Absolute Monarch Absolute monarchs are kings or queens
Absolute Monarch
Absolute monarchs are kings or queens who believe that all power within their boundaries rest in their hands. Their goal is to control every aspect of society. They believe in divine right, meaning they act as God’s representative on earth and answer only to God, not their subjects or the church. Medieval kings could get into serious trouble if they did not have the required qualities of a king. King John of England lacked such qualities. In the thirteenth century (1215) many lords forced this unpopular king to give up some power.
�King John caused some serious problems during his reign and agreed to something never done before.
PROBLEM 1 �King John quarrels with the Pope �The Pope bans all church services �The English people fear that they will all go to HELL �King John is blamed
PROBLEM 2 �John went to war twice against the French king �His army was badly beaten �He lost almost all the land that his father had gained in France
PROBLEM 3 �John raised taxes to pay for the wars �These taxes were much higher than previous kings �This upset his Barons/Lords
THE LORDS STRIKE BACK �Rebellion �In 1215 the lords forced King John to sign the Magna Carta, Latin meaning “Great Charter. ”
THE MAGNA CARTA I, King John, accept that I have to govern according to the law. So, I agree: 1. Not imprison nobles without trial (due process of law) 2. That trials must be in courts; not held in secret by me 3. To have fair taxation for the nobles 4. To let freemen travel wherever they like 5. Not to interfere in church matters 6. Not to seize crops without paying for them. . . And a lot more. . .
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