A Birthday Basket for Tia Second Grade Reading
A Birthday Basket for Tia Second Grade Reading Unit 6 Story 3
Vocabulary Words lpresent lfavorite launt lpiñata lbasket lninetieth lcollects ltia lbank
present l. Something that someone gives you or that you give someone.
aunt l. Your father’s or you mother’s sister; your uncle’s wife.
baskets l. Somethings in. to carry or store
collects l. To brings things together or to gather things.
bank l. A place where people keep their money.
favorite l. The one thing you like better than all the others.
piñata l. A decorated shape filled with candy, fruit, and small toys and hung at a holiday time in Mexico and other Latin American countries. Blindfolded children swing sticks in order to break to get what is inside.
ninetieth l. Next after the 85 th 89. 86 87 88 89
tia l. The Spanish word for aunt.
Amazing Words lcelebration linspect lcustom langle ltradition lbrilliant lcreate lsnapshot
celebration l. A party or other activity in which people might eat, play music, and have a good time together to show happiness about a special day or when something good happens.
custom l. Something that people always do or have done for a long time.
tradition l. A custom or belief that is handed down from generation to generation.
create l. To make something that hasn’t been made before.
inspect l. To look at something very carefully.
angle l. The way from which you look at something and see it.
brilliant l. Very bright and sparkling.
snapshot l. A simple picture taken with a camera.
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