sight fails, or thou look’st pale. Romeo And trust me, love, in my eye so do you: Dry sorrow drinks our blood. Adieu, adieu!

Lady Capulet tells Juliet that she is to marry Paris, but she refuses.

Lord Capulet asserts his control over Juliet. This is a contrast to his earlier comments!

The Nurse and her big mouth! In pairs, write a short dialog of a conversation between the nurse and two of her friends who want to know what happened in the Capulet house that day.

. … y r a i d r Dea entry that thte le ry u a i p d a a C r e • Writ e wrote afte Nurs dy Capulet and La ned Juliet. o d n a b a ry a i d t a ts th o l r e n i b a nt em o c m e d l R s. u n • o o i h t s o s entrie ings and em r e h l w e ho s of fe o t r t e s h e b d r n ou , a t y e i y l r u T J • s r s o f e s m g e feelin s about th. n i d e e i worr ow involv n … t s i s r i e f h s as e d i e om s n a l • P

Soundbites are very short clips of what someone has said, broadcast on television or radio. Make up soundbites for each scene. Remember they should be concise and attention grabbing, rather like headlines.