Abbreviations • Teaspoon = tsp or t or Tsp Measuring spoons

• Tablespoon = Tbsp or T

Dry ingredients vs Liquids • Cup(s) = c Dry (ingredients) measuring cups and Liquid measuring cup

• Pint = pt

• Quart = qt

• Gallon = gal

Did you know? 16 oz = 1 lb • Ounce = oz I ounce cheese = 4 dice

Did you know? 8 fl oz = 1 cup • Fluid ounce = fl oz 1 fl oz of honey Liquid measuring cups measure fluids.

= 4 lbs sugar • Pound = lb or # 1 lb of butter or 4 sticks

All of these mean the same: • A pinch or dash = (no abbrev) less than 1/8 t • Speck = sp or spk • Few grains = fg A pinch, dash, speck or few grains is a very little bit!

• Square = sq

• Inch = in Where is 1/8 th of an INCH?

Time • Hour = hr • Minute = min

What food is measured with which measuring tools?

Equivalents • 1 teaspoon = 60 drops • 3 teaspoons = 1 Tablespoon 3 tsp = 1 Tbsp

• 16 ounces = 1 pound • 1 Cup = 1/2 pint or 8 fluid ounces

8 ounces = 1 cup

• 2 cups = 1 pint • 2 pints = 1 quart

• 4 cups = 1 quart • 4 quarts = 1 gallon

• 8 quarts or 2 gallons = 1 peck 4 pecks = 1 bushel

Sticks of Butter, Margarine or Shortening Equivalents: • 1/2 stick = 1/4 cup • 1 stick = 1/2 cup • 2 sticks = 1 cup • 4 sticks = 2 c or 1 lb

How many? • • How many teaspoons in one tablespoon? 3 tsp = 1 Tbsp How many cups in one pint? 2 c = 1 pt How many pounds of butter are found in 2 cups? 1 lb of butter = 2 c How many T in one fl oz? 2 T = 1 fl oz

• How many T in 1/4 cup? • 4 T = 1/4 c • How many T and t in 1/3 cup? • 5 1/3 T or 5 T + 1 t = 1/3 c • How many T in 1/2 cup? • 8 T = 1/2 c • How many T in one cup? • 16 T = 1 c

• • • How many cups to a pint? 2 c = 1 pt How many pints to a quart? 2 pt = 1 qt How many qt to a gal? 4 qt = 1 gal How many cups in a gal? 16 c = 1 gal How many fluid ounces in a cup? 8 oz = 1 cup

Making Cooking A Bit Easier: • 2 Tbsp of fat = 1 oz • 1 lb of butter = 2 c or 4 sticks • 1 c buttermilk = 1 c sweet milk + 1 T lemon juice or vinegar (to sour) • 1 c buttermilk = 2/3 c plain yogurt (to sour) + 1/3 c sweet milk • 2 c of granulated (white) sugar = 1 lb • 4 oz cheese = 1 c

Herbs: • 1 T fresh = 1 t dried • 1 clove garlic = 1/8 t garlic powder • 1 T dried onion = 1 small fresh onion • 1 T prepared mustard = 1 t dried mustard • 1/2 t Tabasco = 1/8 t red pepper flakes or dash of cayenne (red) pepper

To thicken a food dish. • 1 T cornstarch = 2 T flour

Flour Basics: • 4 c all purpose flour = 1 lb • 4 -1/2 c cake flour, sifted = 1 lb

Pasta, Rice, & Grains • 3 c uncooked egg noodles = 3 -1/2 c cooked noodles • 1 c uncooked macaroni = 2 c cooked macaroni • 8 oz uncooked spaghetti = 4 c cooked spaghetti • • 1 c long grain rice = 3 to 3 -1/2 c cooked rice • 1 c instant rice = 2 c cooked rice • 1 c dry beans = 2 -1/4 c cooked beans • 1 c quick oats, dry = 1 -3/4 c cooked oatmeal

How do you TEST for Doneness? • Cakes? • 1. toothpick inserted in center is clean or a few crumbs stick • 2. cake pulls away from the pan

Pancakes? • The bubbles pop and it is ready to flip.

Yeast Bread dough? • The ripe test! • First rise ripe test: insert 2 fingers into dough and if they remain, punch the dough and it is ready for the 2 nd rise.

• Second rise ripe test: touch the side of the dough lightly with your fingertip. If the indentation remains, the loaf is ripe and ready for the oven.

Rice? • If cooked according to the package directions, rice will be soft, not crunchy and there is no water in the pan!

Spaghetti pasta? • If cooked according to the package directions, the pasta will be soft, not crunch or al dente. • In the culinary arts, the expression al dente refers to the degree of doneness of properly cooked pasta or “to the tooth. " When cooked al dente, pasta should be tender but still firm to the bite.

Baked potatoes, simmered potatoes? • Soft when inserted with a fork.

Baked bread? • Pound lightly, sounds hollow.

Baked (yeast) rolls? • color

Biscuits (quick breads)? • Color and bottom of biscuits will be brown.

Cookies? • Recipes will give a detailed description of the final product. • Example from a Sugar Cookie Recipe. . . bake in preheated about 15 minutes or until tops are slightly crackled and sides are set (do not let edges brown). Transfer cookies to wire racks and let cool. Makes about 60 cookies.

Directions: Using the back of the practice sheet, complete the following: • 1. Draw a stick of butter or margarine and label the front: 1 through 8 Tbsp, 1/4 cup and 1/2 cup. • 2. Draw 3 tsp equaling 1 Tbsp. • 3. Draw a liquid measuring cup (spout) and label 1/2 cup, 1 cup and 8 fl oz. • 4. Draw a scale and record the words: to measure ounces and pounds. • 4. Complete the front of the worksheet.
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