AAE 556 Aeroelasticity Lecture 7 Control effectiveness 2

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AAE 556 Aeroelasticity Lecture 7 – Control effectiveness (2) Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -1

AAE 556 Aeroelasticity Lecture 7 – Control effectiveness (2) Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -1

Homework for next Friday? i Five problems handed out in class and posted on-line

Homework for next Friday? i Five problems handed out in class and posted on-line i Watch for updates Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -2

The ability of an aileron or elevator to produce a change in lift, pitching

The ability of an aileron or elevator to produce a change in lift, pitching moment or rolling moment is changed by aeroelastic interaction Review from last lecture aileron deflection Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -3

The aeroelastic lift due to control deflection Compare answer to the lift computed ignoring

The aeroelastic lift due to control deflection Compare answer to the lift computed ignoring aeroelastic interaction Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -4

Solve for the q to create a reversal condition or Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -5

Solve for the q to create a reversal condition or Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -5

The aileron deflection required to generate a fixed increases as q increases Aileron deflection

The aileron deflection required to generate a fixed increases as q increases Aileron deflection increases as q approaches reversal The required control input is … Is aileron reversal an instability? Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -6

Lift effectiveness (aileron effectiveness) expression when q. D is less than q. R <1

Lift effectiveness (aileron effectiveness) expression when q. D is less than q. R <1 Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -7

Aileron effectiveness when R>1 Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -8

Aileron effectiveness when R>1 Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -8

Add upward wing motion, constant v, to simulate rolling motion - steady state motion

Add upward wing motion, constant v, to simulate rolling motion - steady state motion means L=0 No initial angle of attack v is an unknown, the airfoil will accelerate until it reaches steadystate Is this reversal? Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -9

Write moment equilibrium equation for this moving 1 DOF system Lift (L) doesn’t appear

Write moment equilibrium equation for this moving 1 DOF system Lift (L) doesn’t appear in this equation!!! Why? twist angle Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -10

Now, use this expression for q to solve for the terminal velocity, v When

Now, use this expression for q to solve for the terminal velocity, v When is v/V = 0? Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -11

Roll response in terms of reversal q Let’s plot this equation Purdue Aeroelasticity 7

Roll response in terms of reversal q Let’s plot this equation Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -12

An example plot of steady-state upward velocity aileron reversal Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -13

An example plot of steady-state upward velocity aileron reversal Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -13

Understanding what the aileron does Two different ways to compute pressure distribution resultants due

Understanding what the aileron does Two different ways to compute pressure distribution resultants due to aileron deflection Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -14

Force equivalence the same moment at the AC with 2 different models + Solve

Force equivalence the same moment at the AC with 2 different models + Solve for the distance d to find the CP distance from the AC A lift force at d produces the same result at the AC as a lift force and moment at the AC =d e Purdue Aeroelasticity Ld d 0 7 -15

mid-chord small aileron big aileron Distance aft of 1/4 chord Resultant lift position AC

mid-chord small aileron big aileron Distance aft of 1/4 chord Resultant lift position AC Aileron flap to chord ratio, E Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -16

Reversal in terms of divergence parameters Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -17

Reversal in terms of divergence parameters Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -17

Summary aileron deflection creates. . . (a shift in zero lift line due to

Summary aileron deflection creates. . . (a shift in zero lift line due to "camber" created by control surface deflection) i twisting downward if lift vector due control deflection is behind section shear center i downward Purdue Aeroelasticity 7 -18